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I had to talk to the local cops for taking a picture of some high school kids - WITH THEIR CONSENT. Not little kids, just by their cars in front of God and everyone, NOTHING sinister at all. Daddy of one of them has a political ax to grind with me, so he called the Sheriff.

I hope they are singing more than talking...

I missed that news about RR. Oh to have been a fly on that plane ride...

@Xenios2011 I would say "man enhanced" - Mother Nature is still the big Kahuna, don't give the bastards too much credit

Oh, rally has started!

Ummm - any truth to this, anybody know? That must have been a helluva flight!

Did you see that Alex Jones video where he claims Trump and RR struck a deal? Mueller is going to find collusion between Russia and the DNC, officially. That is AJ's claim, not my story. And I am not a big AJ fan, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.

It would be a lovely ending to this odd fairy tale.

I did not think HRC was to appear today, I thought this was the hearing to try to get her to appear in the future.

The two wings of the same bird thing is an old saying... I like my updated version: A matched pair of jackboots comes with a red right foot and a blue left foot... lol!

@Gambit Mutant That debt pay off article is from a satire site.

Oh! @Mary Poppins Send her "Conspiracy of Silence" - originally produced by ABC, I think... It was one of the MSM stations. I have actually gotten through to a few people with it. It is bizarre, it is people online, never my family. But that movie is a great "intro to pizza" IMO.

My apologies if this has been posted, I have hardly been online and I do not have a lot of time right now. @Dustin Nemos if you have the time, DO watch this. Pocahontas is running against this man and he could use some help.

Can we add an "S" to "FF" so it can mean "False Flag Suspected" or "For Fuck's Sake" all at once? And... Who has the balls to make this meme... That picture of Michelle dancing on Ellen's show, captioned "Suspicious Package At Obama's"? ๐Ÿ˜ I cracked me up with it anyway...

Oh yeah, I have already denounced violence on facebook AGAIN... I never see a liberal do that but I do it every time I post something like this. I have a LONG e-trail of promoting the NAP.

Honestly - Q people I know want them put on the witness stand before they are lawfully found guilty and executed. Sing pretty and maybe you can get life in Gitmo.

@R1V37H34D are you kidding? This is getting creepy...

And of course, the real world beckons. Winter will not wait for me to follow the news. Have a good day, Q-kin!

@LowLandsPete The Satan worshipping girls... they were going to commit a mass murder / suicide with a PIZZA CUTTER?! It literally made me lol, I think I might be getting a little hard hearted...

@lmbd We were told repeatedly, "Enjoy the show." I am trying to do that but it is getting a little freaky. I hear murmuring of militias mobilizing, but I do not actually know anyone going south (our state borders Canada.) I honestly do not know if I wish people were ready to fight or if I am proud of them for not being baited into an unnecessary war, but I cannot escape the feeling that innocent people will be killed to push agendas, under several guises.

Well, I believe the militia has a right and a duty to defend their homes.

Friend of Ammon Bundy, so...

Do not expect me to trust the military over the men and women I KNOW stand with God.

And all the law enforcement in the nation cannot find that wascally wabbit... Where is Elmer Fudd when you need him?

@R1V37H34D that appears to be a hoax.

So can I dress up as a Hispanic person since they just became officially white?

@R1V37H34D Can you source that link on Sayoc? They are claiming he is aregistered Republican

@Vince Edwards I see you have a dormant steemit account. I understand, steemit is a lot of potential that is being squandered. That said, I was just thinking about how Q followers could financially support each other by making a steemit vote trail. Post your livestream there, I will upvote it. My vote is not much, but we have to start somewhere. If anyone else reads this TELL ME IF YOU ARE ON STEEMIT and I will follow / support you there.

AHem... That request for blood donors is almost certainly bogus. Red Cross are little vampires, see a chance to suck blood and they pounce. They fractionate it and sell the components to Europe. The "charity" gets them free product, then they quietly turn a profit on the side. This is personal experience talking, not "theorizing."

GAB today, discord tomorrow? Better get myself familiar with Justin's site...

LOL! "Dispat the fite!!" Twice. That is the most apoplectic I have ever seen Sarah. Good God she is awesome!!!

I can't figure out how to share it... anybdoy care to help an old fart out?

Hmmm... I can't bring up that website, - hoax?

The links take me to twitter, I wanted to just post the video. But I am wondering WTF... The PAC seems to have existed once, they got in trouble, and I can't find any current activity for them. I think it is a joke.

If this is not OK, please just delete it and forgive me. I am including a link to a petition to reinstate Idaho teachers who are being brutally smeared by the media, I am sure you have heard the story... Dressed as "Mexicans" and "The Wall." The media told just enough of the story to reinforce an old Idaho stereotype of racist white nationalists. As a white Idahoan who respects this nation, I am TIRED of this kind of bullshit. These teachers are being used as pawns in a vile game and their careers are on the line now.

