
Discord ID: 563034316746260485

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Recap of the last 12 months



So whats the plan for you guys meeting up tomorrow?

Secret squirrel stuff

You sound as drunk/buzzed as I do for stating as such

Place caltrop inside dog poop first

Shitty surprise

Are you placing said bag in front of a restaurant

Abort caltrop

Have you even seen the shit show of fed spending. Fed doesnt even know what fed is buying

$90 for a cable thats about 8in in length where if you buy same materials to make the cable and spend same 90, you get about 20ish of the same cables

Buy clamps, wire strippers, shrink sleeves too and it runs you about 140

But its fed and they dont care how much they spend and are willing to pay for it because "that's a bargain. I mean its the lowest bidder so we cant possibly find any better and cheaper"

Anyone have a set of thermal optics? Try looking through them at a pane of glass

Cheap counter thermal

Stand close enough to the glass and you'll see a reflection of your body heat

Thats sticker. Look closer and you can see bubbles

Nvm. Looks painted in some areas. I have no idea

I like my runs like a politician's speech: long winded and endless

Fit the beads to personal preferences. You can do 10, 13, 15, 20, whatever you want and the pace count is set to your environment

My last unit before I got out was rsta based. Thats all we did for the most part

Have to do a mix of sprints and long runs with high paced distance run very once in a while. Cant help on diet though. I just eat and it works out for me on that emd

Unconfirmed as of yet but some of the staff at the Erie PA VA hospital are pretty sure they have the first case of corona in the northeast of the us

Confirmed or suspected

This is the only one I've heard as of yet. If they are confirmed, why aren't they being announced? Fucking media

"If you're just tuning in, as of yet there are NO confirmed cases in the US. If you're being otherwise then they're WRONG."
Yeah and the gov/msm never lie to us...

Being told otherwise*

In 2018 there was a healthcare study in how many entry and mid level employees have some kind of healthcare insurance and whether or no they go to work if they're sick. Came up with something like 90% had access to but not inadvertently having insurance and went to work anyways

If people are freaking out with 1 or 2 cases then imagine what happe s when it goes full swing

If you were wanting a good catalyst to start the boog, that would be it depending on kind of martial law is enplaced

Riots and looting start, unless deadly forced is used against the alphabets then if they use it all then that would be the right time to start. Otherwise youre going to be under heavy scrutiny from the public and wont have full support. As much as I fucking hate saying it, "hearts and minds"

And I think I threw up a little from saying it

Heart is a little off

Intersection of the 8s

Even if you only knick an artery...

But hitting the esophagus and letting them cough up the red juice aint bad either

Shattered sternum with the weight bearing down on it

That dude was scary good at having multiple personalities

In case anyone missed it, msm has moved from us and on to Bernie supporters. Pretty much worded the same thing with us but changed a few words around. We're now officially "old news"


Thats a toughie

Companies panic, sales skyrocket but stocks plummet from unstable conditions, billions if not trillions lost, martial law instated to calm masses, corona spreading skyrockets from population proximity through riots/protests, stock market deadlines.

Thats the other way I could see it

Jails would be a major breeding ground right then

And everyone made fun of the rednecks and hillbillies for being out in the countryside. Ha

Oh NYC is the greatest in the world
Yeah till youre trapped with millions of people trying to take everything on top of the killing and probably raping

Estimated 40k cops to enforce law on millions? Oh that'll work out great

With confirmed cases of corona and the spread rate, looking at roughly 2-6months for it to kick off it does at all

Tattle was saying something about george mason university around Fairfax. Stone throwaway from D.C. D.C. has Dulles that goes nationwide daily with the majority all going to other major cities

I hear AZ isn't so bad

Tennessee or kentucky?

Good hunting country

Florida essentially just voted out the 1st amendment....

ANY verbal threats, warnings or slandering are to be reported to the FBI and then to local law enforcement agencies

Part of THREATS act in florida

Me saying "keep talking shit and I'll fuck your mother like a wildebeest raw dogging a beached whale" would have to be reported to both the FBI and local law enforcement

I'll fight you, no prob

Because I get first dibs at them

Go on.....

I too am a Floridian moved to else where

Not gay if moons out

Nothing wrong with being gay though if you are

Will shine suffice if no beer present?

He never had a chance to begin with

Cant trust a boot that wore full kit plus shoulder pads in an area that was relaxed enough to have bunk beds

Was probably kuwait

But it was okay because officer

I cant keep a straight face after saying that

Seats 10+
Yeah try 5 with a shit ton of room for booze, ammo and the walk-in closet of pew pews

They're not hard

If I can get a Bradley to go couple inches airborne then I'm sure one of us can figure it out

Fuck that. I'll never voluntarily mess with that stuff ever again

So hear me out on this

We don't boog against the entire country. We just go at commiefornia

No one will have an issue with it

Just the cities

Just the cities in ny

Cities in ny control the rest of the state

Napalm and promise of crack will do just fine

Lure them in with the promise, make it rain with napalm

Have a real BBQ

One of the pages was talking about comms the other day. Freq ranges, congested bands and ranges, differences of, etc. Honestly its hard to give a proper rundown of it all and better to give a call or face to face unless you plan on just reading about it. Some things you really just need to look up yourselves. I can talk about that stuff for hours but wouldn't do you guys any good because it's through text and takes forever to explain that way

Think you insulted boots. Shower shoe I think works for now

Stock up on pedialyte and soup. Plus motrin and change your socks

Guess I support rape and blah blah blah then

Converted a decent portion of western and northern Ireland before more or less a civil war broke out over it but not on a national scale. Just skirmishes

The pagans fell into the background but some did flee the country. Ones that stayed grew old, if their kids werent converted then the grandkids were until they were all catholics

Still had small pockets clinging to paganism here and there but within 4 generations even those were snuffed out

My ex fiancรฉ would never shut up about the guy and her distaste of the brits. More so English than the Scots

I like banging fake wiccans. They're usually pretty freaky and dont mind paddles and gags on the first time

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