
Discord ID: 529121378339913729

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Zen = influenced by Taoism

yeah but the Tao te ching favors softness over hardness

Well but in the time when the Tao te ching was written it was all out war in china like the warring states and the concern were also how to rule properly seeing all the corruption and tyranny suffering and death going on...but also there is a notion on DOING but more spontaneous way like beeing in a kind of flow

sometimes ppl die because of the stupidity of others

Reptiloid confirmed

Tesla : energy, frequency and vibration



what do u mean by she saw the true self of you?

she saw ur providing potential or saw u as husband material ?

its not even worth reflecting on her imho i would rather spend my energy in improving myself and my personal situation everything else is a distraction

just figure out why you have these kind of thoughts, get to the root cause and work on that

in the end we all die alone and you cant take anything with you


its a projection

shes one in a billion

there are so many others


@Phosis T'Kar i meant shes just one female out of a billion options...did i say it wrong? english is not my first language

ah i see


army has contractors too


esports streaming create a website /content

yea be an asset

or you get a job to get bye and work harder on ur own projects


send more applications dont count on one

then optimize ur cv too


stop overthinking

but did u make ur bed?

seems like u have all the knowledge then apply it

information is not power..information is power potential, it becomes power when you can use it

the best time

well companies call you human capital or human ressource

what happened to his friend chosky?

i just heared he vanished he had a colap with rollo going

i can make the air smelly

can anyone recommend other content creators like Snake, human, solitary wolf, Hยณ?

@jondough thanks @Happy Humble Hermit was the first cahnnel i found

naw i mean when i found mgtow first channel i found was sandman and others but then i took a break from mgtow content because facing some kind of nihilsm i'd say i returned seeing content from HHH, solitary wolf and human

the vid "MGTOW is the most valuable thing in the universe" is just gold

ah the message wasn sent: SNAKE is itachis uchiha channel

well he uploaded a vid 9 hrs ago "be greedy as fuck" on the snake channel

but the patreon Link says " HIM"

god wills it

got my bug out bag rdy for shtf scenario

@JDB true that

thats y i like somehow minimalism i apply it with consumption and people i deal with

deleted all social media

and needless contacts

yes because u are bombarded with manipulation

iz u a clearvoyant ?

read me taroz

mhh imagine she rides a cock right now maybe thats more realistic

so what exactly did she messed up?


narcissim is hard to heal because they cant reflect on that

well in my experience narcisstic personalities seldom change

but u need a shit ton of professional guidance to change ..did she consult one.. ? to change?


this is not worth the squeeze

there you have it should be suffice to let it go ..ofc she doesnt because there are cases where narcisstic people get their self worth from putting other down

they are like emotional vampires

Hi Deutschland?

have u been there?

i think balance is a good thing extremes


there are many

and many that will rise

new years resolution: dont skip leg day...

also try not to fart while deadlifting

but usally i dont care

thats fucking poetic

i actually read that

i'm lvl 1

not a fan of dolls tbh


23:54 too late

alcohol i choose you

sounds descent

gotta exercise my german pride..its a beer culture

too bad u miss the best part

so what is gay stuff in your opinion?

throw in a link

but we can discuss the movie?!

nobody cares its your reality now

i cant carry shit here youre so lucky

i only get a fucking gun in my hands when im on army training

yo and in a country where arms laws are too strict

do i need to register?

but i can see him...

thx haku for saving me

wtf catboi

nearly fell for it

but only for the nigga part

dont even have a tv all lies

wheres the VC?

mate feed kill repeat ?

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