Message from @StoneCold316

Discord ID: 756011836213690518

2020-09-17 04:31:05 UTC  

> Most states require "imminent threat of death or major bodily injury"
@Yussuki ₪
That's got lots of wiggle room for lawyers to argue, but it's precise and specific by US lawyer standards. That language comes from the nearly century old MPC (Model Penal Code lawyer trade group drafted criminal law standards adopted with minor variants in all US states), to distinguish 2nd degree assault (felony) from 3rd Degree Assault (higher level misdemeanor).

2020-09-17 04:31:24 UTC  

Gangs are very rare. Quite inexistent. In Germany and France yea ..but not many.

2020-09-17 04:31:55 UTC  

How do you establish the "major bodily injury"? is it according to the number of days in hospital?

2020-09-17 04:32:33 UTC  

This is how they are set in Europe.. formulation is a bit more clear here

2020-09-17 04:33:20 UTC  

Remember, assault is ability and intent; battery is physical contact, so zero injuries required. Answering such legal questions can turn complex fast, and not be possible to do in advance of specific cases, despite legal standards requiring that.

2020-09-17 04:34:34 UTC  

We only use "intent" here. Ability is non existent in law

2020-09-17 04:35:12 UTC  

And crimes involving physical contact are specifically mentioned one by one..

2020-09-17 04:35:48 UTC  

For example: "Hit that causes death"

2020-09-17 04:36:30 UTC  

"Brawl that leads to 1 person dead"

2020-09-17 04:36:40 UTC  

"Brawl that leads to more than 1 person dead"

2020-09-17 04:37:33 UTC  

If some dementia riddled old person states a threat and shows intent to carry it out, but is grossly lacking in ability to do so, or someone in another country or without a firearm at hand threatens to shoot you, I'd guess your courts do incorporate what in US law is the "ability" provision into whether "intent" seems credible?

2020-09-17 04:37:38 UTC  

"Robbery with violence"

2020-09-17 04:37:43 UTC  

"Robbery without violence"

2020-09-17 04:38:58 UTC  

Ah i see... Here, if a person with dementia intends to kill some1 but is unable to carry out and doesnt carry out, is not punished

2020-09-17 04:39:33 UTC  

His mental disease prevents him from being subject to a penal (criminal) trial

2020-09-17 04:39:44 UTC

2020-09-17 04:40:04 UTC  


2020-09-17 04:40:35 UTC  

Its racist !!!! because the white is encapsulated into a black square 😂

2020-09-17 04:41:02 UTC  

There isn’t an equal representation of black n white in that meme

2020-09-17 04:41:05 UTC  

It’s whitewashed

2020-09-17 04:41:07 UTC  

How dare you

2020-09-17 04:41:10 UTC  


2020-09-17 04:41:13 UTC  

only the black text has power

2020-09-17 04:41:37 UTC  

Redskins are underrepresentd..only a small heart.

2020-09-17 04:45:15 UTC  

Paradox: Romanians believe that in some some situations, rape can be justified (55% of romanians), yet, at a population of 21 milion ppl, there are 2.5 rapes / day.

2020-09-17 04:45:47 UTC  

Weird indeed 😂

2020-09-17 04:48:32 UTC  

Which is 579% less than in US / 1000 population

2020-09-17 04:56:56 UTC  

re: Roma people: nomadic gypsies and such.... criminals who should be eradicated or contained, or major human rights victims? (I see signs of both, and a major conflict in most Western style real estate laws and practices, with nomadic lifestyles, whether small clusters, or tribal nations that historically were likely to be hunters, and not industrial or farming based.)

2020-09-17 04:58:42 UTC  

Actually Roma population are 4 milion in Europe. IN whole europe, Out of which 2.75 milions live in ROmania

2020-09-17 04:59:31 UTC  

And Europe has 741 milion ppl

2020-09-17 05:00:30 UTC  

We integrated quite well in Romania. Yet some ppl dont like them because they are so noisy and pickpocket

2020-09-17 05:01:04 UTC  

They were victims yes 60 years ago.

2020-09-17 05:03:27 UTC  

Or include factions like in this country, the Irish Travelers, who are a nasty criminal scam group of staged auto accident and construction fraud crooks, who those who've dealt with them generally wish were exterminated as vermin. But others integrate into more normal social function.

How much of Roma peoples in your region still attempt nomadic lifestyles, versus more fixed home based ones more common the last century or more?

2020-09-17 05:04:28 UTC  

Very few gypsies live like nomads today.. I can occasionaly see a family driving a horse carriage.. they are very rare.

2020-09-17 05:04:58 UTC  

In Romania, there are more medieval villages with Romanians living there than nomad gypsy settlements..

2020-09-17 05:05:22 UTC  

With Medieval churches for 4-500 years or more

2020-09-17 05:05:40 UTC  

Is that driven more by economics of industrial society, or population increase making migrant practices difficult?

2020-09-17 05:06:12 UTC  

Hm Due to industrialization, yea. Population of romania is slightly decreasing

2020-09-17 05:06:34 UTC  

Since we joined the EU some of them left for wealthier countries

2020-09-17 05:06:42 UTC  

They come back and forth

2020-09-17 05:07:08 UTC  

Most of them profit from social benefits in Germany or France