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2018-12-12 07:48:09 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

but they are loyal to CHINA

2018-12-12 07:48:49 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

that is my point. I am against free-market/equal oportunity.

2018-12-12 07:49:02 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

but in truth, it doesn't exist. it never did, never will.

2018-12-12 07:50:13 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

free-market/equal opportunity will never exist. not in a million year, not anywhere in the universe. If you don't determine who your economic elites are, another nation will. and they will pretend to be your elites. but they are loyal to someone else.

2018-12-12 07:52:01 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

it has always being that way. if you don't create your elites, another nation will. its very cheap, nation-wise. 10 billions create an elite inside USA using another nations money. now you have a USA elite that is actually loyal to CHINA.

2018-12-12 07:52:41 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

we used to control who the elite was in the past, in the traditionalist systems of old.

2018-12-12 07:52:49 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

it was called nobility class.

2018-12-12 07:53:26 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

equal rights gives rights to foreign nations to create elites inside your own country, it gives the impression of becoming a rich country. but that money works for somebody else.

2018-12-12 07:54:43 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

if you don't determine who your nobles are, foreign nations will.

2018-12-12 07:55:05 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

it has always being that way, lol. it always will. problem is everyone is pretending it isn't.

2018-12-12 07:56:43 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

if I am a foreign nation trying to control USA by economic means, I wouldn't be open about it, instead I would want my "nobles" USA/insiders to say they are just hard-workers, etc. truth is, they had lots of foreign backing. (not just money, but cold-war methods aswell)

2018-12-12 07:57:52 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

"They control and influence the rest of the people to an extent." that is precisely why you don't want your elites to be "random/foreign choosen".

2018-12-12 08:00:38 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@An Elbow fair enough, but foreign doesn't have to mean just foreign nation, but any powerfull group who is not interested in the best of USA. feminism didn't rise out of nothing, it did because of powerfull group behind. same for any evil out there.

2018-12-12 08:01:18 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

that is why you don't want someone to ever become rich if he will be cave to evil.

2018-12-12 08:01:40 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

that is why evil groups/foreign nations will try their best to control/own elites.

2018-12-12 08:02:04 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

power doesn't corrupt, its used as bargaining cheap to corrupt. there is a difference.

2018-12-12 08:02:46 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

if you don't dictate someone's success, foreign nations will, always.

2018-12-12 08:05:21 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

determining your elite class is the same as determining your ruling class.

2018-12-12 08:06:52 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

so...you don't want your ruling class to come out as random, because other nations will definetly take part in the game. as for Templar analisys. its correct. but it doesn't have to do with right vs left. it has to do with a force that wants USA destroyed, and USA refusing to protect itself based on principles.

2018-12-12 08:07:49 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

the rich is communist because they have being choosen by a foreign force

2018-12-12 08:08:33 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

even if 100% of the rich were devils advocate, taxing them doesn't help. determining new elite is the only solution. accepting old school nobility system is the way.

2018-12-12 08:09:43 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@An Elbow because if we don't, we got enemies in charge.

2018-12-12 08:10:31 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

well, thats exactly where I agreed that individual liberties are a sabotage to the nation. its only good for poor people needs, not in the nobility level.

2018-12-12 08:10:53 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

this whole freedom ideology is a way of destroying us.

2018-12-12 08:11:20 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@Nikitis sanctions? I am talking about full scale removal of properties, lol

2018-12-12 08:12:03 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

poor people are loosing freedom, rich are traitors with all the freedom to destroy their host nation.

2018-12-12 08:12:35 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

freedom ideology just protect traitors, the more we preach and install it, the less freedom poor people have.

2018-12-12 08:12:51 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

when you remove from a traitor, its not called theft

2018-12-12 08:13:55 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

only because communism is bad for USA, and ruling class is servant to USA enemy, because USA didn't create its own ruling class (because of principles)

2018-12-12 08:16:19 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

my question is, if I am a nation called Diokun nation, and I have 10 billion to invest in USA, how would you stop me from secretly doing it trought black-market means?

2018-12-12 08:16:37 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

answer: you wouldn't

2018-12-12 08:17:08 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

so the only possible way would be to have old nobility systems, which gives rights only to the ones you chose to.

