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2020-05-21 20:39:11 UTC

Is this a honey pot

2020-05-22 00:07:47 UTC



where are you guys on the political compass

or on any of those tests

2020-05-28 22:41:52 UTC


2020-05-28 22:42:01 UTC

some of the tests are kinda ass

2020-05-28 22:42:43 UTC

but auth-centre or left normally

yeah i always get auth-centre

2020-05-29 00:11:03 UTC

nice B

2020-05-29 00:11:19 UTC

if your libertarian you are gay

2020-05-29 19:16:34 UTC

GG @Real Morgan โ€œMorgzโ€ Hudson ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 2 !

2020-06-01 04:45:50 UTC

i dislike libertarians, their goals are the same three, create a monopoly, abilility to sell or use drugs, or own as many illegal firearms (maybe missiles).

2020-06-06 03:23:32 UTC

i got some disturbing results on my 8 values so i came here

2020-06-06 03:23:36 UTC

am i really a fascist?

2020-06-06 03:23:48 UTC

i dont believe in a one party state

2020-06-06 03:23:53 UTC

or dictatorship

2020-06-06 03:24:07 UTC

i knew i was a little auth not 73%

2020-06-06 07:39:34 UTC

what do AF groypers think of monarchism?

2020-06-06 07:40:06 UTC


2020-06-06 07:40:09 UTC


2020-06-06 07:40:39 UTC

could you elaborate on why you think it is gross?

2020-06-06 07:41:20 UTC

Rule by a king or queen? Rather than Democracy. Thatโ€™s not cool the level of corruption would be insane

2020-06-06 07:43:17 UTC

Wouldn't it be the opposite? A monarch has the ability to be above politics. You can't really bribe a monarch, you don't have to worry about appealing to the populous, you can achieve long term goals instead of having your enemies undo your work every so many years.

2020-06-06 07:44:54 UTC

Democracy is flawed but itโ€™s the best we got. Maybe longer terms could aid the problems you see but we can have a coup every 4 years and not be hanged for it. Monarchism has more or less been vanquished from the world for good reason. Birth right to power is not my cup of tea

2020-06-06 07:46:17 UTC

And it sounds nice if the monarch is somebody you agree with but imagine a communist socially liberal transgender monarch that you canโ€™t vote out

2020-06-06 07:46:20 UTC

Not all monarchs have to be based on bloodline

2020-06-06 07:46:23 UTC

look at the papacy

2020-06-06 07:46:48 UTC

Is the pope not elected by the college of cardinals?

2020-06-06 07:47:04 UTC

Yes hence it not being based on bloodline

2020-06-06 07:47:34 UTC

The Pope sits on the throne of Peter is the monarch of the Vatican and the head of Christendom

2020-06-06 07:47:34 UTC

GG @Jojo, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !

2020-06-06 07:49:23 UTC

I think the leader of a nation needs to accurately represent the mindset of the people at the time which is why democracy is the best we have. Like I mentioned If thereโ€™s a transgender progressive socially liberal communist as the monarch you are stuck with them as long as they live instead of having the power to replace them

2020-06-06 07:49:56 UTC

Maybe removing term limits is a good solution

2020-06-06 07:51:35 UTC

And unchecked power never goes well

2020-06-06 07:51:46 UTC

The mindset of the people is heading towards all those things you describe.

2020-06-06 07:52:01 UTC

Because of immigration

2020-06-06 07:52:06 UTC

I don't think a monarch who is upholding a traditional hierarchy would be a communist

2020-06-06 07:52:21 UTC

But you couldnโ€™t possibly assure that

2020-06-06 07:52:26 UTC

Who decides the monarch?

2020-06-06 07:52:33 UTC

Thereโ€™s a lot wrong with that

2020-06-06 07:52:49 UTC

Are you advocating for a Monarchy in America?

2020-06-06 07:53:11 UTC

Well there are existing royal bloodlines and most of them are very traditional

2020-06-06 07:53:35 UTC

Monarchy in America would be a tricky situation because there are multiple monarchical traditions that we could draw from

2020-06-06 07:55:03 UTC

How can you even accept the idea of one all powerful king with no checks and balances. I mean that sounds sort of liberal to me, we have risen and become the greatest nation in the world in short of 300 years because of what o Ur founding fathers laid out for us and I think itโ€™s our jobs as Conservatives to preserve it

2020-06-06 07:55:19 UTC


2020-06-06 07:58:25 UTC

Can you define liberalism for me? My understanding of liberalism stands in contrast to monarchism. A real liberal would bring out the guillotine upon hearing a monarch has returned.

2020-06-06 07:58:59 UTC

Liberalism means radical change and I think thatโ€™s what monarchism is

2020-06-06 07:59:16 UTC

Are you conserving British ideals? Or American?

2020-06-06 07:59:40 UTC

How can you threaten the foundation of America and claim to be America First?

