Message from @creepyAnon

Discord ID: 436690498069987346

2018-04-19 22:22:12 UTC  

lots more Q all of a sudden

2018-04-19 22:56:46 UTC  

I'm curious if anyone in this group follows space weather? Knowledge of the pole reversal? Mini ice age? Grand solar minimum?

2018-04-19 23:02:02 UTC  

I follow suspicious 0bservers, Dutchsinse, Adapt2030 and a little known channel Ken McClellan..oh and thunderbolt project. But Ken is incredible tho. His interpretations of ancient artifacts, is truly convincing.

2018-04-19 23:04:55 UTC

2018-04-19 23:15:07 UTC  

Just watched some videos from the Thunderbolts Project too. Brilliant people, fascinating hypothesis.

2018-04-19 23:23:45 UTC  

@Cristianne M. Very well stayed and I agree. I’m good today but just trying to let @Desimated know he’s not alone. I was definitely unawakened. Unlike @Noah Problemo it’s been seeping in for decades for me. Noah that must’ve been hard! And I know it had to be divine intervention that Trump got elected. With what we know now. And that he is still alive. Also I’ve noticed on people’s comments on FB there are a LOT of awakened people. Just from a couple months ago. It’s encouraging to see people not fall for the bs MSM is feeding us. I am optimistic (today) and guess we have to take it all one day at a time anyway. All these researchers who are way deeper than I am in it - I am so thankful for them. Don’t know how they do it.

2018-04-19 23:46:04 UTC  

@Desimated it’s simple logic that what they say the believe and live by, they do not. Is it Florida? Is it vaccines? Is it public education? Is it destroyed family values and relativism. It’s all of it.

2018-04-19 23:52:38 UTC  

@Maga gal for years I have been quiet but slowly people in my family are waking. Very slowly. My mom saw a documentary on backpage and was shocked by it. That opened the door for many other things. She’s also had some serious health crisis recently and that woke her up a little to the medical community. It’s a slow process but moving along. My brother is also waking. He still has a ways to go but heading in the correct direction.

2018-04-19 23:54:20 UTC  

I see that there's finally a new chief at nasa.. I like the fact that he isn't all about human caused global warming/climate change. .he says "it's always changed" ❤ finally a brain and a brave mouth in the bunch!

2018-04-19 23:57:37 UTC  

Vegas rocked my husbands world. He fell into a depression coming to the reality that our government is corrupt. Deeply corrupt. He still can’t come to terms with 9/11 but it’s eating him. He’s an engineer and refuses to admit the obvious. I think being educated can sometimes be a stumbling block to truth. Our children however, are redpilled. He may fight it but the ship has sailed and he’s on it!

2018-04-20 00:02:45 UTC  

@Mary Poppins It’s so encouraging to hear these stories. I do see change. Besides 9/11, I wasn’t so good with the McMartin preschool story. At first I believed it but as soon as they started debunking it I accepted that. And I know better. I’ve worked with kids all my life. Where the hell would these kids have known about the last stuff? But I didn’t want to believe. I’m still not sure about some things I’m hearing now. Or again maybe it’s just all too much to take in at once. There’s a part of me when I started awakening that wanted to try to put the lid back on. I wanted to just go back to the way I thought the world was. But you can’t. Our country has caused so much suffering on its own people and worldwide. And someone needs to be the voice for these kids. Is it wrong to be glad I didn’t realize how the world was until now? I look at my kids and I hate that the world will seem so different to them. They’ll know how incredibly evil people can be - the ones we look up to - and that’s sad. I mean I know it was an illusion but kids should kinda be sheltered ya know? Okay back to family time! Here’s coke conspiracy girl.... heehee

2018-04-20 00:13:31 UTC  

@Maga gal I think I started waking 18 years ago with vaccines. My husband didn’t fight me when I had the babies at home and refused vaccines. But he didn’t agree with my concerns either. I wish my kids had the freedom to run like we did. Spend all day in our bathing suits, running through the sprinklers all over the neighborhood. Be home when the street lights come on. My childhood was so free and relatively safe. Bad things happened but nothing like now. I don’t let my littles out of my sight. Going to the library is an exercise in vigilance. You never know what they will pick up that’s ‘PC’. But our kids have it so good. There are children being sold by their own parents. It’s disgusting, disputable, EVIL to an incredible degree. I’m shocked and saddened to see the x22 report video that will haunt me for life. Poor little ones, fodder to those happy to use them for their narrative. Depraved people. I hug mine a little longer and a little more often because of the evil I’m seeing played before us all. Im so thankful that we are able to educate ourselves and others about what is happening. The only way to stop evil is to put the light on it. We will keep the floodlights on the globalists to our dying breath if that’s what it takes.

