[412 Anon]

Discord ID: 353577434169344004

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Unfortunately this stuff is only going to get worse gusy

I understand the desire to Doxx back

We need to be careful though... They will look for any reason to assosiate all of us with anything bad that might happen

I'm pissed off too. I'm sure many of us are going to be doxxed and attacked... We need to find a way to combat this without compromising who we are

I don't blam anyone for what they do in retaliation... I just ask that everyone think twice before acting

@SuckItClowns I agree! We just need to be careful that we don't get accused of advocating violence against anybody

@SuckItClowns I appreciate that!

@everyone if you really want to have @Pamphlet Anon 's back... Storm social media with your love and appreciation for everything he has done. Share the livestream far and wide! We have the numbers.. Lets use them

@everyone Hey guys I created a dashboard for properties owned by Cemex. You can click on the map to filter the list below. https://public.tableau.com/profile/nerothehero#!/vizhome/Cemex_0/CemexDashboardMap

InfinityCurve is gonna be our last call for today

Thank you all so much for participating!

@everyone Does anyone have a spreadsheet containing all of the Q posts? I'm am going on SGT Report tomorrow and could really use it to update some dashboards for the show. Please DM me if you can help

Thank you @Thranduil !!!!

๐Ÿ‘† ๐Ÿ‘† ๐Ÿ‘† ๐Ÿ‘†

Going through the Q posts right now. Will take calls as soon as we finish up

about to bring you on @sdcaliconservative

Ooops maybe not

We'll do it next week brother

Sorry to those waiting on deck.. hard to take calls while Q is posting



After 60 minutes


Thank you @KeithG57

@Sara is next up !

Gonna pull you on next @HonestGrandma

Haha thanks !

Hey guys, I'm really excited about this new series of videos I'm going to be doing with @Breaking Spectre on my new youtube channel. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Thanks! @M_SEE ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@shadow anon C'mon man... Lemonhead is the gift that keeps on giving


Please share around ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Sorry we had to cut you short @CherriBird

Call back again!

@Emma ๐Ÿ˜ you were next!

My setup


Hey guys... would you mind upvoting this to help get a little extra exposure! https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/a65s0d/d5_whats_in_your_program_another_awesome_q_decode/

jump back into pre screening if you want to come on @TheCount

@WeThePeople06James I have your question copied down

Can we add my channel to this list? @Deleted User

oh no!

bummer! was looking forward to saying hi

yup jump into pre screening

It's crazy how they just repeat the same playbook over and over @Sosa321

Licensing = infringement = anti 2A....

as written

Vox is a liberal rag brother

They promote the trans movement and all that nonsense

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There is absolutely no room for interpretation

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