
Discord ID: 301867828691337218

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who else is watching this livestream

also theres no african politics topic channel



s2g we need a kangz channel

tbh some arab women can clean up really well

but i have a feeling majority arent like that as we all could guess

isnt norway socialist

yeah. his name is donald trump

or taken a shit


lol shes from jerzy

i bet shes jewish

lots of jewish girls in jersey

not even being funny im being deadass srs

we have north korea

we have nothing in asia

@everyone bot commands need to go here. Do not post them in other channels.

@Ehzek thanks for the clarification and help. Haven't done that on mobile before im used to desktop. Gonna clean that channel now

Tom's announcements will be in this channel as well as any moderator information.

@Sooty it got a hit. I got the notification and REPUBLISHED the page immediately. Zuckerberg did not show me what post was removed, as usual now.

Your thoughts? @everyone

once a red herring has served its used it's typically thrown out and only periodically dangled in front of the republicans. Stormy was literally a tool used by the democrats and Soros machine to attempt to bring Trump down which as you know failed. @Mf1399

Mid election youll hear about her again. also on a related note was looking at porn the other day and i saw an ad before i played my hentai trap porn ofc and saw an ad with HER in it.

thats the pattern the dems use

republicans like to beat a dead horse tbh.

and keep using the same shit at least the neocons

dems recycle their memes ๐Ÿ˜›

From Obama's policies allowing women to do everything in the military now

Knew this shit would happen

They allowed women to attend army special forces assessment and selection

Zero of them have completed the assessment so far. All get dropped during the assessment haven't even made it to the end.

LOL I love runescape

@Stormbreaker 3D scape. Have a completionist account

Chris Chan bout to be homeless

Be more specific. What kind of server?

Plz don't tag me like this again. Thought there was server issue

I'm only GETMIN here besides senior admin to my knowledge. I may be wrong

Liberals latest misinformation 3.0

Notice how literally anything conservative IE Fox news is labeled misinformation (not literally but basically) while nothing left is shoved to the left side

Literally bullshit.

Might bring it up as discussion point for a callin

More liberal disinformation

No pentagon sources cited. Not even ones "under condition of anonymidity"

Only a historian who is actually names that just doesn't like Trump

You know what would be epic? If we could trick a lefty politician to call in and destroy them on the air.

@everyone No stream tonight guys. Senior admin is a bit sick.

News flash: after a year and a half there is still no evidence Russia colluded with the Trump campaign

@ZorkZork69 they said they haven't been in the group before?

But talks about something we already know

I'm very very relieved they are percieved as domestic terrorists

Black identity extremists = domestic terrorists

Peter Strzok likely to lose career at FBI

Had extramarital affair as a counterintelligence agent. How fucking retarded can he be?

Nah he won't. He will likely be forced retired.

am I missing something?

I just reserve the term traitor to the worst of betrayers. This guy just needs to retire

Or be charged with obstruction

once again very retarded that a counterintelligence agent that knows the dangers of having an affair and being possibly blackmailed, did so.

"interference" is accurate.

Kind of thought he was a Patsy for someone else but it doesn't look like it

@princeofdolalmroth sedition is an incorrect term. I dont see how the definition fits

It's very vague and broad tbh.

what authority was he inciting with his biased text messages?

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