
Discord ID: 340948442891157505

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how is that proof of anything beyond false assumption and flawed logic...only 2% of the population have green eyes does that make it an acquired triat? how about red hair thats also about 2 percent...

saying something is not natural because it is not more common is ridiculous..

you're saying that homosexuality is not a innate trait because if you were born with it there would have been more of them in the population, that is ridiculous as i have shown you other natural occuring traits you are born with which are much rarer..

That is again a stupidity, a baby is also not born knowing language but can grow up to be mute from a natural born condition. babies are also not social and yet are born autistic. you're feeble attempts at trying to reason away homosexuality shines a brighter light on your ignorance than on anything else..

your feeble*

@amv.jesus i did not, i called the attempt feeble

@Deleted User - of course he can, that is a born condition, youare just not aware of it until the baby is 2-3 years old

@Deleted User - no, autism is NOT a disease ....

no, it is not a disease, you apparently dont know what a disease is. a disease is an illness caused by outside elements - germs, viruses, prions etc...autism is a disorder

oh so now you're walking it very accurate in what i say and i expect you to be as well if ou want to have a discussion

i cloud be, and so could you, i give you the benefit of the doubt and welcome ck me on the can do the same..

but at our first point of contact you tried my accuracy and you were found lacking,..i was completely accurate and you were not..

no again...a disorder or condition whether curable or not can and usually is born-with - congenital heart disorder for example...physical ability or inability as another.... sexual tendencies and preferences are just as innate and coded into your genes as any other. huntingtons syndrome is a genetic condition that manifets in the late 50s so that is not congenital? that is misunderstanding everything about how the human body works and functions..

@HM - King of UK + Commonwealth - how is that not trolling? is that the level of discourse to be expected?

@Deleted User - i never said every baby has autism, i said autistic people were born autistic...

@Deleted User - just like (but in a very different way) homosexual people were born homosexual...

you did not understand what i was saying or may i phrased ambigously...

it was an example of how a trait that is not used until a later age can be born defective

read it with the whole context. but i will accept that the phrasing was not accurate..

defective is not a good word, atypical would be better..

just as some babies are born atypical and that does not materialize until a later point in life, so is homosexuality a born trait which manifests at later stages in life.


@Gahgae dont feed the trol...

@Deleted User - thats ridiculous, you are born with green eyes, why are they not a larger population?

so is homosexuality..or the tendency...

you can say that all day, that doesnt make it so....anything you are born with is genetic, including conditions which appear much later in life..

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