Walter Johnson

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Millenials are major part of the Obama Coalition

Also Bernie's supporters were disportionately White Male Millenials (Bernie Bros)

But according to this poll the majority of them now support the GOP

Rightwing Populist in Europe parties tend to have a lot of young supporters

I don't see why this couldn't also become the case in the US with the GOP becoming more Populist

Isn't Blankenship a felon or something?

I looked it up

He was in charge of a mine that collapsed and killed 29 people

Seems like a pretty reasonable reason to block the guy

you know jackshit

doomposting is just a self-fulfilling prophecy

Isn't Iowa pretty red?

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ The GOP is gonna use the threat of Impeachment to get the Trump supporters to vote in November

Trump even mentioned that the democrats will impeach him if they win on Saturday

Also hopefully the democrats will also keep talking about wanting to repeal the 2nd amendment

That will also get them to turnout

Do you not care about the Muslim ban?


It seems that the Supreme court is likely rule in Trump's favor for the ban

They've been appointing New Judges like crazy though

Yeah definitely

But the Supreme Court is mostly Conservative

and that's waht matters

Kennedy's mostly liberal on abortion and LGBT

everything else his pretty conservative

Also Kennedy will hopefully retire soon

The House passes a lot of stuff its just DOA when it gets to the Senate

like Kate's law

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

apparently he's running for Trey Gowdy's seat

@zakattack04 Conor Lamb said that he would strictly oppose Single Payer

So i'm a bit skeptical of your argemnet that its "very popular"

The GOP did better than Trump in the 6th district

And affluent suburban districts like the 6th are the ones that the Democrats are trying to flip in the midterms

idaho is probably looking to expand Medicaid so the GOP is sorta going to left on Healthcare in some places

and 1998

@zakattack04 The democrats want to impeach Trump so its a similar situation

@zakattack04 Pelosi said that, but Tom Steyer is running Ads for impeachment, and other democrats are doing the same

He's literally the Democrats biggest Funder

He's VERY influential

The GOP base cares a lot more about Cultural issues than economic issues like Healthcare

Cultural issues like Guns and immigration

There's a reason why fiscal conservatives like Paul Ryan, Flake, and Corker are retiring

^^^That's the US electorate from two different studies

That and Western culture

@zakattack04 keep in mind that chart in <#401223003779760168> is from 2015-2016 so it's probably changed alot since then

The study that I got it from was published in June 2017 too

This is more current

and as you can see immigration is pretty important to Republicans

The healtcare reform was gonna cut medicare?

Support for Trump is more or less a litmus test in a lot of the primary races

I think feel your kinda exagerrating how much congress opposes him

The man problem is in the Senate

They passed kate's law and a bunch of other stuff in the house its just that it was DOA in the Senate

And most of the pro immigrant Congress members like Flake, Corker, and Ryan are retiring

John McCains gonna probably die this year too

What do you want me tell to you?

Our political institutions were designed around only having incremental change

I don't think he needs Congress to get a special investigation on Hilary lol

The main thing he needs Congress for is tougher immigration laws unfortunately

That Scott Dworkin guy is a literal con artists

He has a superpac and says stupid shit on twitter to get libtards to donate money

And a fourth of the pac money goes to political consulting firm he just happens to own

Casey Cagle is the guy who's likely be the GOP nominee

He was the guy who took away the Delta Tax exemption because they took away their discount to NRA members

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ Here's a more respectable source

ButtomMash: " I won't support Drumpf until he rounds up all the nonwhites and sends them to the Gas Chambers!!!"

I was joking, of course not

The DHS literally announced today they're going to deport 50k Hondurians

It would get stopped in the courts if he ended it now

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ Biden would have a good chance of winning but not Sanders

Sanders isn't that popular outside of Reddit

I will because their turnout rate is abysmal

WWC actually showup to vote though

Not to mention there was that recent Reuters poll that said that Demeocrats were losing support among white millenials

There was also the recent New Hampshire poll where Sanders only got 13% despite winning the primary by ~60% in 2016

The poll showed that Republics were getting more support though

from white millenials

ie Bernie's base

Yeah young white people

@rs SJWs hate the Bernie Bros

We'll win over younger voters with our Dank memes

How did that Patrick Little guy get on the Ballot?

Don't you need thousands of signatures and supporters to do that?

Seems kinda fishy

We don't really talk about anything Extreme here

mostly just mainstream partisan politics

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