Message from @Slav
Discord ID: 257913158210027520
K dude
Guys, I'm picking Wed & Sun as the hangout dates
all ok with this?
Sounds good to me. Any thoughts on the time though?
im asleep by 9 pm eastern
we *could* do another doodle but that seems tedious
last time's doodle was
going by that 10pm+ Berlin time seems like a reasonable default
Yeah but that's very individual day dependant
But yes, not a bad time
Alternatively we could do European morning, US late evening/night, but ehh...might not be as good
personally I'd prefer european evening
let's see what the US guys think about it
10pm european would be 4pm EST and 3pm CST
@Kenny Naicuslik : is Wed. evening fine with you?
@Jossi: how is 4pm EST / 3pm CST for you?
on Wed & Sun
that will work
what time will that be in Europe about 9pm?
10pm, yeah
here. anyway
ok, as long as we can maintain our balance of Americans and Europeans I think we'll have a broad perspective
so i think that time is good for everyone
i just set the doodle dates
ill write an update on gab in a sec
ok sounds good to me