
Discord ID: 145669757012672512

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Wonder if anyone fucks with the dog when he's being walked since he still responds to said commands

Probably not too often considering it has be when the local Gestapo aren't around


No idea

Can't wait for the low IQ trolls to comes flying in here

That'll be fun

I've not watched em, not watching multi hour streams for a few nuggets of entertainment

If I'm super interested I'll see if Kronos has a clip, he's usually good for getting the best parts

Inforwars what now

No apparently

Shit some of these are actually pretty good

Man this is that "fake news is damaging to out democracy" thing all over again and it's great

Probably a furfag

As long as he disavows the zoo crew he can stay I say

Well as long as it's consensual

Yeah, it kinda funny because it's the most low effort trolling imaginable

Jim's fans are like the kids who think they can wrestle because they watch a bunch of WWE

Dearly he shall pay

Whenever he deigns to come visit Sparta, there will be no mercy

Well thank you Lexicon

I stay there for a small selection nonpolitical subreddits

Kotaku in action is decent imo

Yes yes you do

I've stopped smoking weed because when I come down I fucking plummet

Was he shit?

He's a Brit comes with the territory

@Cirno Civ is basically babies first 4x

As a Canadien, I can confirm

They are the fucking worst

It's a great meme though

That's what makes it so great

I agree NPc isn't really a trap to the same degree, the it's okay to be white was literally designed for them to respond in the way they did

Your not wrong

welp stream placeholder is up *bout fucking time*

let me know if his bombshell is as much of a dud as it more than likely is

like the announcement is there but its not live yet

10:15 pm fuck me

oh no, Jim's self destruction stream, cuz he is tilted af

plus who the fuck is turning into a stream at 10pm

fucking christ what is it with late streams

what clip?

oh yeah that

his little meltdown there that was fucked

i mean, what are the chances he has fucking anything substancial

I mean, i remember him saying he though Sargon was dirty with *Candid*

like, fucking what

it was on killstream i think

fuck them

@WesBerry97 how bad is it

some hot takes

"stealing memes" holy fuck they are actually going with that

**Meme Protectorate NOW**

yeah Jim is an asshole, not really news mate

honestly can't wait tell he turns on Ralph

he's done to everyone else he's buddied up to in the past

i'm morbidly curious as to what this great bomshell he has Sargon is, just to see how much of a nothing burger it actually is

true, i'm willing to say its more than 0%

also the stream starts at 10pm for me *hurray atlantic time* so i'll just watch the aftermath

okay I need to ask, is the dox real

I thought it was bullshit

woot story time

the fuck happened in here?

oh fun

so @WesBerry97 anything even sorta concrete yet?

@HungBunny so everything we figured it would be


2018-10-22 03:28:50 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

So is it safe to say that the Jim stream (this one at least) is everything we expected it to be

2018-10-22 03:30:10 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

I think doxxing is bad, but I have a relatively lenient definition of doxing

2018-10-22 03:32:42 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Vee even explained why he was there didnt he

2018-10-22 03:32:48 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Something Kraut said

2018-10-22 03:33:55 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  


2018-10-22 03:34:00 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

It's back

2018-10-22 03:35:23 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

It's a semi-dead term that now means whatever the fuck people want it to mean

2018-10-22 03:36:07 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Most people that you would associate with the label have basically moved on or were caught in the Kraut meltdown

2018-10-22 03:37:50 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

@Deleted User Naw, Jim sees Sargon as future content, it's the same as AltHype who got caught saying he only talks about Sargon because it gets him clicks

2018-10-22 03:39:36 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Wow, someone pull up that Jim81Jim clip

2018-10-22 03:40:08 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

The one where he makes fun of people who gloat about their subscriber count

2018-10-22 03:40:53 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Says something along the lines of their ruining the internet

2018-10-22 03:42:25 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Also I love how he seems to think he'll be able to pull Sargon into the mud, honestly Jim is just entertainment for Sargon at this point

2018-10-22 03:44:21 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

In other news, the sunset today

2018-10-22 03:45:06 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Welp gotta wait till tomorrow for the "bombshell"

2018-10-22 03:45:19 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Cuz Jim's gotta make that money honey

2018-10-22 03:49:12 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

While I don't like doxing I can kind of get it in the case of people who have done it repeatedly and are basically know for it

2018-10-22 03:51:30 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

What did Vee saybin said call anyway

2018-10-22 03:52:12 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Oh that

2018-10-22 03:53:40 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

I think he's say it should be used against people who constantly dox others

2018-10-22 03:53:59 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Because it's probably the only thing that will make them stop

2018-10-22 03:54:50 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Then again he did say he was wasted for at least one of those convos so

2018-10-22 03:57:08 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Although if Vee is willing to explain what he was saying mayeb he was just going after a double standard he sees regarding doxxing and it just came out wierd

2018-10-22 03:58:24 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Eh, I'll give Vee a chance to respond

2018-10-22 03:58:47 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Before I form my final opinion

2018-10-22 04:01:25 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

@ConceptHut really? Huh my understanding of the timeline is fuckes then

2018-10-22 04:02:01 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Like I said, it is possible he's merely commenting on a double standard he sees

2018-10-22 04:03:38 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

@ConceptHut thanks mate, I'll dig through this to see what he said

2018-10-22 04:04:06 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Also this is the stream where he mentioned he was wasted drunk for at least one of those convos so...

2018-10-22 04:04:19 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Take that as you will

2018-10-22 04:05:19 UTC [Sparta #live-stream-chat]  

Oh same, I'll do it later unless someone beats me to it

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