
Discord ID: 288733643541708801

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I always think the same thing

I always look through discord servers and can’t relate to anyone. Just ignorant idiots and trolls living at or less then a mundane life that will never accomplish nothing that’s valuable in society

Just people that just exist. People who put on a mask to escape their lame and depressing lives never realizing they’re just sheep

2019-03-14 01:43:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

White privilege isn’t real. But just like Asians, Jews ect ect. They follow a culture where you’d generally unconsciously trust them and treat them better then blacks, Mexicans and native Americans. You’d generally would unconsciously would trust a black person less due to the way the culture is and how they have the highest crime rates. It’s not being racist its being stereotypical and I believe whites or whoever generally don’t have the right to do that but if they do, you can’t blame them for unconsciously assuming them in any type of way. And I believe if black people want this “white privilege” to no longer be a thing they need to get their fucking shit together and stop being ignorant. I’ve never experience racism or have been stereotyped because of the way I act, dress, and present myself. If blacks followed my lead there wouldn’t be a racist or someone to stereotype them in a bad light

2019-03-14 02:06:58 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

The black lives matter movement is a joke. Instead of rioting why the hell don’t they change the way they teach and raise their kids right and make them not listen to the garbage music they turn into to. People don’t realize you are what you eat you listen to ghetto music and around getting people you will be ghetto. Black, white, Asian whatever. We have the ability to change our culture and instead of blacks, people growing in a ghetto community, living in poverty and needing government assistance because they’re around people that never amount to nothing, so they’ll never amount to anything. We should teach our kids how to be business owners, give actually give them a healthy house hold with proper love and affection you’d be amazed where the next generation of black oriole would be.

2019-03-14 02:11:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Man blacks are just idiots man it gives me a massive headache to how they want to be shined in a bad light. If the way black culture is going to continue when I finally get my name out and become a motivational speaker to shin a light on this. I don’t want anything to do with it

2019-03-14 02:45:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

This is a discord server meant to ventout and debate our options, pov, facts on topics. @Onizuka Kazaki

Sound like a complete narcissist

Idek what led you to think that way but. I hope you’re not stupid

2019-03-14 02:49:15 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I think it’s odd you point that out over the trillions of things you could say. Good god you really are stupid

2019-03-14 02:53:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Stop being sensitive i just vented out my perception of you due to everything you’ve said. If you really care about me to the point you question why My honest opinion of you is that you’re stupid.then don’t call me rude and start talking like you have a brain

2019-03-14 02:55:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I don’t care for race issues as much as I care for environment and education. Honestly that’s not the top of my list

2019-03-14 02:56:42 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I’m not forcing anything on you? I’m not telling you to do anything?

2019-03-14 02:57:12 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I do care for race issues sir

2019-03-14 02:57:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

If you’re talking to me

2019-03-14 03:12:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

We don’t need a wall

2019-03-14 03:12:38 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

It’s a step in the wrong direction

2019-03-14 03:17:13 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Instead of spending billions on a wall why not spend billions giving people who want to cross the border and become a citizen of America a place where they can live, work, create businesses ect ect. Trump main point is that rapists, murders, gang members are getting through with out realizing people who are generally poor with nothing to do are murders, rapist, gang members. If you actually have these people dreams and something to actually look forward to when they come to America imagine how much that number would decrease

2019-03-14 03:18:20 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

This is America the land of opportunity. Why the hell are we building walls denying opportunities to people who are trying to start a new life

2019-03-14 03:20:07 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Imagine spending billions creating a community for these people and being able to get taxes out of them. Trump claims he wants to run America like a business but he’s just close minded and stupid. I do agree with a lot of his points and views but that’s one of the most idiotic things ever.

2019-03-14 03:25:40 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Don’t say that lol

2019-03-14 03:25:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Not all black people are like that

2019-03-14 03:25:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Not all black people follow that culture

2019-03-14 03:26:19 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

But in the grand scheme. I guess you could call black people stupid

2019-03-14 03:26:41 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Wouldn’t even get offended. Hell I call black people as a whole stupid

2019-03-14 03:29:12 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

Man you’re literally getting blocked. Not because I feel offended but because you’re stupid

2019-03-14 03:30:27 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

It because of his opinion

2019-03-14 03:31:38 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I don’t care for the n word

2019-03-14 03:31:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

It’s just a word anyone should say it

2019-03-14 03:31:57 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  

I’m from Detroit

What is everyone’s options on Russia?

Opinion *

Helloooo people

Everyone is gorgeous. But people have personal preference

It’s a political discord 💀. Why would their be a nude channel

Y’all are on another level of smart


I’m on list server. Just depressed loaners



It’s like

Rare though

Extremely rare. Honestly I’m happy to have found this server

Every discord server I’ve joined so far is just filled with retarded kids living a mundane life

At least people here use their brain when they talk

Well some people


Lit me take that back a step

Very stupid kids*

Y’all n words hiring

Tbh it’s just a word but if it’s banned it’s banned


Idiots ;)*

Theirs 2 different types of liberals


What is my brain

I think that’s a good thing

Also a good thing

Nah. Tbh I’m more self aware of my actions then most people in America

I think Americans are zombies most of the time

You are what ever you want to be

Aye I feel that

Do enough drugs and yes 💀

Nah you’ll never be that rich

Prove me wrong

Actually please

I’d love to see an iron man

I thought that was Jews

Jews are world wide

Jews don’t rule the world yet

But you can’t deny they’re taking over

Honestly if people don’t want Jews to take over just don’t support Jewish businesses

I really don’t understand why the New Zealand video is banned everywhere. Videos of war, bombings, 9/11 are decently easy to access with out going to the deep web but they ban so heavily? I honestly don’t fancy watching people die at all I hate watching evil things but I’m extremely curious to watch it

I’m speaking on a global point

Good reason

Could respect that

I guess I’ll have to wait. Still insure to why these things are shine on the news. A lot of evil things but I guess this is very big

Yeah and now they want to take the moral high ground? Pft

I’d feel sick watching it anyways so it’s probably for the best




I seen the first 3 seasons

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