Discord ID: 697817809140318350

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@Lolly whites arenโ€™t the โ€œbestโ€ race

@timcurry nickerbottum Iโ€™m doing well

8! help

Ah cool

Yeah those protests were crazy

Well riots

Oh shit this server was popping


There we go

Trump no longer has my vote.

Not voting for him either

Iโ€™ll be working on going to my family country of origin


Iโ€™m leaving America

Heading home


I bet

Iโ€™m not white

Yeah the other brown people

Go for it

Iโ€™m learning Spanish @FirePepsi

DuoLingo. Some other Spanish apps

And my friend mostly Mexicans

Theyโ€™re helping me learn Spanish

My neighborhood has been very Viva La Raza as of late.


Whatโ€™s that

I have some โ€œAngloโ€ in me

Most of it is Hispanic.

Thankfully not Mexican.

No not Spain.

Panama and Puerto Rico

Is where most my blood comes from

The other is white.

And then black.

Nick is a Mexican.

Heโ€™s not a very brown Mexican.

But Mexican.

M e x I c a n

I call him a Mexican.

But if he wants to be white let him

Mexicoโ€™s a shithole anyways.

I hope they got conquered.

Obama was bi racial

@Bubs Trump wants more legal immigration

Soon all of Mexico will be coming to the USA

Have fun

Trump is a civ nat

Heโ€™s fine with most shit as long as itโ€™s legal.

@Bubs trump isnโ€™t this hard right figure.

Heโ€™s a former Dem

Civ nat.

Heโ€™s gonna want legal immigrants to work

And sustain the welfare state

He wants massive legal immigrants thatโ€™s what he ran on

He did run also on curbing illegal immigration

But not curbing immigration entirely

@Bubs you need workers to put in to the system

Donโ€™t have enough workers

No money to take out the system

Welfare isnโ€™t sustainable.

Thatโ€™s one reason Iโ€™m happy Panamรก doesnโ€™t have welfare.

Illegal immigrants avoid it

Panama also has tough immigration laws

Only 10% of a company workforce can be foreign

Let alone their punishment for illegals

Yeah it is

Most countries in the Americas are like that

No welfare.

And donโ€™t like illegals.

You only see welfare when a revolutionary gets in power and ushers in communism

But then they usually starve like Venezuela.

So thatโ€™s why you see Hispanics tend to stick together family wise

Grandparents move in with family

Because your kids are your welfare.

Western Europe

Why do you think refugees go there

@dn no it canโ€™t

@dn how can welfare be sustainable.

Without high birth rates you need massive immigration to sustain the welfare state.

@dn not a lobert.

Food stamps. Govt housing. Etc.

Social security.

Cut it all.

Youโ€™ll see less illegals

That and jobs is why they come here.

My neighbors what they do

They get on food stamps

And use it to send shit back to the DR

and they live better here on public assistance then they do in the DR

Win win for both.

@Bubs welfare isnโ€™t police or firemen.

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