Discord ID: 415907145108684803

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Hey Guys, i wanted to bring this to eveyone's attention, this has not been spoken of in the MSM and i haven't seen to much about it other then the family reaching out to everyone. #MISSING: The family of U.S. Health Service Corps Commander Timothy Cunningham, 35, is pleading to hear any word from him. He was last seen last Monday leaving the CDC complex in Chamblee. Please help spread the word and call police if you know anything about the case. It has been almost 2 weeks now, to me this might be worth looking into since he does work for the CDC.... ๐Ÿค”

This is why I brought it up, pre the family this isnt his MO to just disappear. I read it when it popped up on my facebook feed as I am in Georgia. It set off lots of red flags with me.

Eureka, I brought the missing CDC guy Cunningham a few days ago because something didn't seem right, the family now has a 10K reward for information on him. There is a reason for his disappearance, i think he was a whistle blower on the flu shot.

Until Parents start acting like parent's and take a stand to teach their children right from wrong , respect and earning the things they want America is not going to change. this is what help to weaken the mind as they cant even think out of the box . When Society took parenting away from parents and those parents didn't stand up and say hey wait one daggum minute is when we because weak.

AAA you are spot on!!!!

Me too, I'm in the South and while at a restaurant last week I watched a child of about six smack their mother. The mother did nothing, I was so angry I had to leave. I raised two children with out the help of Ex hubby or family and they both knew that showing any disrespect to me or other's was not tolerated. They also knew if they were in the right I would stand up for them and if in the wrong they were in trouble.

Dustin, I have watched all your Video's along with Isaac's and I feel more informed by you then the local news which I refused to watch for many years now.

Mr. My Son is a LT in the Air Force and getting ready to Start is Masters Degree My Daughter passed away 4 years ago and in that year she had already earned 129K for that year. Both were amazing kids and I am the one blessed to have been their Mom. I grew up in a military family, my 4 brothers served and as did I as soon as I graduated High school. We believe in the United States, what it stands for and I would gladly stand in front of Mr. Trump to protect him!

Thank you Sniper and right back at ya!

GumBubble, I have always taken responsibility for my action, no action and my belief's to heart as my father had a saying ( it's your baby you rock it) Another words I am responsible for my Past, Present and Future.

Big Government has never been a good Idea, are you talking about Silk and Diamond?

I believe you are correct AAA.

Horse and Pony show.

Chumba, change doesn't happen unless we are able to show that change is needed.

Seeing isnt always with the eyes, get the mind and ears open and you learn a lot.

If you do the research Chumba it all rolls back to People like Rothchild's, Clintons, Bush, and the banking system.

And have been for that last 40 years. i started working when I was 12 years old.

Because the lower courts don't back what the upper courts are says is law

AAA I think so too, as we are seeing more of the movie industry moving this way as they cant make that kind of money in Cali any more.

LOL, OMG Mr. Mark probably in the thousands.

Hey i got the face recognition thing on my facebook today also, i have been posting stuff about you tube and Twitter and the right to own guns and this popped up... hmmm.

oh well, If push comes to shove they can keep their facebook. I stayed on it after my daughter passed away so I can post on her FB page.

until then I will keep posting the slogan to take back America

Hey Tina, nope not going to happen as soon as I read it I shut my phone down.

If they dont know who I am already it stinks to be them.

Also if they try to force the issue i will completely delete everything in my FB and shut it down completely.

have a great night all, need to feed the hubby... Be safe!!!

Good Evening All

wonder if former president has been over there spewing his hate?

isnt that the same area that has slaves for diamond mining?

BRB going to go look it up.

so not only do they have the diamond mines but they also have gold, platinum and coal mines.

that's sad, one of the guys i used to work with was from SA and his father is a pastor in a church there. any way he sent his Son here to get an education and get things ready for the rest of the family to come over here. His mother passed away from the Zika virus so at this point only his father remains there. He told me that most of the blacks there live in poverty and that is why his dad save for he to come here.

Sniper did you get the link you were asking for on Dtube for Dustin

If not I have it.

Hey Sniper can you DM me please

I want to share something with all of you, a couple weeks ago I get a very strange text from someone I don't know and an phone number from out side the US. It stated "don't trust anyone"!!!! Not going to tell you that it didn't scare me as I have been posting lots of truth pills out there.

I have lost lots of sleep over the text and when I do sleep I have been having nightmares.

Has anyone else got any strange text like this???

Thanks for replying, its as i thought.

No It shook me so bad that the first thing I did was block them and then sent it back to AT&T as spam

Beautiful day here is Georgia 69 degrees

North Georgia, close to UG

Topcat ever heard of Bethlehem?

Dang Jganny, I would have been steaming mad.

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