
Discord ID: 290724255056920577

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Hey @timcurry nickerbottum, good to be here

What's new with you?

Also, does anyone have any good book recommendations on paleoconservatism?

Has Fuentes discussed what he wants to do with the existing Latin American immigrants after the immigration ban?

It's fair to argue that the heart attack may have been induced by asphyxiation tho

Along with other factors

If the dude was on fentanyl regularly and happened to die the one time he was kneeled on I suspect it contributed

Do you think the officer should be reprimanded? Or put back on the force?

I've heard conflicting reports from different doctors on the cause of death

I'll check it out @Clair De Lune

Any fellow Irish groypers in the chat?

Anglo is of english descent

Are you talking about Spain?

One criticism I have about Nick's idea of tribalism is that he doesn't discuss the history of conflict within the white race itself

I think he is a quarter Mexican, 3 quarters italian

I'd call him white

Lol, obama was just as white as he was black but nobody called him white

I'm in Texas and I see a lot of illegal immigration happening. A couple of million here at least

Its unsustainable


Is he pushing for legislation or just saying it?

He blows a lot of hot air

How does pushing legal immigrants sustain the welfare state?

They tend to have lower education levels

Taking the jobs of unskilled workers

Americans have no incentive to work because immigrants are stagnating wages. Unemployment may supply more earnings than minimum wage positions

That sounds pretty based

Dont other Europian nations have welfare?

Or even Canada?

Welfare would include policing, firemen, and health care wouldnt it?

Idk if you are a catholic or not, but many Catholics are using scripture to justify the use of welfare in the country @_RCM_

Including the Pope

"It is vital that government leaders and financial leaders take heed and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work, education, and health care" -Pope Francis

That's why my family came here in the 1600s

Do illegal immigrants receive welfare benefits in the U.S?

I cant find anything that shows immigrants get welfare.

Illegal I mean


I know every dem ever says this, but hasn't America always been a melting pot though? Starting with northern England then Welsh, then Italians

But I mean isn't it true? There has never been a racial "control group" within our country

But Europeans hated each other. Look up Wales vs England

Why can the melting pot theory not extend to other racial groups or ethnicities?

It seems difficult to make a sound argument that immigration should be stopped entirely when America has been accepting different nations alities for centuries


There will be no such thing as race within a few centuries anyways, increased globalization will result in a surge of interracial children

Whites, blacks, hispanics, will all be diluted

@_RCM_ This argument is stupid to me. I'd rather be friends with a Hispanic trump supporter than a white antifa supporter

I think mindset and race are distinguishable

Idk if fuentes agrees

If immigrants say that they coming to America for "freedom", they are either misinformed or being disingenuous

USA has a history of purging controversial journalism and speech, going back to the alien and sedition acts. Free speech is not protected as they say it is.

Do you think the correlation between IQ and race is due to economic matters (access to education, welfare) or is it inherent to the people?

IQ isn't a fair measurement of the utility of the man in the workplace.

You can think of IQ as a reservoir. The larger the IQ, the larger the size. Knowledge is what fills the reservoir. Hence someone with a lower IQ but higher skillset may be more useful to the employer than the inverse.

The objective should be to optimize your amount of knowledge. Most people never realize their full potential.

That analogy was taken from a member of the Mensa Academy

What do you mean?

Their IQ is lower than expected?

When you say "success", I assume you are talking about financially

But success and contentment or happiness are very different. A lot of very intelligent women have difficulties finding a male partner, it's a big hindrance to them.

I dated a doctor and it was a miserable experience haha

You dont have to be an incel to see that almost all women are embracing feminism to the point of hurting marriages


I'm not opposed to feminism in the sense that women should have the opportunity to become CEOs and business leaders. I just think that they shouldn't want to.

Being a millionaire or genius woman is like being a 4 foot 7 man

The pool of partners is laughably small

I disagree. Many men dont mind having a woman less intelligent than themselves as long as they are loving mothers and contribute to the family.

In fact, women may prefer men who are smarter than themselves

In America, women outnumber men in academia. Most women dont want to "date down". This may have significant consequences in the area of marriage

When women become the primary breadwinners of the family, the divorce rate spikes to double that of when the man contributes the majority of income.

I do agree that many geniuses have a hard time accommodating themselves to the world.

It's like the world isn't made for them. It's probably extremely frustrating

It's like an NBA star driving a Prius

The trope of geniuses shutting themselves away from others is probably rooted in reality

Albert Einsteins harem of women comes to mind haha

We had to take IQ tests as a college prerequisite.

The outline of Lynn's book says that low GDP can cause low IQ as well as the other way around

So not entirely intrinsic. Wignats may be able to be saved

Flouride consumption may also lead to lower IQ in males exclusively.


Good morning, y'all. Let's have a great day bois ๐Ÿ’ช


@_RCM_ what happened in regards to the wife

I fear that Americans will not see the negative effect of mass immigration until it is irreversible

If it isn't already there

Groypers are a young group of people. As the movement grows, we may see Groypers in influential positions of power (law, education). Only then do we stand a chance.

We also need to dissociate ourselves from anyone condoning violence or establishing Europa

This is going to hurt our overall optics

And its retarded

@FitnessByHeatherHeyer there are a group of people that think that a "violent white uprising" is necessary and they are going to physically fight tooth and nail to preserve the white race. Suggesting any kind of violence just hurts our message and is kinda tactless imo.

I am not saying not to defend yourself on an individual basis. If someone breaks in your home, stand your ground. Etc.

I dont think it should be a whites vs. everyone else movement. I'm more likely to be friends with a black Trump supporter than a white ANTIFA cuck for example

Are you not doing the same by clustering whites together as a people? @FitnessByHeatherHeyer

How about the 5 out of 6 BLM supporters that are white? I'd dissociate myself from them much faster than Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, etc

Nick was a libertarian before he turned dissident right, but I dont see him as an opportunist but rather someone who learned from his previous fallacies

And even if you think Candace is an opportunist, she is helping to increase the amount of black Americans turning red.

True. But the reality is that most Black Americans are legal citizens and we have to figure out some kind of solution to the problem. Removing our own citizens from the country is not feasible or ethically acceptable

I bring that up because I've seen it suggested online.

What do you mean?

No, I haven't. You have a link?

I think all races tend to stand shoulder to shoulder with each other, including whites. There is probably a biological or evolutionary root to it

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