
Discord ID: 133340620604440576

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It's a bit more than a typical Linux boot drive because everything I do on it is saved to the flash drive

I was using it to access their computers after my ID got deactivated when I withdrew, and apparently they detected that someone was using an alternative boot device they updated the BIOS on every campus computer to lock me out

...and didn't lock the BIOS afterwards, so I was able to manually re-enable booting from USB

Surprise motherfuckers

There's no way for them to find out it's me

I cover my tracks well

My laptop is at home, I work half a mile from campus and live ten miles away

Can't drive because no license

Parents barred me from even starting driver's ed in HS, and I've been either working full time or in school full time ever since I graduated

I did online driver's ed a while back but I never have time to practice

>parents insist on waiting til I'm out of high school to let me take driver's ed
>"lmao you're 18 now, pay for it yourself"
>pay for online driver's ed because cheap
>get learner's permit
>state requires insurance to drive legally if you're over 18, even with a permit
>parents know this and require me to get insurance before I can drive their van
>end up paying $130 a month for insurance on a piece of shit van that handles nothing like my actual car
>bring it up
>"well I can't drive your car home if you screw up, so too bad"

No joke, insurance on my MR2 is going to be barely $10 a month more than on the 3.3L Caravan I'm paying insurance on right now

I'm the one who's gonna be stuck supporting them when my dad goes blind in 5ish years

I have five younger siblings but one's a completely unmotivated failure even in high school, the next is both autistic and retarded, the next is my sister, the next is probably autistic and currently 9 yet acts 5


I lost $3k a semester in grants because of their fuckery

...the same semester that I lost a $2k/semester scholarship that I got by scoring in the 90th percentile nationally on the SAT

I lost that from my GPA dropping due to a retarded Calculus prof who failed almost the entire class and ended up banned from teaching that class again

I ended up dumping all of my car savings and everything I earned by working my ass off during the semester just to pay tuition, and ended up with my GPA dropping from an easily recoverable 3.14 to a 2.6

Didn't have time for homework

I would've been able to completely avoid working if it wasn't for my dad basically forcing me to lend him $700 right before the semester started

I can't fucking afford to move out

Can't afford to move out and I'm stuck relying on them to get me to work and back

I can't afford to fucking live man

I mean, I can afford it

I just can't afford to improve my life

I'm stuck in a shitty situation with basically no way out

My hometown is a dead end shithole that's only good if you like working retail or car repair

I had a job offered to me by a local mechanic that I'm hoping I can bank on

Nah, I like my guns

My grandparents are all retarded libs

If I can land the mechanic job, that's around $5 an hour more than I'm making now

The problem with my family is that since my dad was royally fucked by his parents yet still did alright, he basically wants us to have to go through the sane

Whenever I bring up something about college and having to work through it, my dad always likes to throw out that he worked nights full time to pay his way through school full time

Never mind the fact that he NEVER FUCKING GRADUATED

...and IIRC is still trying to pay off his debt from it

I don't remember exactly what the number is but my parents have somewhere near $200k in debt despite only having around $60k a year in income

My dad's basically a boomer minus a generation

Same kind of retardation despite being only 50

To make matters even worse at home he got laid off right after I came home from school, which meant he was at home all the fucking time

None of us like having him around

To sweeten the deal even further, the shit that's blinding him is genetic

I don't have it but there's a 75% chance my kids will

Probably less of one than I should be, given the circumstances

I mean, all things considered I should've snapped years ago

Doesn't help at all that I've got chronic health issues that I can't do anything about because no money

GERD from stress and shitty diet my first semester at college

That shit's been making my life even more hell than it was

I can't even fucking eat if I'm off my meds

Rather, I can eat but I can't keep anything down

Even fucking *water*

If I could afford it I might look into it

It's not legal here anyway

If it's Marijuana-based it's illegal here

There's no medical marijuana access at all in my state

Even non psychoactive is illegal here

Military isn't an option either because medical

GERD usually means rejection, as does scoliosis

Shaving just makes the lack of chin even more obvious

Shit's just fucked all around

I'll find some way to fix it eventually

The GERD isn't going anywhere though, I'll always be stuck with that

It's nice when you come up from the basement at work, cough up a bit of lunch, and out of nowhere get the urge to vomit

>tfw mom unironically says something about "If you can handle this van, you can handle any car just fine"

Right, because a 4500lb 170HP front-engined FWD heap of SHIT totally handles like a 2300lb 112HP mid-engined RWD MR2

That van actually has more miles on it too

It's a 2010 Caravan with 172k on it, my MR2 is a 1987 with 160k

>now officially referred to as "Lead Tech" at work
>meanwhile two of our five techs were suspended earlier for not showing up for a meeting

We actually had a decent staff for once, but our GM in his eternal incompetence decided it was a good idea to suspend them even though he was never really clear on whether the meeting was mandatory or not

So now I get to pick up three more people's slack

>supposed to have 8-9 staff at the shop at any given time
>only have 8 staff TOTAL counting the managers

>was scheduled nice cozy 11-7 shifts all week with Saturday and Sunday off
>coworker got suspended until next week for bailing on a meeting
>schedule uncertain
>shop manager comes down with strep and is out til next week
>schedule is now 7-6 through friday

>get off work
>stop for food
>throw it all up out the window on the way home

There's something depressing about standing there behind another restaurant using their dirty towels to clean puke off the side of your friend's car while still throwing up over your shoulder and laughing at how fucked up the situation is

>tfw saw a girl I recognized from work at coffee shop I hang out at
>strong 9/10, QT blonde college student named Rose
>decide fuck it, might as well try talking to her since
>wait until my ride home is ~10 minutes out so I can make a quick escape if sperging begins
>assume she's probably feminazi or has boyfriend
>actually goes really well and she spergs just as much as I do, doesn't seem uncomfortable at all or try to break it off either
GG lads

>premonition saved my ass again

I want off this ride BUT I CAN'T GET OFF

I have dreams on a regular basis where I die from some sort of preventable fuckup

Like flipping a dirt bike and dying from the bike landing on my head because I was in third gear and hit a root

When all the conditions start to line up, time to take care

That's what happened here, I recognized the situation and downshifted

Still flipped but no injuries

Riding a 110cc Kawasaki but I've never ridden a dirt bike before

Just doing dumb shit in a pasture

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