Sarah Jessica Farter

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2018-07-29 13:19:00 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Have you seen the story about the dark skinned Indian guy who faked being black American to get into some Ivy League university? That was great.

2018-07-29 13:20:59 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Well that's black.

2018-07-29 13:22:39 UTC [Subverse #general]  

That guy above had to keep shaving his head the whole time ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-07-29 13:41:50 UTC [Subverse #general]  

To be fair he may have tried to fist bump her anus for all we know.

2018-07-29 13:43:58 UTC [Subverse #general]  

But seriously if that story is indeed how the article presents it he should sue the university for discrimination on the grounds of disability.

2018-07-29 13:45:16 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I've noticed actually that the disabled are waaaaay down in the progressive stack. They don't really have a lobby. There's no equivalent of feminism for disabled people.

2018-07-29 13:47:56 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Coffee shop feminists is a good way to put it. We call them the chattering classes or the chateratti. They live such sheltered and privileged lives that they have the time to sit around and moan about trivialities.

2018-07-29 13:49:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yeah that was posted above wacka. Crazy propaganda.

2018-07-29 13:50:05 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Dan V Exactly. That part of it infuriates me.

2018-07-29 13:51:41 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Personally I'm not against publicly-funded media as a concept but the BBC's current bias is completely rotten.

2018-07-29 13:53:32 UTC [Subverse #general]  

The problem is that a lot of people like the wildlife documentaries for example that BBC creates so its actually still quite popular even though its news section is now Buzzfeed on steroids.

2018-07-29 13:56:02 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@wacka ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ I saw that headline a day or two ago also! I didnt click on it though.

2018-07-29 13:58:41 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Its the likes of fucking Buzzfeed who've shaped the internet website model. They've turned it into a clickbait shitfest and the likes of BBC have felt they need to follow to compete. Also: racism sells. After sex, a racism story is the next most clicked. So web editors will publish as much racism-related shit as they can.

2018-07-29 13:59:20 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Sure, you're right @Deleted User

2018-07-29 14:00:29 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Tim's first interview on Rubin Report was great actually where he explained how these progressive websites created that early model of clickbait titles and cashing in on the ad revenue from the traffic.

2018-07-29 14:01:18 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Staphylococus or something

2018-07-29 14:01:25 UTC [Subverse #general]  

We know what you meant

2018-07-29 14:02:29 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Siamese spleens

2018-07-29 14:03:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Just do one take "lol no" and that'll do.

2018-07-29 14:05:47 UTC [Subverse #general]  

The argument "make a new character" if you want a different identity makes a lot of sense to me. Don't make Batman Batnon-binary of color. Make a new non-binary of color superhero.

2018-07-29 14:07:17 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I liked that Bollywood film where Hrithik Roshan was that superhero in a mask. It was really cheesy obviously but funny.

2018-07-29 14:08:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Scarlet Johansson keeps getting shit for all her roles. First not being Japanese then not being trans.

2018-07-29 14:09:14 UTC [Subverse #general]  

They put the cart before the horse. They prioritise the political statement then the story comes after.

2018-07-29 14:10:07 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Probably diverse enough regarding India's demographics.

2018-07-29 14:11:16 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Was he the one accused of sexual assault?

2018-07-29 14:12:52 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I don't really like the idea of "tactics" altogether. The idea that we have to be actively calculating to push our preferred ideas.

2018-07-29 14:14:13 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I recognise there's always a sort of tug of war going all the time in society to shape our culture but it'd be nicer if things were a bit more honest and out in the open, then discussed.

2018-07-29 14:15:04 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Too many activists demanding exactly what they want right this moment.

2018-07-29 14:19:32 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Well such radical change is anti-democratic and therefore a recipe for disaster. You need to keep making your argument until you've convinced a critical mass of the population, until you've achieved consensus. Only then, with society's consent, can effective and lasting change be made.

2018-07-29 14:21:00 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yeah they're much better at tearing down than they are at building anything up.

2018-07-29 14:22:23 UTC [Subverse #general]  

"Everything is sexist, racist, Islamophobic and oppressive".

- Ok, so what do we do?

"Tear it all down".

- Ok, then what?


2018-07-29 14:24:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

The Iranian revolution was began by communist students. It was then hijacked by Islamists and they've had a brutal theocracy for near 40 years now.

2018-07-29 14:25:25 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Ie. Be careful what you wish for. It's never the outcome the idealists dream of.

2018-07-30 04:50:54 UTC [Subverse #general]  

An Indian friend of mine (he's not at all SJW, he just did it it in this one topic) said to me that Apu's accent is really bad blah blah blah and said "how do you feel about Groundskeeper Willie and his accent?" expecting me to take his position.

Ehh, the problem is that there are people in Scotland who sound like Groundskeeper Willie. Not me, I'm from Edinburgh, but Willie's is an exaggerated Highland accent. Also his behaviour - alcoholic, violent, bad tempered, antisocial. All negative stereotypes about Scots and especially rural-dwelling Scots, but there's some truth in them. We are too violent here and we are too drunk as well.

