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@modsquad the newest x22 report is also very good

I don't have a link at the moment but on the local news they did a whole story on Fake video technology. Which means the 4am talking points today probably pushed that to the local news channels all over.

Gov Moonbeam Jerry Brown had to Roll over and play a good boy. ahahahahahah

I hate that jack@ss

@Desimated eventually people will have to make a choice on what to accept. But it's either accept the truth or live in a fantasyland. .. Like Q tells us, the truth to know will be ours .

@futureuncertain that sounds wild but I learned not to easily dismiss anything anylonger.

Nancy Pelosi video archived

man she is stupid LoL

@futureuncertain I bet she would totally play the dementia card at that point.

Is it just me or are the boards really lagging tonight?

Well we know now thanks to Q that the deep web video going around or spoken about is Fake. So any youtube channels claiming they have seen a video are BS'ing or they have seen a fake video.

oh sorry i was talking about the Deep Web HRC video that supposedly is going around

not the puzzle ones

man i had to be away for 1 day and there is all this insanity to catch up on

@modsquad no that type of cloud pattern is linked to HAARP waves they use to modify weather.

@โœจpeacey ๐ŸŒŸ with the amount of waves we have seen on the MMIC Map, chances are high it is Modification.

Roger that i just noticed that. thank you

Man those were late drops

@Chase there has been MANY items of validation in where Q and POTUS have clearly shown information before it happened.

Were madelines parents however part of the plot to let her "Disappear" ? for a lot of $$$? i never looked too deeply in that case. so idk.

The story about the waffle House shooter already has gone into the "had mental issues" M.O.

@Deleted User I agree just more MK Ultra victims. Controlling innocence just like the suicide man outside the White House grounds not too long ago.

The death toll from.the Toronto van incident is now at 9 accoding to the MSM.

I'm really surprised they keep using the tiny False doesn't misdirect attention very long.

@della4 im here. not sure about everyone else, but there is alot of info to dig with all the Q drops

Ah!! So many new drops!

We know that its pretty impossible to monetize Truther video's right now on YT...doing merch though...on Q stuff....i dont know. Thats taking things a bit beyond the line from Truther to capitalizing on Q. I KNOW that is not what you are trying to do. that could be very off putting for new ones though diving into the Q research. thats my One Mans Opinion.

again it was just One mans Opinion

all in all..i wouldnt mind a #Qanon bumper sticker

I like the hashtag one more just because it makes it more informational.

im not sure i would pay 5 for it...probably like 3, but i have no idea what your operating costs and overhead will be..etc

maybe im just a cheap ass

@Jettins i can't wait. POTUS Said he will be on Fox and friends in the early A. M. guess ill need to listen to that.

Apr 26 2018 14:01:03 (EST)ย Qย !xowAT4Z3VQID:ย 1f0a66ย 1197560ย NEW

Interesting theory.
Itโ€™s nice when you can work in peace.
No redactions.

Guess he wants us to push the #releaseThetexts hashtag

Lol was trying to be a contest. Just posting what I saw.

Sorry meant to show the q response in the 2nd pic

Nope. Right place!!

Thank you for the link

I want all the information not just the text ๐Ÿ˜

Q just keeps proving himself (,team Q) again and again with today's drops about Flynn, and the FBI.

He said resolved in 30 and he wasn't kidding.

Man the Q drops keep coming this week.

We should Clarify false flag. A FF does not mean fake. A ff simply means an orchestrated event with possible actors involved in that orchestration. But ppl can still die In a FF. a FF hoax is when ppl do not die.

@Desimated the q warning is about ALL making money off of Q.

An operator is a reference to anyone who is considered US Special Forces.

And we know spec ops have been all over the world 24/7 running Ops against the Deep state

pick a Q POst and roll with it lol

So now i wonder, the Ops going on in Jordan (EagerLion18) which we know is Iron Eagle...what are those exercises connected to.

Gotta go back and look at all the Iron Eagle Refrences

I really think Iron Eagle is double meaning. looking back at previous posts, i dont believe ALL of the iron eagle references match with the Jordan Training OPS and MIke Pompeo.

Man that last drop is a major..

Alot of interesting research coming out about certain "Patriots" after A made his statements.

It's honestly easy to me to see the ones interested in profit. Vs the ones who are just trying to survive.

Q used the word "profiting" . And I think that's key becasue once you make profit as opposed to not, then you have a business. The goal of any business is to make Profit. So profit = business. If we look at the truthers that fit into that category we can easily determine who are the PAYtriots as they are being called.

This sum of all fears situation, is wild.

Yes he did. Post 916 saving Israel for last.

Well the Ally Mack arrest is public knowledge, thats on the main stream media sites. are they trying to say the arrest itself is fake?

There is alot of mis information about that. the part that is not confirmed that is going around is that she sold children to the Roths or the Clintons. we have no suace on that. the Indictments are public tho and the indictements do show trafficking of children

im trying to find the indictment that shows the 2 charges of child trafficking

here is the original paper work tho

I don't think Assad is on that. Assad has been fighting the deep state and deep state elements of Iran are what was inside of Syria at the secret nuke site.

The more we go down the rabbit whole the more crazy things we learn.

We know Assad hasn't gassed his own people. We know that obama used isis to attack the Legitimate Syrian government with absolute brutality. We know that the people that are in Syria in thriving regions speak very favorably of Assad. That tells me he's a proper elected leader who has been trying to take care of his people.

Back in the day I fell for the negative information about sadam hussien. They used the same M.O to brand him as a dictator.

Hunger games and the Matrix was predictive p;rogramming

Who's our team mates

There is that group of people who are so under the narrative spell that even when it comes time to see the arrests, to see the celebs go down, the politicians, the media folk, they will be in such denial some of them will just break down and some will come around after going through a break down.

Got this from the latest Bread on the board LoL had to share

Lots of rumors going around that BHO was grabbed in Jordan.

Again..just rumors.

There goes Alex Jones again.. pushing the war talk

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