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I heard they had been shooting parts of that a bit ago

Q is always a step or 2 ahead

They have but the important thing to keep in mind is future proves past.

Being reminded and finding the link or clues to these connections is what putting the map together is about.

oh yes got it thanks Mr Mark

They are trying to redirect with alternative ideas

Not sure about the can't part...but I hope that's true

It has to push into more of a viral element

there is still lots of stuff going on in the back ground either way

timing is everything now

@dustinNemos...keep your head on a swivel.

We are working on the centrists through our format

not a bad Idea but getting caught on the trolling angle quickly dissolves credibility

Yeah....make people research their information instead of regurgitate MSM

They have been programed to a different frequency that does not contemplate truth or anything outside a programmed comfort zone

We need to approach from their frequency some how and adjust the channel

But I think you are right ....those that can not change their thinking frequency may end up having to perish

They have been programed

Many in my circle in Cali are lost souls

Wow! That would be big

Ellen is the establishment mouth piece or one of

The old days used to at least appear to be no taxation without representation ....but that had disappeared long ago

Missed the puppy thing

Because they are to lazy these days

But they have a excellent cover with the horendous attrocities that they will be accused of....and that has to come out slowly

Its like the guy next door who used to watch the house when you were gone and look after the kids and then you find out he has rapped and buried kids under his porch.

My mother was a phsychiatrist in the late 60's through the early 2000's and she worked with childeren at a mental hospital that had multiple personality disorders..

they were experiementing with many pharma drugs back then

Yeah it will be many that will not be spare our on the left coast

We have to find a better in to the on line and media circles

Fox is run by pharma as are most conservative talk shows

We are approaching from the community community at a time

The problem is today the children don't grow up untill their 50's and by then it's too late

Sheeple in mass will become lemmings and as sad as it it....It will probably happen

Well out hear on the left coast I have been seeing it for the last 30 some years

Put my kids in Private avoid the indoctrination

Yes there is no therapy is about drugging them into the cause

That was a complaint of my mom back in the 70's

as a shrink it was all about selling customers on life long programs

Or that is waht big pharma pushed

yep to give credit where credit is due and discomfort when actions warrent discomfort

Don't do it....Even as a shrink I had ADD like crazy and she refused to give me ritalin

@BMcA I'm with you on that....The are no news channels I watch and got rid of TV....the call it programing for more than 1 reason

yeah that is their job to push the agenda

they have been sucked in

@BMcA congrats on being a quality parent and an upstanding american patriot

gratitude is a key component to helping guide us through these times

@Dustin Nemos exactly as their egos will not allow otherwise

I beleive that we need to listen to understand first as an effective red pill to the sheep... Sometimes we listen to respond and that bruises egos and closes ears and minds

yeah watched it last night

I like him...he has some great and entertaining guests and his opening statements are right on

Well he used the intro last night to talk about the corruption and he deffinately appeals to the youger generation....nothing much more than the updates from Q for the previous day

He had some party animals on last night that were pissed at the LA city council for limiting their right to house parties...puching the idea that big government may not be such a good idea

Very entertaining...he also had the to black gals that blog about trump all the time

can't rememebr their names

Yeah...I always consider all angles....but there is to much coincidence and evidence that really does point to a controling interest being advanced by the establishment types

and all the government coverups....common sense is what we have lost with the sheep and we need to wake people up

Sad...but when you look at the evidence which I beleive will be coming forward soon...the future will prove the past

Hein lies the issue...If we sit around and wait for answers like sheep do we will be too late to not be led to slaughter...That is why demanding information and evidence now is so key....I truly hope Q is not right on this but there is way to much fishy stuf,....for me anyway to just sit back and see what happens

It could be and I think that is the differnec between those who tend to be conservative...

We are not one horse ponies

or how ever that saying

if Q is fake then we will have to accept it and keep the agenda alive.

trying to type fast and think...getting

I beleive in the USA the power has to be given back to the states...and I beleive if we get into more of a physical revolutionary start of theater that the states will start to divide into having a voice instead of the pilticians of the states having the only voice

See they are about eliminating part of creating confusion and keeping and breeding sheep that need the government to guide them because they have no comprehension of the real world

@chumba...I do beleive life is the hell that we are working through

Maybe there is more of an "underground" part to the hell scenario...but this place called earth is far from any true heaven goes much deeper

for instance women intuition is powerful

I tran and tap into that myself....of course with out thinking that I have to use the transgender

but the states and localities know the issues at the local level

for example...the $15 an hour wage may work in San Francisco....But it would economically be a disaster in Mayberry RFD

the problem again is to stir discontent for more government control at the fed level

like curing skin cancer with a bandaid covering the scab...

out of site out of mind

It will specially in Cali

losing more than coming least on the legal basis

the illegals won't have the cash flow to continue to prop it up

In cali it is taxation without representation...

yeah with Cali looking at taking half the fed tax cut for state taxes for corps....lots of relocation will be happening ...and already has been

Yeah especially the 9th cirsut.....that better be changing

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