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Thankfully I don’t have to worry about aborting because im an incel



brown hair brown eyes is where it’s at

There was this one girl I met in Ukraine


are Slavs a different race


Isn’t it crazy how all the miss universe winners have been from earth

Until the economy slows down/crashes

70s-90s mostly

Classic rock


Well I don’t particularly listen to any band but just the songs

I just have a playlist of all the songs I like

There’s a few modern ones too

I have a separate playlist for tower of power

Oh yeah smooth jazz is nice too

acoustic alchemy is pretty nice


Then you have issues

If you believe that

Any blanket statement is generally false on its own

Dude, giving lots of tax cuts to rich people does not grow the economy

The rich just get richer, and the poor and middle class get shafted

oh scary brown people

Trump isn’t really for or against anything

He’s just whatever he feels like on any given day

I don’t believe that he has a specific idealogy

You have it bass ackwards, the crash was caused by all the deregulation actually

What does that mean is what I’m asking

But anyways

I heard that a majority of the new cuts go to the top earners

Let me see if I can find the article

I can’t find the exact one

Is this the same tax cut we are talking about?

I’m looking at the 2017 one

That’s like, exactly different conclusion that Bloomberg had

I mean I read articles on it when it first was passed

But never looked in depth

I’m definitely for tax cuts for small business

However I don’t really trust large corporations

And I think a lot of people share that belief

But do you think they would use it for the benefit of workers?

I don’t have a definite idealogy yet, im still exploring ideas @Neco2040

I’ve been listening to a lot of Kyle Kulinski and Ben Shapiro

And some Rush Limbaugh

I’m a very poor debater @Kylo Ren and I don’t have much knowledge

I mean, I think sanders is better than most of the democrats

He actually believes what he says, even if you think he’s wrong

Mainstream democrats don’t give a rip about helping the people like Sanders

Agree or disagree with what he says, he’s actually for you.

So I think he’s better in that regard

as for what he does say, I’m not really convinced socialism works

Although I’m pretty sure he advocates for Nordic style socialism

Whatever you believe in, you better believe that we need some change at least

Our healthcare system sucks

Yeah i have a friend in Ukraine that says that socialized medicine is really slow

I really want to see Neco debate Strider

I think I agree more with Neco

Hmm, well I’m more familiar with the right

But the left makes more sense to me

It makes more sense to tax the mega rich to fund things to help people

And we need regulations

To keep bad people and corporations in check

How can we pay for universal?

I haven’t heard a good explanation on it

I know it’s cheaper than our current system but I don’t know how the government could take on the costs

What would the cost of fully privatized healthcare vs current system and single payer?

Would it be expensive for the consumer?

So much for the “tolerant” right

To be fair it’s mostly authoritarian wings of each party that gets violent

The electoral college really should be abolished

There’s no real reason to keep it

I think it should be up to the people at large

Well it was more relevant then

Neco isn’t a neoliberal I don’t think

They also had the tactics

And the familiarity


you lost me there

Yeah only two genders

Either you have a dick or a vagina

Don’t feed the trolls guys

Where is Neco?

Would anyone here vote for Bernie over other dems like Harris?

What if the companies charge tolls though for roads

since it wouldn’t be funded by taxes anymore

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