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2018-04-27 16:28:01 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

They are gone

Ha Ha - Gitmo prepped for luxury clientele


Sorry, I see it is a duplicate!

Interesting story though.

50 open windows of good stories.

User stories for Q scrub sites - need some coordination or we may have bogus post appearing on these sites. If we are attacked, then we may get out of sequence, and then we will have a big mess on our hands. A big problem with changing a number of a post is the rapid dissemination of posts on Twitter, etc. once they appear. The post numbers between sites can get out of whack causing confusion.

Here are a couple of user stories to consider:
As a scrub site, I want to eliminate posts removed by Q in less than X hrs. or Y min., so that only valid posts exist.
As a scrub site, I want to recycle post numbers of stories eliminated by Q when a new Q post has not been posted, so that there are no gaps in the numbering. [this brings up a number of issues to discuss]

The ICA report on "Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections report of 1/6/2017 is hilariously pro-Clinton in it's assessment after we now know what has been pulled out of the government of Obama through FOIA suits. So one-sided. It blames Russia for exposing the DNC, HRC and other criminal activity as completely their doing. Most of what they say has either been proven or was OBVIOUS from the prospective of anyone without cable TV. So, they seem to say that Russia was so much more effective than US media. Are they that stupid? We it seems, yes they were, and some continue to be, e.g., Hillary's non-victory tour.

CNN is pathetic according to the ICA

North Korean progress towards dismantling the nbuclear facility that we may have already deactivated "actively". lol

I'm sorry, but we ARE the Cyber Magicians. Rather, if you're not now, read up and become one for the cause of Q!

I'm telling those following me on Twitter and Facebook the truth about what we are.

I have learned more about American History by following <#430234987032346637> than I ever did in high school. #Anons are amazing researchers and are blindly fast. We crowd-source news every day, doing the in-depth reporting that #MSM won't or can't do. Join the fun

@DallasDebi better yet, I'm having fun doing it. I think that others could help the cause if they knew more about what we do, and it will stave off the Media Matters trolls and the conspiracy label that they are trying to paint on our backs.

BTW, greetings from Bachman Lake

Mine too!

I'll have my 1st lawyer in the family after Saturday when my daughter graduates SMU Law School. I'm a proud Dad!

@D3M0_Anon you must be young! You DON'T want to jump too far forward, too fast, trust me.

Oh, I do see what ypou mean though, but hopefully we can make the world a little bit better.

@DallasDebi Thanks, but she is going to be a hard sell - red pill I mean. She went to U of Ark, and swallowed the blue-pill from hell minoring in Arab studies. When I found out about the SA gov. funding U of A $25 MM to indoctrinate our kids, I flipped. That was about the time I stuck my nose in deeper to find out what was really happening in America. And here I am!

@silowetr Yes Yes Yes!

@DallasDebi I'll find the link to the Lebanese woman, famous but can't remember her name, giving a lecture on the infiltration of America by Cair and the Arab Brotherhood. Damn, I'll come to me, but I blew that brain cell! Now I have to find it.... See you shortly.

Interesting, here is a post from FB. Unluck for the "Pastor" and head of the local NAACP, the officer wore a body camera which shows a very professional cop being respectful and kind. What purpose? MSM does this every day, but they would throw out the body cam footage as being not useful for their story. Every day this happens to POTUS, and I truley feel for him!

Saw this the day before yesterday, but I keep laughing every time I see it!

My grandfather left Macedonia in 1910 because of what Turkey did in Eastern Europe for 400 years. It stopped for a while... All I can say is, "Thanks Gramps!"

@silowetr What idiot thinks it is an improvement to move from the KKK to Antifa? silowetr -

Answer - Ray Ellison does!

Corruption in the FBI might not be the right thing to say, so here are some alternatives:


One more for good measure:

That's my ode to global warming

@anonArthur Well I think the Dems are:

Vault 7 leaker suspect in Manhattan jail on unrelated charges. Despite months of investigation, prosecutors have been unable to bring charges against him.

And one more for good measure...



Rhino Friday is two days off, oh well, Chris deserves all he can get TODAY!

... and then he is caught!


It takes time to do it right, and that sucks!

It could be like this ...

This guy is hilarious, a must follow:

@POTUS' comments on MS-13 as reported in the Moronic MSM Mockingbird DNC A$$kissing Press:

Palpatine's revenge @Deleted User, this is all I have on it. Do you have more?

@Deleted User way more than I had Thanks!

Comparing personalities of the people of two countries. I looked at a few and US and Israel struck me as a very close match. The Tableau (the tool @[412 Anon] does such good work with) Vis of the Day for May 15th is a fun dataset to play with.

Art of the Deal baby, the Art of the Deal....

@Deleted User I hope you are right! It is raining harder now for sure.

Uploading some of my cooler map and climate viewers

Randomly generated SJW Insult machine!

Sure looks like him!

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