
Discord ID: 326926716264120320

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2018-07-27 03:01:30 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

Can you explain what he does say about Sandy Hook?

2018-07-27 03:19:03 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

Here are my honest thoughts, somebody did go into the school, and killed them, it did happen, what I wonder about is who actually did it

2018-07-27 03:26:18 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

It reads like normal Alex Jones, but it seems more about evil than anything

2018-07-27 03:27:02 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

I have the image of the "sex planes" as giant flying weiners

2018-07-27 03:29:53 UTC [The Shark Tank #main-chat]  

It doesn't read like a death threat, as more of an over-dramatic, and over-metaphorical piece

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