
Discord ID: 390688155361083412

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Fellas I'm frying bacon rn halp

It's my first ash wednesday

Why i was confused, but i get it now

I have mass at 5:30, will post noggin if u want

Fellas I've never fasted before and im so hungry

I'll try that Friday

I'm about to go to mass

I will post forehead l8r

@Lil Merc if you hang out until later i can answer just not rn

Thought it would be fun but whatever man

He definitely sounds like a saint to read up on

Reading Dante and it's getting me SHOOK

God bless all you guys

Go to church today ๐Ÿ™

This should wake up some American Christian Zionists, yeah?

Going through a tough time rn, would appreciate your prayers

Guys I'm going to give my first confession Saturday (being confirmed on the 31st) and I'm wondering exactly how i should confess? Given my whole life, etc it seems kind of difficult. I thought about making generalizations for a lot of it, but I'm not sure. Would appreciate some advice ๐Ÿ™

@BottomoftheNinth @Nicholas Istvรกn thank you guys for responding, I appreciate the advice

@francois le francais thank you, I'll keep that in mind

Went to my first confession today

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders


Thank you, I am so excited โ˜ง


All around, this has been a beautiful experience. I am glad to be a part of it

There's this Benedictine monastery about a little more than an hour away from me

Was thinking about staying a couple of nights after this semester is over

What do you guys think

Yeah mainly i want to go for the Latin mass, maybe buy a rosary. Praying and working w them all day sounds nice

Hung out w some students at the Catholic student center

I forget that people can be inclined to be nice and kind. It's a shame I'm used to people being so cold and cruel. We need God!

Good argument against socialism and elements of capitalism

What do you guys think of religious distributism?

Been reading into it a lot lately, makes sense so far

Rerum novarum was what got me into it, I'll check out Chesterton's work on it also

I really would like one as well but i have no room in my current apartment )-:

You guys got any online store you recommend for cathboy stuff

I don't have a local place to go to

So far, all the people that have argued with me over Catholicism (recent convert) have no idea what they're talking about

I'm the only Catholic in my friend group and they're ALWAYS asking me about crap the pope does. He's a jesuit wtf do you want

Fellas i finally have the opportunity to go to a latin mass this evening. Should I do it? Honestly, I don't fully understand how it works nor is my Latin understanding solid. It's a SSPX parish if that matters

@NormanLord only SSPX in my state. There's a monastery, but it's 2 and a half hours away )-:

Probably, you're right

Go to confession fellas ๐Ÿ™

I don't believe sedevacantism to be a true option

We should pray, is all

Unite traditionalists that are also in the church, we can't all leave bc it's getting unstable

Guys I've been getting black pilled over the state of the church. Francis, for one. But really studying Vatican II and the change of the mass makes me feel as if the heart of the church is missing. I don't want to be a sedevacantist. Would appreciate the prayers, and anything you guys can add

That's good news ๐Ÿ™ didnt know that

I pray that he will be

We need one. People must be drawn to the church again

Bring back Pius XII

Fellas I'm new to Catholicism and Ascension Day is tomorrow. I must go to mass tomorrow ,right?

None of the churches around me are having mass today ๐Ÿค”

Like what can i even do

Ahhh I guess in my diocese they decided to celebrate it on Sunday instead

That's the plan tbh

I'm moving to a new apartment soon and I plan on making one

I'd like a kneeler of some sort but I have NO idea where i could get one

I like the second one

@Hektor#9849 nevermind )-:

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