So anyway, the whole anti-Apu crusade was nonsense.

2018-07-30 04:51:40 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yeah he's quite a good guy!

2018-07-30 04:54:22 UTC [Subverse #general]  


2018-07-30 04:56:39 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yeah I thought so, was just checking. I know who they are and I listen occasionally. I have a (female) friend who listens to them as she's a big Karen Straughan fan. My fav is Dr Randomercam although he's quiet on HBR.

2018-07-30 04:58:37 UTC [Subverse #general]  

My friend can't stand Allison which I find odd as I quite like Allison. She had Youtube comment argument wars with Alisson before, she'd send me links and these would go on for like 30 replies each! (My friend is stubborn ๐Ÿ˜„ ).

2018-07-30 05:00:35 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I like Hannah too. She seems very genuine. It's a good channel, I like them all really. I want to meet Brian and give him a hug, he's such a good-natured and likeable dude.

2018-07-30 05:03:20 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@GingaBomber I read a really good reaction to Hari Kondabolu's anti-Apu crusade from an Indian that was published on BBC website surprisingly. He made the point that Hari Kondabolu was just pissed off that it was a low economic class Indian who was being portrayed (Apu) and not some hotshot businessman Indian immigrant like his own father. So there was a snootiness to Kondabolu's complaint.

2018-07-30 05:05:03 UTC [Subverse #general]  

My fault, I brought him back up!

2018-07-30 05:09:52 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Keks would be the ethnic group @Scribblehatch you're right

2018-07-30 05:12:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

It's the doctrine of multiculturalism - viewing society as a collection of discreet cultures or "communities". The likes of France reject that view and instead take an assimilationist approach. Multiculturalism a very much an anglo thing so you see it too in USA/Can/Aus.

2018-07-30 05:13:32 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Maybe UK colonial policy helped further ingrain the communalism of India.

2018-07-30 05:14:51 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yeah you're right.

2018-07-30 05:16:52 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Btw when I say "multiculturalism", I'm not talking about multiethnicism or multiracialism but rather multiculturalism is an approach on how to order a multiethnic society.

If we take Brazil, its very much multiethnic and multiracial but its monocultural rather than multicultural.

2018-07-30 05:18:40 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Free Nagaland!


2018-07-30 06:35:08 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Deleted User Hi sorry I was away but that's really interesting, thanks for the info! ๐Ÿ‘

2018-07-30 08:10:47 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Metokur makes me laugh.

"I'm too cool for school and nothing in the world ever bothers me because I don't care about anything OMGLOL look at everyone else being so triggered ROFL".

Then the second anyone lets rip at the alt-right, a butthurt Metokur rides into the rescue and white knights them.

2018-07-31 04:43:07 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Dalia Mogahed went on Trevor Noah's show and advocated for Sharia. Amazing how utterly clueless the US left are on Islamism.

2018-07-31 04:46:49 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Ghofrane Haddaoui, a French-Tunisian woman, was stoned to death by her male relatives in Marseilles (France) in 2004. I get frustrated when US regressives lie to the wider US public that all is fine in western Europe and that it's just those darned racist Europeans imagining things.

2018-07-31 04:49:04 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I always read or hear online US regressives claiming "there's no such thing as Muslim no-go zones in Europe". Uhh, there is, there definitely is.

2018-07-31 04:53:35 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Germany has Marxloh in Duisburg which is a monoethnic Turkish enclave. It's extremely hostile to outsiders, extremely socially conservative and full of Grey Wolves (Turkish fascist group) members.

2018-07-31 04:54:51 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Molenbeek in Brussels, a Moroccan ghetto, has housed a remarkable number of terrorists who've carried out attacks on multiple continents.

2018-07-31 20:38:46 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Such utter horseshit comes from these guys...

2018-07-31 20:39:40 UTC [Subverse #general]  

They also deal so poorly with being criticised in return, which makes me laugh.

2018-07-31 20:41:11 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Pissing off feminists is my new primary motivation to not be fat.

2018-07-31 20:44:27 UTC [Subverse #general]  

What pisses me off most is that the "body positivity" movement was originally about trying to raise the self-esteem of disfigured or physically disabled people. But then feminists stole the term and made it about fat women.

2018-07-31 20:47:28 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I hope you do get that confirmed because then you can start treatment for your symptoms and you'll recover before you know it.

2018-07-31 20:50:44 UTC [Subverse #general]  

That happened to me. Bones fused at 14 due to a course of steroids I had to go on for inflammatory bowel disease. I'm 180cm though so happy enough at where I got to.

2018-07-31 20:52:33 UTC [Subverse #general]  

A reason all this talk of "privilege" really rankles with me is that really health and wealth are the only privileges. And this shit about skin colour or eating too many pizzas steals focus away from the real issues such as safeguarding our health or making sure people have roofs over their heads.

