Message from @bam
Discord ID: 363701138933153813
@realDonaldTrump one sec ill update ur roles
ok thank you
theres no way this is the real DJT
oh realy
think what you want
oh shit its the real donald trump
real or not, it's awesome either way
@realDonaldTrump How many scoops did you get?
yea it is pretty awesome
either an amazing meme, or an incredible real-estate mogul
i have to leave for a bit presidential stuff but i will be back today
drop into vc later donny
@realDonaldTrump what is your fondest memory of your time spent on construction projects in atlantic city
Oakland Raiders intentionally let their QB (a white guy) get sacked non-stop, dropping passes, and other shit.
The players were gloating about it
football is dead
And now they're going to piss off Vegas bookies
Good, maybe that'll encourage more Americans to read books
*Probably not* <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
We need to end black America
It's gone. There's no more space for emojis
He was there before 😡
Just be glad you still have one of your emotes
he got removed for <:ThonkButCool:363588656792993792>
It's a collection
I wanna be removed for <:ThonkButCool:363588656792993792>
buy nitro
My teacher said to my I'm a failure, that I'll never amount to anything. I scoffed at him. Shocked, my teacher asked what's so funny, my future is on the line. " see professor" I say as the teacher prepares to laugh at my answer, rebuttal at hand. "I watch Rick and Morty." The class is shocked, they merely watch pleb shows like the big bang theory to feign intelligence, not grasping the humor. " I can't even understand it's sheer nuance and subtlety." "Well you see...WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!" One line student laughs in the back, I turn to see a who this fellow genius is. It's none other than Albert Einstein. And then the Whiteboard Clapped.
<:HotBoi:362790898058133506> <:hotdogdab:348821103000682499>
Let's get rid of that then