
Discord ID: 673652478155161612

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yeah I don't have any perms on here

pretty sure the tim guy is the owner

I've never joined one honestly

I have been watching nick for a while and generally he's pretty based however the groypers make me cringe

some his fans just don't get it

well its just funny to see some them spam "rape" etc. but have some call themselves "civic nationalists" lol

nope never heard of him

of course

yeah I'm probably further right than most groypers which obviously creates disagreement

but I was under the impression that nick had a somewhat ethnically-based worldview


typically on instagram the "america first" pages are just totally cucked

wow nice

did you enjoy it

yeah that sounds about right

I think ethnostates are ideal in an idealistic setting

because obviously they are essentially unachievable in today's setting

in the perfect world my views are pretty extreme but I'm willing to compromise due to the current climate

don't get me wrong though, I'm not like a pagan retard larper


the perfect world is rural, agrarian, underpopulated...

all the things humans have been living in forever

yeah something like that

I used to call myself ecofascist but people are naturally repulsed by that term

what about you then

yeah definitely

that sounds like a good idea

yeah I try to be

I fell out with christianity but I eventually came back

I definitely do believe there is something greater than the material realm we experience

I just can't tell if christianity is right

yeah thats good to hear


yeah same neocons are annoying lol

libertarians are definitely the worst to talk to though

yeah defo

2020-05-20 22:06:45 UTC [Nick Fuentes [Unofficial] #memes]  


alright I'm in the uk and its pretty late so I'm going offline

nice talking to you


yeah thanks bro

that femoid was definitely a fed

yo boys

some ppl in the movement are just retarded so

ethnic or civic nationalism

i wonder how many will accept the offer

really makes you think


no racism please ๐Ÿ˜ 

paleo-conservatism is just an optical term for an alternative to modern conservatism

>work with minorities

to implement a cultural shift in such a way is too much of a difficult task

it nearly implies a complete reshuffle of those in power


just dont vote

doesnt matter either way

oh nice

where are you going to


i bet its really nice there

with all of the brown people

all of the other brown people then

well im an anglo

so no



welfare can be sustainable

yes it can lol

youre just spouting some lolbert talking point, "welfare" describes a variety of policies

didnt say you were buddy



are you one of the "any welfare is socialism" types

i can tell

this individualism is just retarded

if the state has the means to help its people it is compelled to do so


not immigrants, though

your argument seems built on some arbitrary notion of "leeching"

because its better than their home nation

because its built by better people



this means nothing to me

okay hold on

wait hold on

they dont leave because their country is terrible, corrupt and crime-ridden, they leave because of welfare?

so they leave because of money, not because gangs run the streets

again this is simply arbitrary

either way, these people are incentivised to come to the us, or europe etc.


because the entirety of the landmass south of the usa is terrible

okay okay okay

i dont care

well they obviously do


even so, theyre coming to the nation and receiving the rewards of a civil society

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