Gary Payton Tribute Account

Discord ID: 180664756665974784

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Itd be cut


Maryland, where Kavanaugh lived, raised in the drinking age in 1982

When Kavanaugh was still 17

anyways the underage drinking doesn't bother me

Most high schoolers have drank underage at some point.. maybe not as much as Kavanaugh

Ford's "yearbook" includes quotes like "As Father Powderly told us, reason and control are the first functions to go after the consumption of liquid ether."

that seems pretty fake

It's on a page of the year book describing all they partying they were doing

Do you think a top Jesuit prep school is going to allow their yearbook to print stories about their students recreationally using dangerous drugs

because that was the context

year book is fake af

not in jesuit prep school yearbooks

Georgetown prep was highly regarded, and still is

elite school

Because there's lots of sources reporting Kavanaugh's verified year book

And only a few right wing propoganda sites are covering this fake yearbook

No major news outlets, not even Fox have any coverage of her yearbook

yea you could be right

maybe it is a real yearbook but not verified

A few other sites have the same yearbook photos

2018-09-30 13:39:11 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

many people are ok with not knowing

2018-09-30 13:39:19 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

I've got no idea

2018-09-30 13:39:33 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

there could be a god of some kind

2018-09-30 13:39:46 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

Or maybe we all originated from the big bang

2018-09-30 13:39:56 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

Or maybe we are living in a simulation

2018-09-30 13:40:05 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

or maybe something completely different

@Jes UK banned knives too lol

UK government wants to ban all weaponry, and soon the only people who will be armed will the criminals

@Jes yes it's happened in a lot of other countries

Tbh UK is great in a lot of ways

Yea the wealth divide is horrible there

UK middle class is dying


not enough high paying jobs

I didn't know that your middle class is doing well

yea I liked the idea of brexit a lot

hopefully y'all don't start a trade with the EU

But some higher tariffs will encourage more jobs in UK at the same time

Brexit is least advantagous to the wealthy and large mega corps

so there's some more equality

dae support an abortion tax credit

let the govt subsidize abortions to slow down the over population problem

tactical knife

wakanda forever


Just remember, you are gay


call Comcast and threaten to report them to Ajit Pai

so are you like a furry?


you know what

I'm half gay

half trans

And half polyamorous

you are not human

2018-10-07 19:08:31 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

My IQ is 250

2018-10-07 19:08:42 UTC [Subverse #debate]  

oh NVM thats my weight

you're dumb if you don't think Trump hates the NFL

Trump hates the NFL and wants to bankrupt it

because the NFL bankrupted Trump's XFL

Trump and Pence want to ruin NFL, duh


the sad thing is, China, Russia, and other countries are doing the same type of spying

It's become the new normal

Cris Cyborg and Gabi Garcia would be fine, fine firefighters

also women are immune from the Gay Bomb

women have not been able to break through the glass ceiling, however men have not been able to break through the pregnancy hymen. Men cannot give birth

thats a loophole boys, they aren't biological men

men don't have the hips to give birth

many men will die during child labor

Black lives matter has some legimate grievances with police, but BLM literally picks the worst people to defend

Ban ALL speech

Mimes only

I'm a veteran

Of many meme warz

Jasse lol

ur a Holocaust denier... But u believe this one guy's crazy rambling YouTube video about the CIA

I think that's the definition of "confirmation bias"

yes, you ignore reason and logic

No far from it

Ofc, and a lot of what he is saying is correct

However some of his statements are wildly speculatory and his facts are delivered with a political slant

But yes he is probably red pilling a lot of conspiracy noobs

so there's some merit to that

Check this out rofl

I just fapped to that


Yea he's the ring leader of better help scam basically

Phil's marketing company partnered with better help

yea tbh Earth is a cold bitch

Global warming is a myth

can't wait until Antarctica is like the tropics

yea the only way sun senpai will notice earth

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