2018-12-12 08:20:25 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

ok, so answer me this: Google has clearly gone rogue. they do everything for china, but won't share technology with USA army, or even private companies. clearly they are deliberate traitors at this point. so, how would you solve this problem? would you allow those traitors to continue to own the money they made from USA business, while being traitors?

2018-12-12 08:21:54 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

I will not wait someone to shoot me in the head to start taking defensive measures...

2018-12-12 08:28:44 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@An Elbow are you writing an answer? lol, I am waiting based on the thing I see

2018-12-12 08:33:03 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

"They own government" only because government refuse to own them. it will always be this way.

2018-12-12 08:33:49 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

republic isn't eternal

2018-12-12 08:34:05 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

but certain truths are. if you don't own the money, the money owns you.

2018-12-12 08:35:34 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

btw, just to make clear, I am not a socialist, I am not for taxing the rich and giving it to the poor. just saying.

2018-12-12 08:38:25 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@An Elbow well, there are many ways to redistribute this among very few trustworthy people. but definetly not to the poor or the bulk of the people. the point is: you need concentrated wealth, because that is the engine of economies. you need very rich people. so basically you would have a few people you trust very much (their wisdom, honesty, etc). you would create some means of giving it to them. in the past you would just give. the point is, they are private owners, but they know where their loyalty lies.

2018-12-12 08:39:38 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

also: the trustworthy ones would have economic privileges that would guarantee nobody can compete with them in a large scale. much like amazon, uber, etc.

2018-12-12 08:42:26 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

problem is, when wealth is not centralized, you have too much competition amongs your own country. (think development of new technology, many companies researching the same thing.) when you have concentrated wealth, there is no such problems, and your entire nation is not wasteing money on reduntant research, aswell as investing even more money on an organized research.

2018-12-12 08:43:15 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

btw, I am not in favor of planned economy like the communists, or socialists either. I am not in favor of complete dictating the behavior of the elite, just guaranteeing they are loyal ones.

2018-12-12 08:44:12 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@Nikitis they want to convince us that amazon guy is rich because he is genius, but he gets so much tax breaks...

2018-12-12 08:44:38 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

tax breaks and incentives, and that is basically what I propose for our choosen elite.

2018-12-12 08:44:52 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

problem is: amazon guy isn't loyal to USA.

2018-12-12 08:45:42 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

Jeff Bezos, now I remembered ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-12-12 08:47:41 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

jeff bezos and all other rich people are china's lackeys. actors, actresses, politicians, educators, are jeff bezos and rich lackeys.

2018-12-12 08:49:33 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

take tony stark (the actor). he had some conservative views, but he repress and pretend to be full liberal otherwise he have no job. that is because rich people (non hollywood people) are in charge of hollywood. it cost 200M to make a movie. certain people have 200B.

2018-12-12 08:52:23 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

@Nikitis well, in the past, only the nobility could get rich. others wouldn't even have the right to trade in mass. that was a guarantee against treason. sure it wasn't perfect, but the theory was right.

2018-12-12 08:53:26 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

if you don't have money, you can't effectively be a traitor. (not a powerfull one), and since only ones who were raised where trusted ones, treason was less likely.

2018-12-12 08:54:07 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

now, as a Brazilian, if china offered me money to be a Brazilian tycoon, and pretend I care about brazil, I would accept it without blinking.

2018-12-12 08:55:20 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

exactly, money is influence, including political influence.

2018-12-12 08:55:32 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

if you "own" the elite, you own the political system aswell

2018-12-12 08:55:46 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

if china buys me and some others, they are effectively ruling brasil

2018-12-12 08:55:57 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

legally, while secretely

2018-12-12 08:57:18 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

perhaps... Idk because I have no such information, but that is the belief of many. btw, china is the creator of the method of cultural degeneration of nations.

2018-12-12 08:57:29 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

at least on the theoretical level.

2018-12-12 08:59:10 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  


2018-12-12 09:00:41 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

and since the US has a philosophical principle of spreading its legs as wide as it can, it is even easier.

2018-12-12 09:03:52 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

basically they can be the biggest capitalists, in favor of communism, because their mission is to destroy the USA, and communism will never really destroy them, because they are in charge.

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