
Discord ID: 248074090970087424

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So Fox News is running a segment on emergency safety routines right now

They're mentioning "if the grid goes down"

Now that I mention it, I remember the solar wind event supposed to happen today

I'm not familiar with a lot of this stuff still so I'm gonna have a lot of questions

Oh so like FEMA's abandonment of PR

I've heard from multiple places on IG that there's supposed to be a solar wind striking Earth, causing more auroras

Oh that makes sense.

400 people killed in Syria, 125 of them children since about a week ago if this goes somewhere else let me know, thanks

Oh here we go again

The lyrics resonate big time

I don't either. And raid??

Do we have to use voice chat?

I don't feel comfortable doing so. And same here @Mystery Lady

What is raid?

Some people suggest it's the "out of the darkness into the light" metaphor because we spring forward & days get longer

Is he saying NK is trying to "escape" from something's grasp?

That by engaging in the O-games that they're screaming for help

KJU asking for freedom??

Trump freed NK then?

from the deep state?

Makes sense now ๐Ÿ‘ thank you.

That is wonderful news.

Big Pharma is another shitstorm that needs to be taken out

Has anyone heard from Q this morning yet?

Oh. Beat me to it lol

That's what I'm waiting for. I wonder if today's predicted events have had a damper put on since there was a threat last night?

Today is 3:16, any signifigance?

Saw an ig post saying something starts today, idk

I'm ready, too

Does that mean humans have less freedom than AI's?

I wouldn't be surprised

Apparently Podesta _was_ sent to Gitmo????

I saw an ig post but I don't know if it's actually true

The crash would be because of a global currency reset? or USA currency reset?

Something like that

everything moves in cycles

World currency is not what we want- that's globalist NWO mess, right?

We want silver-backed currency or something of the sort

I've been reading more like that recently

within the past month

and at first you're like "that's crazy"

but you're just so intrigued, so you keep researching

and it's one rabbit hole after another

you have to keep an open mind

I saw some odd tower the other day

driving through GA

I have a question when you all get the chance...

what do yall think about the voicemail thing from twitter?

I'm in another discord group that is trying to find out info about it

but it's gone into several rabbitholes itself

There's now two people on youtube

check out Stopswitch Proxy and County Bluff on youtube. Their videos point to some freaky shit going on

and beware County Bluff- one of his videos, I believe Water heater- has a frozen body

I'm aware of what MKUltra is, but what does that have to do with those videos??

I might have the wrong perception on how MKUltra works then

I got insanely paranoid by watching them and the frozen body did me in.

My anxiety has spiked horribly within these last few days and I refuse to watch anymore videos

So just because your subconcious mind sees it- well I study the law of attraction and the method I use is to introduce the subconscious mind to my desire as if it was already achieved- which then embeds it into the subconscious and it happens as so

So I can kind of understand that part

It's like you tell a lie often enough you begin to believe it

You subconscious mind is 10,000 times more powerful than you conscious (if I'm not mistaken)

try resending it... do you mean your name?

It was disgraceful seeing the 5G towers up every mile when driving south

Beta Programming... why beta?

Beta is the brainwaves of alert activity

Alpha and Theta is what you need to access the subconscious at least in my experience

Hm that contradicts what I was taught about alpha and theta waves. Go on though lol

Beta is your awareness, your survival, your alertness, stress/fight or flight mode

Alpha is like meditation, trance ish/zoning out, or before sleep

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