2018-04-20 00:15:26 UTC  

I can not WAIT until as Q said, old cankles and obummer won’t beable to walk down the street 🙏🏼please happen soon

2018-04-20 00:21:22 UTC  

My brother was CHP. He worked dignitary often and old Hills was a HAG to the officers, refused to even shake their hands after they worked a multi day detail. They’d get to AF1 and it was customary for the dignitary to shake the hands of the local officers assigned detail to protect them (very dangerous riding over 100mph to close down the intersections, leap from fashion in order to keep the motorcade moving). Hillary would walk past them, wouldn’t even acknowledge them. Treated them like ‘subjects’. Haven’t liked her EVER.

2018-04-20 00:23:06 UTC  

I’m sorry, terribly chatty today.

2018-04-20 00:28:38 UTC  

New Q and wow!

2018-04-20 00:45:53 UTC  

NP just casually dropped what has to be classified information about an intelligence trip to NK. So, how did she come to be worth an estimated $110 million? Was this trip State sponsored if so, for what purpose, who knew ...?

2018-04-20 00:46:44 UTC  

Did anyone tell our ally South Korea?

2018-04-20 00:49:47 UTC  

Nancy Pelosi video archived

2018-04-20 00:52:08 UTC  

man she is stupid LoL

2018-04-20 00:54:58 UTC  

so, anyone have any idea on the SKY event Q mentioned?

2018-04-20 01:00:52 UTC  

yes I was thinking about that too

2018-04-20 01:16:41 UTC  

March 31st 2017 Trump at a signing ceremony but did not sign the executive orders instead he walked out of the room and signed them later that could be what q is talking about

2018-04-20 01:16:59 UTC  

I guess Nancy decided if she was going to go out it would be riding a nuke from North Korea like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove.

2018-04-20 01:34:05 UTC  

I hope she keeps that big mouth of hers running and spills the beans on everything she knows, but everyone thinks she's crazy so would it be passed off as delusions, dementia?

2018-04-20 01:43:50 UTC  

@futureuncertain I bet she would totally play the dementia card at that point.

2018-04-20 01:53:40 UTC  
2018-04-20 02:15:07 UTC  

Here's the latest from Ken McClellan. His slides have lots of info and throughout his videos he discusses the meanings.

2018-04-20 02:22:44 UTC  

More Q up to 1194

2018-04-20 02:45:45 UTC  

What an evening. God bless Q, God bless our Military, our President, God bless our Patriots and those who love freedom the world over, God bless each of you and your families.

2018-04-20 02:46:51 UTC  

Is it just me or are the boards really lagging tonight?

2018-04-20 02:52:50 UTC  

So many drops tonight. Everything is coming to a head and as exciting as it is, it's also kind of overwhelming.

2018-04-20 03:06:02 UTC  

wow Q should do Q&A once a week !

2018-04-20 03:06:44 UTC  

I just seen an Sgt report. I thought I woke up, but I guess not. Is it true that 911 was a total hoax and it was just an illusion? tripping now!!!...ugh!👀

2018-04-20 03:20:46 UTC  

@Mary Poppins I had that same kind of childhood and I’m so grateful. I’ve tried to help my kids have it. My kids were on a neighborhood swim team for years and years. It’s like the neighborhood that time forgot. Kids played at pool, went to different friends houses to snack. During summer sleepovers about every night. All parents looked out for each other’s kids. It was as close to the 70s as they could get! We don’t live in that neighborhood but it was like we did!
Dang I’m chatty today too!

2018-04-20 03:23:07 UTC  

I came way late in on vaccines. I was very naive. Now we don’t get flu shots and didn’t get gardisil for either one. Amazing how many doctors/nurses push the vaccines when we go to the dr.

2018-04-20 03:23:53 UTC  

<#419210947866132500> Updated Q

2018-04-20 03:24:03 UTC  

He did a small Q&A

2018-04-20 03:24:05 UTC  

You're not late @Maga gal !