2020-06-06 08:02:46 UTC

If liberalism is radical change do you view Hitler as a liberal?

2020-06-06 08:03:32 UTC

We can take a modern standpoint and argue that liberal has certain connotations as itโ€™s own political ideology now but by definition any sort of revolution is liberal

2020-06-06 08:03:56 UTC

Thatโ€™s not necessarily a bad thing but Iโ€™m the case of America right now thatโ€™s exactly what the AF movement is about fighting

2020-06-06 08:04:27 UTC

So you support the American revolution I assume?

2020-06-06 08:04:36 UTC


2020-06-06 08:07:06 UTC

Iโ€™d love to talk to you about this tomorrow but I have to wake up in 3 hours so I should probably go to sleep

2020-06-06 08:07:09 UTC

Have a Gn

2020-06-06 08:07:17 UTC

have a good night

2020-06-06 08:14:11 UTC

is this the only groyper discord?

2020-06-06 08:21:16 UTC

I assume not

2020-06-06 08:21:17 UTC

GG @Jojo, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 2 !

2020-06-06 09:00:40 UTC

@Elegit nah it's not, but it's the biggest.

2020-06-06 09:08:12 UTC


2020-06-06 15:23:04 UTC

LMAOOO this country is a JOKE

2020-06-06 18:16:38 UTC


2020-06-06 19:20:43 UTC

Yo so when I see a white guy with a black girl I dont really get mad becuz most black girls ngl are ugly asf, I guess it's a shame for the white guy to be fucking up his gene pool like that but shame on him I'm kinda blasse about it.. WHEREAS when I see a black guy with a white girl, it reinforces how weak our white men have become & that girl knows it!!! that's why she seeks the BBC becuz shes feening for that masculine dominance that has been literally eradicated from white men, it's kinda sad. What do you guys think when you encounter these different interracial couples irl?

2020-06-06 19:23:55 UTC

No joke I go to my internet browser and this was the first suggested article to pop up - https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/woman-secretly-abused-boyfriend-before-22149758

2020-06-06 19:23:55 UTC

GG @zoomerking17๐Ÿ’Š, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 5 !

They bang black dudes becoz its a false love they need to enforce their sense of shame and inferiority to make them feel better for doing wrong and being wrong, and those black male are feminine, white people just afraid of women and its a social societal problem that has been purposely created by people in high positions of power and or jews ya know naacp, liberals and hwhite sjws

And women in power, radical lesbeeyanz

2020-06-06 20:15:25 UTC

yh that's kinda of an interesting take, what do you mean by their "false love"? can women not feel any emotional attraction to black man or is it all superficial in wanting to make themselves "feel better" and essentially big cope

Anyone has the copacity of love which came from God, yeah as men have a sense of false love when they jack off to hundreds of hardcore pornography videos, same with women they are attracted to the black males abusing them as a form of โ€œdisciplinโ€ its a perversion and yes a hwhite women could love any man or women and vice versa with any race however all women who are attracted to black males in that way hate black ppl and look down at them as inferior, but will pretend when theyre getting smashed around the black people are above them women can do this with any man becoz they are have different egos and desires as men

2020-06-06 20:23:27 UTC

But do you think just because something is sinful and unhealthy it should be illegal?

Ofc not

Free country

2020-06-06 20:23:59 UTC

Ok then I can absolutely agree with you


2020-06-06 20:24:15 UTC

But thereโ€™s some guy in here wanting porn to be a crime

2020-06-06 20:24:19 UTC

I was baffled

Yeah im not far from that view either

I agree with E micheal Jones

Porn is televised prostitution as we all know but have overlooked if anyone has partook in the spanking to a video ๐Ÿ˜†

2020-06-06 20:26:21 UTC

GG @Blat salad! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿฅ—, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !

2020-06-06 20:27:17 UTC

I cant watch porn, that shit jus depletes me and makes me feel weak

2020-06-06 20:27:24 UTC

Iโ€™m done with the protests. Nigga I live in Europe, why do I have to care about some nigga choking

Satan has you by the balls when addicted to porn

2020-06-06 20:28:32 UTC

Deffo it's very impulsive and erratic

Same and now I pray a lot

2020-06-06 20:29:13 UTC

I try to convince friends to stop but they always trynna justify it to me like, how tf can u justify being a cuck?

2020-06-06 20:29:19 UTC

But what is the solution? Just encourage people not to watch porn

2020-06-06 20:29:19 UTC

GG @Sam Kipling, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 4 !

Were far down the line from taking down porn

Unless serious societal change occurs

2020-06-06 20:30:40 UTC

Porn is jus one variable in what facilitates that

But yes I agree to have people discuss porn and overcome

2020-06-06 20:30:58 UTC

I mean I think churches need to be more diligent teaching the sin of masturbatipn but thatโ€™s all we can really do#

At least for now thats a great step

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