@SirW00f LOL! But lets not forget, all their dead relatives still vote too... so get out and VOTE!!!

Bwa-ha-ha!!! If you do not live in Idahyo, all I can is "Sucks to be you." Idaho is RED. A STRONG strain of "Ron Paul" red in our government, although some high level corruption exists, no doubt. That said... None of us really needed to vote in Idaho, Idaho is RED. But all of us did... LOL! I have never seen such a crowd at the poll. Not even when we were voting for President AND had a HOTLY contested Sheriff's race. And everyone drove right past the lady with a big "Q" sign on her fence... NOT me. I know it means I sort of LIVE in an echo chamber, but I rather like the acoustics... MAGA!

@Riggy17 (UK) Yes, illegal but you know... Nothing is illegal for the left.

OK... At the risk of being called "troll" or whatever... Those indictments are something I have been Vuuncomfortable with since reading this: I have 'trusted the plan" and I voted and encouraged others to vote, and I am a voluntaryist so that was a leap of faith for me. I am NOT blindly loyal Trump or Q supporter. I "did my part" according to the Q drop this morning, I want to see REAL RESULTS from "the plan," not this kind of blind-siding change of plan. YOU and ME are real. Q remains UNPROVEN. I trust YOU ALL. Q and Trump need to come through SOON.

I am saying do not BLINDLY trust anyone or anything.

Kelly Ann says they are praying for RBG. I am praying too... not a charitable prayer so I will keep it to myself... ๐Ÿ˜‰

Proud sponosrs of the next round of riots... Anybody know off hand how many of these are Soros fronts? (Click the "partners" tab on that link above.)

Not really "Q" ish, but the meme that was in my heart this morning.... (about my third attempt at memery so give me a break lol!)

Thanks @LowLandsPete - that took WAY too long using my photo software!

@LowLandsPete That is sort of funny. I am the most "doubting Thomas" about Q, I keep thinking I will get banned some day but I do NOT "Trust the plan" blindly. Will not, will not pretend I do, but even I did not walk away over the Sessions thing.

I listened as long as I could stand it. AJ has truly lost whatever charm he once had, pure arrogance and blowhardery now.

@LowLandsPete Here is where I am: If someone was trying to get all the die-hard Constitutionalist / voluntaryist types to agree to Martial Law, this is what it would look like also. However, what are my options? Put on my pussy hat and go cry and scream? I will pass. I may be marching to the gates of Hell, but I am OK with that. Once I get there I will fight for truth and the liberty it brings with my dying breath. I am still not sure Ron Paul was not a set up, a LIHOP to get us to self identify. Then when so many of us stepped up, they started to vilify him and his supporters - definitely some deja vu for me lol! But I go where I find TRUTH being honored, and that is the Q boards. I worry about the cheerleader, cult-like types but... they no doubt were educated in public schools and fed a steady diet of MSM as children, so I am glad they are at least "culting" around some pursuit of goodness.

THey cannot wait until everyone, or even most people, wake up. TV is a hypnosis machine, and it is being used by people hell bent on mind control. They have to do what needs done at some point, damn the consequences for the sheep. Or else the wakeful will be killed for our "hateful, racist" truth telling.

So, supposedly Trump's uncle got to look at Tesla's paper.
And during the campaign, he supposedly said something about getting withheld technology to the people. I can't find a link to support that, it was just something I heard somewhere. Knowing those things makes this extra interesting.

@M. I don't know if that "throwing shade at Q" comment includes me, but I am not now, or ever, going to "trust" Q or Trump or the plan blindly. I am none of the things you describe, I am a person with experience in politics. Blind faith is for cults. I have hope, I go on facebook and support our president and mention Q to those who might listen, but I am also a person losing friends over the MSM lies so my patience wears thin. The FIRST THING Q said still has not happened, and until she is arrested, Q and or Trump have NOT delivered on the promise that counts.

Here we go... anything less than blind faith is unacceptable? THAT is why the MSM calls this a cult. You are wrong. I do not believe in "coincidence." I understand that "future proves past" is a magicians trick. I can make a vague prediction and wait for something to happen that fits and claim "See, I told you so!" That is how "psychics" make a living. I lTHINK Q is legit but I leave room to admit to myself and others that I may be wrong.

