Message from @Sgtmind

Discord ID: 472241484918423592

2018-07-24 14:29:58 UTC

2018-07-24 14:30:00 UTC

2018-07-24 14:30:02 UTC  

“ Russia, accused of fake news, unfurls its own ‘fake news’ bill” by Lincoln Pigman on The New York Times

The media is condemning Russia for engaging in the same internet censorship tactics that they’ve praised other countries for doing.

2018-07-24 20:55:48 UTC  

i wish someone would actually show the comparison of african economies from when whites ruled till today with the rule of current nations

2018-07-24 20:55:49 UTC  

🆙 | **SP33D3RNam leveled up!**

2018-07-24 20:56:17 UTC  

wait what? why did i level up? how does this level up thing work?

2018-07-24 22:31:39 UTC  

TYT lied in the linked video about Salon not making pro pedophile articles. I’ll link those articles below with a brief description. The video is the last link. The time stamp where they claim this is 8:20

“ I’m a pedophile, not a monster “
This is the famous pro pedophile article Salon did. It’s been deleted, but not before it was archived. It has a follow up, which I shall also post. By Todd Nickerson

“ I’m a pedophile, you’re the monster : My week inside the vile right-wing hate machine “ by Todd Nickerson
This is the follow up to the first pro pedophile Salon article. It was also deleted. It’s an attempt to frame the backlash against the normalization of pedophiles as a right wing plot.

2018-07-26 00:55:58 UTC

2018-07-26 00:55:59 UTC

2018-07-26 00:56:03 UTC  

“ Trump ‘pay with cash ‘ offer on Cohen tape could spell fresh peril for President “ on The Guardian

This article lies about the content of the audio tapes. Trump clearly says the opposite of what the media is saying. He says “ Don’t pay with cash”

NOT, pay with cash.

2018-07-26 01:14:13 UTC

2018-07-26 01:14:15 UTC

2018-07-26 01:14:19 UTC  

“ Michael Cohen secretly taped Trump discussion payments to Playboy model “ on New York Times NYT

Another article lying about the contents of the tapes. He says “ Don’t pay with cash” not pay with cash.

2018-07-26 01:43:15 UTC  

Don’t pay with cash Trump audio tape. Listen yourself. Don’t is very clear. This is that specific part.

2018-07-27 02:59:12 UTC

2018-07-27 02:59:16 UTC

2018-07-27 02:59:17 UTC  

“Alex Jones said he would shoot Robert Mueller and Facebook still won’t ban him” by Luke Darby on GQ

This article tells three lies about Alex Jones and Infowars. 1. He doesn’t deny that Sandy Hook Shooting happened. 2. He hasn’t denied that every shooting since then was a hoax, including Parkland. Which he never denied. 3. He never threaten Robert Mueller with any violence . He used a political metaphor.

2018-07-27 03:01:30 UTC  

Can you explain what he does say about Sandy Hook?

2018-07-27 03:01:47 UTC  
2018-07-27 03:10:30 UTC  

I’ll do better @Sgtmind
Here is Alex himself explaining it unedited.

2018-07-27 03:19:03 UTC  

Here are my honest thoughts, somebody did go into the school, and killed them, it did happen, what I wonder about is who actually did it

2018-07-27 03:24:32 UTC

2018-07-27 03:24:34 UTC  

You aren’t alone @Sgtmind a lot of people have doubts in the official narrative of that story

Here’s the word for word from the episode that the media is claiming is a death threat from Alex Jones towards Mueller. Read it and decide for yourself.

2018-07-27 03:26:18 UTC  

It reads like normal Alex Jones, but it seems more about evil than anything

2018-07-27 03:27:02 UTC  

I have the image of the "sex planes" as giant flying weiners

2018-07-27 03:29:53 UTC  

It doesn't read like a death threat, as more of an over-dramatic, and over-metaphorical piece

2018-07-27 03:49:04 UTC  

@Sgtmind yup. AKA classic Alex Jones

2018-07-27 03:49:10 UTC

2018-07-27 03:49:11 UTC  

“ Why YouTube’s Infowars ban is meaningless “ by Emma Woollacott on Forbes

This article crying about social media not cracking down on “ conspiracy theorists” in time for the midterms, tells two lies about Alex Jones and Infowars.

1. He never said that the Parkland shooting was a hoax done by crisis actors. Didn’t happen.

2. He never posted a video of him pushing a child down on the ground. No such video exist.

2018-07-27 23:34:00 UTC  

Here’s the video proving that Alex Jones didn’t post a video of him pushing down a child, as Forbes claimed in an article.That isn’t him. This video was removed from YouTube, and his channel was given a strike over it for child abuse. This is a video the media has itself posted, without consequence.

2018-07-28 14:35:28 UTC

2018-07-28 14:35:29 UTC

2018-07-28 14:35:32 UTC  

“ Alex Jones temporarily banned by Facebook “
By Karl Utermonhlen on Yahoo News

Article claims that “ Jones expressed his desire to shoot him, while also accusing him of pedophilia without any evidence “ . An ironic statement considering he was using an old west metaphor and explicitly said he was talking about having a duel “ Politically “ . This is fake news.

Something important to note about Yahoo News. An article by them was used as evidence in the FISA court request to spy on the Trump administration. It was also used at independent confirmation of the Steele dossier even though the Yahoo News source was Steele himself. Their reliability as a news source, or lack of reliability, is highly relevant.

2018-07-28 23:14:43 UTC

2018-07-28 23:14:45 UTC

2018-07-28 23:14:47 UTC  

“ Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine “ by Josh Rogin on Washington Post

This July 2016 article is the one used to justify the FISA surveillance warrant against Trump. Two things to note about this article.

1. Its an OPINION article. Yes, the FBI used an opinion article to justify spying on an American citizen.
2. Trump has authorized the sale of weapons to Ukraine as president, so it’s conspiracy theory claims are not correct. Not surprising.

2018-07-29 15:19:19 UTC

2018-07-29 15:19:20 UTC

2018-07-29 15:19:22 UTC  

“ Russian hackers’ new target: A vulnerable Democratic Senator “ by Andrew Desiderio and Kevin Poulsen on The Daily Beast

Article claims that this Senator is a “new target” of “ Russian Hackers” because she got a common phishing email in August 2017. Almost a year ago.

2018-07-29 21:39:08 UTC

2018-07-29 21:39:09 UTC  

“ New Hampshire, 94 percent white, asks: How do you diversify a whole state”
by Kathrine Q. Seelye on The New York Times

Anti white article bemoaning the plight of none white people having to live among whites. State business leaders come together to solve the problem of too many whites existing in their states. Imagine if this was about any other group besides whites.

“ The end of black Harlem “ by Micheal Henry Adams on The New York Times

Black Harlem man fights to maintain the racial purity of his neighbor. When whites live separate, that’s segregated, when they leave, it’s white flight, and when they move in, it’s gentrification. You can’t win, because it’s just anti white propaganda.

Both these articles are from The New York Times. One is about a place that is mostly white( New Hampshire) and the other is about a place having too many white people(Harlem) you see how racial hegemony is propagandize differently depending on the race? Really makes you think.