
Discord ID: 490408174327955466

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Anyone here remember me from

TFM's server?

The guy who got banned for an anti-Semitic comment


Well whatever

I already did to @Aeroshogun

I am not anti-Semitic though

But feminism does have a lot of Jewish influence

That's what I was trying to get across

But anyways, let's forget about it before another mess ignites


Also let's not forget feminists believe in eugenics

Damn, that's one tiny image

Assuming is an image that goes "Lynch mob, here it comes again"

@Aeroshogun how many places do you moderate lol

Just wondering

Oh ok

If anyone got a hot topic to discuss, cool


I feel you

I just got a quick question not related really to mgtow ane red pill stuff, but.....

Did anyone here about the incident at a vape store in Georgia????

Oh wow, nobody hear heard about that?

Dammit I tried posting the video

Oh well, but if you need a good laugh the video is worth it

Just search up in the YT search bar "Trump vape store"

Yeah even the black guy was weirded out by the employee

The black guy was like "Bruh wtf, is he ok? Is his autism level 5?" But damn the Trump supporter I gotta say handled it like a pro

I got a topic request

The ruinance of male sports and the rise of female sports

And how women invading the fitness industry ruined it even more

Hahahaha, wait did they just say the majority of women in those marches are white? No shit, really?

Hadn't it become obvious by now white feminists are the ones who created the obnoxious empowerment mentality in the first place.

How's everyone doing?


The left eating itself, what more is there to say?

Wassup dammers

Happy NYE

Mothafuckers XD:

I am bored and decided to join the chat

Happy New Years motherfuckers

@PreschoolFightClub as fucked up as that sounds, I want to lol at the same time ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

What is up everyone?

Who's online?

Is that the Matrix?

I am seeing?

Mickey D'a

Damn we talking about dieting now?

Hello everyone

Chat must be active AF

Anyone saw the TFM livestream?

So nobody watched the TFM stream I am taking?

Oh well anyways

How was Venom you dweebs

I watched the movie before

@Happy Humble Hermit I was asking besides you

@Happy Humble Hermit can I discuss a topic request please?

As you can see I wanna help save sports from becoming just more boring, pussified, and flamboyant. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do to help the cause, sports are in decline as an industry

@Happy Humble Hermit well there it is


I am not obsessed, I just wish I could find more common ground on this

I will try to see if sports forums discuss this I guess

@Happy Humble Hermit well let's be real every traditional male activity or space is only dying by the day

Sports are in decline as much as blue collar jobs

So maybe let time do its job

I have a YT channel just not dedicated to sports lol

@Whats gay anymore I mean to be reasonable, here are some reasons I want to help save the sports industry just to give some reasoning

1. Sports are great man makers

2. Sports are one of the few things keeping us from becoming more
sedentary as a species

3. Sports have a lot of benefits on their will of mental and physical health

4. Sports are great physicality and strength conditioners

But I agree most people who watch sports aren't sports fans or players themeselves.

If taking women's rights away is all it will help I am up for it then

Cause female athletics are being shoved down our ass anyways...

@Whats gay anymore good, cause I like when sports are raw and aggravating, not dangerous of course

If women want to maintain their rights they better listen and use them with great responsibility

Let's be real many patriarchal societies prevent female athletics for that one reason, because they know women will cucked it hard big time

Is not just sports, women ruined a whole lot of things

Education, video games, movies, religion, the family unit and social media

List of things women ruined

Education, video games, movies, religion, the family unit and social media, also to make this a more complete list here is another good one

Valentines Day

Women turned Valentines day into another worshipping day for them

I gotta to bed, later gators

I am not too tired


I will get back into chatting

What are we talking about dweebs?


You wanna know something about cheating?

Cheating was glorified by the sexual revolution, boom there you have it

Cheating became glorified and normalized when the sexual revolution was on fire

And this is why you see a lot of broken households today

But tell that to feminists who are so blindly into slut culture

And men get slut shamed too, is just not as superficial

@IT G MA! I wouldn't go that far

I rather have them do community service

@Kragt that also, seriously I don't get why people be complaining about the double standards of "Wow men can fuck so much without shame"

But a woman can creep into a man and not be told shit, right?

I can play that game as much as they would like

As far as slut shaming it takes more effort for a man to get laid SMH

@Kragt and then complain that the men are not shamed if they whore it out, but they say that like if a man can get laid easily and don't forget slut shaming may not be the thing, but you may be also labeled a rapist or sex offender depending on the circumstances

@Kragt and that could lead to legal trouble, oh but muh slut shaming

As if being slut shamed is keeping you from being a slut, but a man could be into legal trouble so pick your bets

@Kragt I am talking about how they make it that is almost socially immoral for women to be sluts, but men can develop serious risk of legal trouble

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