Yes, I know tomorrow is 11/11. Did you know that it was Armistice Day to honor the PEACE we won, and then they put Veteran's Day on the same day to make us worship "war heroes" instead of peace? While the rest of the world observes a day to honor PEACE, we fawn over the poor pawns being used in bansters wars

@M. Absolutely. I am far more skeptical in here than "out there." I put on a good front, "rah rah Trump" and "You should be learning about Q" every chance I get. But I NEVER, EVER go in 100% for anyone in politics. It is a game of lies and liars. "Disinfo is necessary" is another way of saying "I lie to you from time to time." Now, lying can serve a greater good, but it is still lying. And when someone admits they lie, I have to accept that the things I WANT to believe could be what they are lying about. THAT is how politics works.

Undoubtedly. I have no personal experience in that area. I got WAY into politics at one point, that is the game I understand.

Me too. Here is my challenge to myself: Jesus is not back yet, so I need to be the best Jesus I can be until He gets here. I am a really crappy Jesus but I have ONE miracle I have learned to perform: I get up every morning and forgive myself for sucking so much at being Jesus, then I get on about trying to be the best Jesus I can be, until He gets here. That is m "religion."

Lol! It has been a while, I do recall that. Pepe?

There is a celestial battle to be sure, but it manifests here as politics. Ever noticed the "taboo" topics are the MOST important ones to discuss? Politics and religion.

I use the Qanonpub site

I will go have another look, it has been a long time. I saw it when it FIRST came out, then blew off the whole thing as a hoax until Trump started pointing at Q people.

Thanks, I am identifying as a woman in this life though ๐Ÿ˜‰

@M. I just re-read it, and remembered that I always wished I had known someone from the Guard to ask, but I do not.

OK, I will do that, I have some time today. Have a good one folks!

My beloved RED Idaho voted for Medicaid expansion. I was STUNNED, then remembered how many Californians have fled here recently... and apparently brought their baggage along.

Someone mentioned NESARA today, I had forgotten all about it. It is consistent with what Q / Trump are doing... Maybe maybe? That would be awesome.

@M. Thank you for the kind words, I truly appreciate it. You too, @MrDurden

Thanks @TAC ! There are very few bunny holes where I am not qualified to be a tour guide, but I am ALWAYS on the look out for good summaries to try to share with people who just found out rabbits are real... ๐Ÿ˜‰ And a good refresher is ALWAYS a good thing, so much info gets pushed into the background by whatever current shitstorm is in progress!

Lol! Yep, I have seen this, it is a really good one. Worth another watch, thanks!

My husband used to be a firefighter. Usually porcelain does not burn. Where's the damn toilet?

We are on the same page... Agenda 21, desperate Deep State, no way these are natural. We nearly got burned out this summer and got to witness first hand how our local crew was pulled away and distracted on a wildfire that threatened no homes or lives while the fire near us that started VERY small and right by the highway was out of control and burning into the hard to access areas all around us, and threatening three of our little towns.

I saw a better video than this, but now I cannot find it. watch this at the 5 second mark over and over... SOMETHING EXPLODES to start this fire.

Supposedly a new Q drop, not from the normal source so not verified: Q DROP

Nov 11 2018 12:58:18 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DECAS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.

Hmmm... "DECAS" per WIki is quite interesting... although I do not really think this is it means it is oddly relevant.

Although getting them to admit the forests are mismanaged is still a good thing.

Onlyl YOU can prevent forest fires!" Yeah, throw yourself in front of a lightning bolt, OK?

We had a state legislator who was just AWESOME do an amazing break down of the financial insanity of federal management. I will see if I can find it. It is a bit dry and sort of long, but chock full of great information.

Here is the first video, there are several, I will only link the first though.

@Springjack Going to have to agree to disagree on this. My husband was a logger when I met him, mismanagement made us change our entire life plan long before geoengineering was a thing. It is KEY to the discussion IMO.

Please God, when it is before their eyes, open their hearts!

I have a friend in Mexico who says locals are getting vandalzied, robbed, and the "home grown" kidnappings, rape and murder has gone way up because the local gangs are using the cover of the migrants.

@Springjack If those forests were well managed you COULD NOT make them burn like that. I worked a crew all winter that went behind loggers, piled the brush and burned it while there was snow cover. When fires started, they fizzled, there was very little fuel. Now they let dead limbs and fallen trees "rot" to "improve soil and biodiversity" but that leaves a huge fuel load to sustain a fire.

@Springjack I will concede Malibu may not be a management issue, but I am talking about the bigger picture. Understand I was under evacuation order this summer, my place nearly burned.

๐Ÿ˜ƒ Nope. NEARLY burning was FABULOUS compared to burning... lol!

Yes, Idaho. We burn here too...

@Springjack It occurs to me that you and I are doing this all wrong. Aren't we supposed to be screaming at each other and calling names by now? You do not think EXACTLY like I want you to... You must be racist... ๐Ÿ˜‰

That is a joke, My winky emoji did not work...

OK, it showed up on my screen as a question mark

Every heard of "suspicious0bservers" on youtube? A very different kind of weatherman...

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