Message from @EuroPeon
Discord ID: 272141724724494337
I just know the dankest memes
No I'm not Serbian I just like the song.
Only jugoslavic sentence I know is puci mi curats.
I was asking Peon 😃 and congratz man
those are some crazy meme skills
many years ago I talked with a serbian girl
and she told me of turbofolk
There's many serbs where I live.
if you understand turbofolk
you understand Serbs
Bosnians and Croatians too.
Came here during the war.
I like them 😃
Yeah, that was a bad decade for us :/
They're like us, for the most part. And hard working.
she was a serbian-canadian who had a youtube channel and she was pretty cute. but we fell out when i told her 9/11 was an inside job and she got really mad at me
not even joking
weird that she would care about that
Niggers and sand niggers need to be taken care of however ...
There's also many east asians where I live, both the jugoslavian and asians came here during the 90's, they all have jobs and contribute to society however the asians doesn't fit in as well I think but at least they mind their own business and they're not that many either.
The towelheads are ruining everything.
And they're the most numerous.
Most of them came here during the 2000s.
2000s up to now.
Asians are fine - while I'd prefer they were in Asia, I have no bones to pick with them.
she shut down her main channel a long time agao but I found a channel she made with her frined with the last video 6 years ago
The stupid people have to go though
Same Slavic Nationalist.
the chinese are the jews of asia though
I don't really mind them tbh. I have good Chinese friends - studied Chinese myself
and they are aligned with my country politically
so I can't complain
this girl seems damn confused btw
Slavic where do you live?