
Discord ID: 289504126709006339

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I like the idea of learning the ancient methods that worked for centuries, that were achievable with very primitive technology, and then applying modern building science knowledge to those older methods

do you follow the work of Joe Lstiburek?

yeah he's a civil engineer and building scientist who specializes in ventilation, mositure control, and air quality

and I agree 100% dude

the focus should be on family and home making

that's way more important than the way you put your sticks together

I'm 30 and I already have 4 kids


I might just go with something more conventional in the end

but I do plan on attending workshops and practicing before I build my home

I'd rather have a smaller home that I build correctly with my own hands than a larger home built conventionally. If I'm going to build it conventionally I'd rather hire people out to do it

they have more experience and could probably do a better job

I've always been naturally good with my hands. I used to be an artist once upon a time. I've done a fair bit of wood working as well, and scultping. I have the natural aptitude.... it's just software development makes more money lol

so that's what I'm doing these days

but we're saving money away to buy land and build a house on it... even if it's just a modest home.... we're not jews. We're content with simplicity

I honestly think it's the aesthetic appeal and the independence of it

once you know your war around the tools, you can build it from the trees on your property

the aesthetics and the romance of it

and the purity of it

there's something heroic about it

because you're absolutely right, my dude

taking a nail gun and just hammering out a frame out of milled two-by's is going to get the job done

and it's going to get it done faster and cheaper

especially since for you, a guy with experience building many homes, that's what you know

I have no idea at all what it's like to build a home

so for me it's just pure fantasy in my head

it's pure romance

so I romanticize the process of homebuilding, doing it like my ancestors did, with a mallet and chisel, the slow, steady, methocial way

the same way I write code, lol


you might be right

but there's something about the real thing

about handling the real structural timbers with your hands and manipualting them, and carving existence and memories from them

cuz you're totally right, man... there are many easier simpler ways to build a house

yeah I know what you mean

and there are many older homes that are timber frames, that have older standards of accommodation

you know what I mean?

like I live in Utah and there are houses out here built a 100 years ago people are still living in

the kitchens and rooms all feel so small

but back then people were just happy to have a warm place in the winter

Yeah I'm a tall guy... I need 8' walls at least


but if you were living back in the day, on the American Frontier, you're basically camping

and you'd be happy sleeping on pretty much ANY bed

that's kind of what I mean... I like seeing how far we can go pairing things down to the bare essentials

yeah I'm pretty thorough. I don't think that'll happen to me

I have a pretty good lay man's overview of basic archtectural principles, and layout design. We'll just have to see

but it is something I want to get good at

I don't want to build junk, so I'll have to spend a few grand getting educated

yeah man, and I'm a sketchup pro


I think if you plan the house out well at first, you won't have floorpsace issues, in spite of the thicker walls

I think he was just worried you were going to pick a fight

it almost seemed like that at first

"ayo hol'up... STICK FRAMING IS THE SHIT!"


but clearly that didn't happen

dude yeah a lot of the log enthusiasts are just larpers

because they're attracted to the image of it

it's like a video game to them

but even then I think that's cool

I hope they achieve their dreams

I'd like to find log buidling methods that can be easy and can help people achieve their dreams

yeah sometimes I do worry about that

in the end I care more about the land

That's where I plan on spending the money

the house is still important, but I'd rather have a 2000 sq ft home on 40 acres than a 4000 sq ft home on 5

yeah I'm reading up on that, too... but it seems like that's something where experience matters more than book learning

that would be awesome!

my goal is 100 acres

that's because I want to do stuff on it... like teach workshops and hold camps

could you imagine alt-right camps?

how fun would that be?

we need goys with land to make that happen

land is the ultimate white man's status symbol

it always has been

meanwhile black dudes collect shoes... and if they're rich enough, cars

how lame is that? lol




my wife was listening to Dave Ramsey and this caller got like 16 grand from selling his shoe collection



hell yeah you are


Utah is great

I live in Utah Valley

so it's becoming more urbanized at this point

we want to move outta here

Logan is beautiful

St George is OK... it's really hot in the summer

it's the county just south of salt lake

It's a nice farm community

we're looking at NW Montana or Northern Idaho

where do you live?

oh cool

do you plan on making it out to Cascadia?

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