Discord ID: 217122704569008129

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taking away voting right would be good everything else can stay

Yeah because then we can change the laws with less backlash

Its mainly because women are easily manipulated

so women hahaha

The only way we can take the vote away from women is to overthrow our current governments since more women vote than men, we would have to do it undemocratically

cucks would keep it alive for a while

Atleast shes submissive to the husband then

Women wont vote for anything that negatively impacts their easy lifestyles you would have to overthrow the government with the military to change any law concerning womens rights

Its not possible with democracy

If women can vote they will just block vote to have no responsibilities and keep all their rights.

Violence is always the answer


Its pretty much the only choice at this point


How can you remove their rights when more than 50% of voters are women...

Yeah you can say only net taxers get to vote but it will never happen because women will never vote for it

How do you take their rights away without escalating things you will have one side extreemly against it and one side for it then war will break outy


then you go to jail

will still never happen with the current voting climate, its either war or enough men switch on and there is not enough of us at this point

We can only hope that Mgtow gets bigger to the point where we can alter the votes

Nah if enough men go mgtow then we can hold the government by the balls

Whats wrong with becoming big enough as a movement to help mens lives


they dont call it man kind for no reason

We can still help the MRM while still being mgtow we can be both if we so choose

When the chance to vote for something that is positive towards men comes up why wouldn't you vote for that. You can still be mgtow but that doesn't mean you shouldn't vote and just watch the world burn....

Keep marriage just alter it to benifit both genders

Well the whole marriage altering would be for the normies to keep our society rolling we can just stay batchelors

bring back blasphemy laws stone cheaters to death, then I bet you people will definitely be less inclined to cheat, you also get rid of all the scum in the world

just throw rocks at em



IF we stone cheaters to death then the worlds population wont be filled with so much degenerates

Bring back meme chat

Much smarts

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