
Discord ID: 563034316746260485

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It is a fact

Damn I miss the Columbian and ex-f. Great sex and crazy but interesting times. Not to the point where I asked why I'm with them but definitely asked wtf is going on quite a few times

Columbian stabbed me with a fork, burnt me with hair straightener/curler thing, slammed the cast iron against my back but never tried to actually killed me. Pretty sure she was just trying to REALLY get my attention. I mean I never made the same mistake twice but it was always interesting when i did make that fatal mistake

Some people call that an abusive relationship, I call it drowning in vag make up sex


When af sf say yeah, basically special forces

Specially retarded

Foodings is worth the stabbings

Plus snu-snu

Snu snu

Get it now?

Food and snu snu

Hell, every shock option is good to buy right now because of the threat of virus. Wait another week or two and it'll be even better

Oooo. NY army guard was activated to "combat the spread of the coronavirus"

If you're the "quarantined" zone, then your ass is staying there till cleared or gov says you can leave

No idea. I'd guess depending on the round?

If I had gone guard then being where im at in ny, my ass would've been activated and doing the "quarantining"

Something to look into

Corona still has a lower body count than people trying to testify against against Clinton. Only has 25 so far

Theres where you fucked up

Shouldve slowly turned her

Not sure on this. 50/50 the number is real

Decent ass though

Pretty commendable sized shit

I was blessed with ass and titty vision

Thy loin doesth curve at the mere thought of brooding crotch goblins

Testi nuggets

Jewel spawns

Too normal sounding

Only a problem if they havent been "reformed"

You guys want the good news or bad news first?

Fuck it. You guys getting the bad first

If youre out of shape, you might be out of time to lose the gut

Good news is the boog might be starting off sooner rather than later

This ad is for a "Disarmament Peace Officer" in NY and the state is classified as a hazardous duty station

Position lasts till Dec 31 2020

Not like the UN does anything anyway

Swiggity swoogitty, we coming for that boogitty


Supposedly that was a hoax back in 2018

Not sure how you do carpentry and general contracting online. Thoughts?

We're finishing up complete build of a conference/office into an apt

The owner of the building got tired of driving to work everyday so he decided to turn the upstairs into his new home

Doing a kitchen remodel next and then some kind of bathroom after that

This current job started in early Nov and we're just now almost done. Probably couldve been done already if the appliances and furniture was actually on schedule

And we weren't working in a 200+ yr old building

Think I got some British dust on me from 1812

Yes. A vaccine from the common cold

Makes total sense

I had a seabag full of 30rd somewhere

Thats what covid is. Just a different flavor of the common cold

Prostitution is a valid form of business according to the irs

Theres a section for it when filling out your taxes afterall

In a little over a month, the roomie is taking off for Afghan. Lucky bastard

Whats the difference

He's going over there as a security contractor๐Ÿ˜‚

A security firm

Thats the new PC term for it apparently

Money is there

I'm going to be following him after I'm not with hell's shine state

I'm done with*

Its really not bad

I might know a couple of guys for that

What's your poison for home defense? Between the 6 of us we've got different
.22s to muskets to a 9 pounder being forged to .50

Pay the right price and we'll add in homemade claymores and pressure plates

Metal or non plates?

We're experimenting with non

Lots of oatmeal and sugar

Leaves a nice light sunburn in small rooms

Theres a watchlist for close to something like 15% of the nation

Theres a way to look it up and I'm trying to remeber how

Me too. Brain no works well right meow


Double whammy

I almost joined the air force but it didnt sound cool enough

Now it sounds like the best option out of all the branches

The women on average are soooooooo much hotter

And usually closet freaks

Fucking love it

Keep that flogger golden

What could ever possibly go wrong with no-knocks? Said every politician ever

Violence you say?๐Ÿ˜

Trump to announce state of emergency between now and monday ish

ML is starting to soubd like good Intel

Red flag was approved by both fed and state so it can be by either. But makes sense that doj wouldnt know about it if issued by state

Thats literally martial law to the T

Uh huh

250ish mi of chicago

South of

Seeing as it'll blow up all over social media tonight and with Cheeto declaring the national soe, week tops

Hell, NY quarantined an entire town already

Likelihood of boog actually being 2020? Pretty damn high

I cant wait till Detroit and Chicago tries that shit๐Ÿ˜‚

Mass looting and riots would be on the menu

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