2018-07-31 20:53:57 UTC [Subverse #general]  

You mean how it valourizes victimhood? Or makes a virtue of victimhood?

2018-07-31 20:54:26 UTC [Subverse #general]  


2018-07-31 20:55:37 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Hmm, most of it is pseudo-suffering though, that was my point. Having black skin is not a problem. Having cancer is.

2018-07-31 20:56:04 UTC [Subverse #general]  

But I know what you mean though, it's the mentality it injects.

2018-07-31 20:56:36 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Ha! yeah, good way to put it!

2018-07-31 20:59:08 UTC [Subverse #general]  

The latest Sam Harris podcast is a discussion with Coleman Hughes, who's just a philosophy student but has some great thinking on race. He made that point on the podcast that actually many of the "oppressed groups" don't generally agree with the victim status being foisted upon them by the critical theorists/SJWs.

2018-07-31 20:59:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

When you poll blacks, many of them don't want affirmative action, for example.

2018-07-31 21:00:28 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yes, absolutely. Thomas Sowell calls these guys "the anointed", in that they seem to think they have a divine mandate to engineer society to their tastes.

2018-07-31 21:02:36 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Problem is it's graduates from these fields of academia who make up many of the journalists in our media. So they're creating the mass output which the public passively tunes into and it effects the broader culture. It shapes people's worldviews. Sounds silly to say but us here are the "woke" or "red-pilled" minority in that we're aware of this going on. Most people are oblivious to who controls the message they hear.

2018-07-31 21:03:40 UTC [Subverse #general]  

BBC News website is a case in point. I've witnessed it become increasingly colonised by the critical theory mob in recent years and now it's just pure propaganda output.

2018-07-31 21:04:25 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Sure. Few can do anything about it though. Jordan Peterson is a bit of a lone wolf on that front.

2018-07-31 21:07:44 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Gamergate was telling for me. It was a bunch of what we call SJWs, who had spent thousands of dollars worth of their own money on being indoctrinated into believing utter crap about the society around them, who were then meeting pushback on their preachings. These were people who had based their entire self-esteem on them being "intelligent" and they had their stupid fucking gender studies degree to prove that. So when wider society, outside their little academic bubble, start telling them their critical gender theory ideas are a load of crap, that cut them deep. They'd literally invested in those ideas.

2018-07-31 21:30:05 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Anyone got that Count Dankula as a woman image that Shiv posts? I need it for another server.

2018-07-31 21:32:04 UTC [Subverse #general]  

She'll be asleep. Middle of the night in India. โ˜น

2018-07-31 21:33:07 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yeah, please see if you still have it!

2018-07-31 21:33:35 UTC [Subverse #general]  

He was blonde

2018-07-31 21:35:48 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@RyeNorth Perfect, thanks!

2018-07-31 21:37:05 UTC [Subverse #general]  

That's not Dankula, is it?

2018-07-31 21:37:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Wow, he/she looks much better there.

2018-07-31 21:38:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

The first one that was posted looks really typical of many Scottish women. I was wanting it to show someone the problem of Brexit stopping the immigration of French, Italian and Spanish women here! ๐Ÿ˜

2018-07-31 22:13:48 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@KidKrakower Same. My thoughts too back when the Finnish result was reported on. And I dont speak Finnish so couldnt dig through their media for answers.

2018-07-31 22:16:14 UTC [Subverse #general]  

There's actually a leftist argument against UBI.

2018-07-31 22:18:13 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Tl;dr the leftist argument: "It's a market- based solution and markets are bad as they fluctuate. Also, the wealthy in society are all advocating for UBI so that's suspicious".

2018-07-31 22:20:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@JULZIFICATOR Is he wrong? I honestly don't know. He gave some examples in his video of wealthy pro-UBI advocates but I can't remember who they were. Charles Murray, the US conservative was one.

2018-07-31 22:22:11 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Zucc is not leftist. Leftist means anti-capitalist.

2018-07-31 22:22:24 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Well, it's a nebulous term, I suppose.

2018-07-31 22:23:11 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Sure. Centre left, left liberal, or whatever.

2018-07-31 22:24:20 UTC [Subverse #general]  

That's what I mean. Centre left is social democracy. "Welfare capitalism".

2018-07-31 22:25:02 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Just means higher tax rate and public spending but still within a capitalist economic system.

2018-07-31 22:26:00 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Centrism is a wide umbrella. I'd say its everything from social democracy to moderate conservatism. Again, these labels are all pretty subjective though.

2018-07-31 22:36:14 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Take what you're given.

2018-07-31 22:36:24 UTC [Subverse #general]  

We didnt get our own memes.

2018-07-31 22:37:22 UTC [Subverse #general]  

If you die with a boner, there's a little mound of dirt there.

2018-07-31 22:37:37 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Pitching a dirt tent.

2018-08-01 09:57:28 UTC [Subverse #general]  


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