Chief Rocket Designer

Discord ID: 592614529779761162

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Hello Cancer folks

prove to me the earth is flat

prove to me the earth is flat


Patents don't make it in use peope can file patents for a flying washing machine

why tf don't we have embed

its called


Apollo 10 crew in the year of 1969

@Deleted User show me this paper

Ahh ok

can I have them?


glad you like the globe now

waiting for evidence as always

@IXI any evidence or nah

Of the earth being flat

but sure

What I posted is not the blue marble

CGI in 1969?

Evidence such CGI existed?

what I posted was very very good quality

I must not be seeing your point

that is also not proof of CGI in 1969

Ok so what is your point!

1 + 1 = 10 you don't have proof its not :huehuehue:


Prove to me that it was CGI

your being an intellectual coward, citation needed

that CGI of that quality existed

your making the claim it was fake


Prove to me CGI existed in 1969 of that quality

Yes they do they don't have the funding we go to the moon all the time today even india and china have gone. We just don't have the budget for human exploration or the national interest or infrastructure. your being intellectually dishonest it is not a problem of technology it is a problem of lack of means to get there because we don't have the same political and economic situtation of 1969

No they didn't

show me this

No it didn't

oh gosh your going to link me that orion video arn't you

idk why this guy is, and the context so

the full clip and context please

not your "Muh Earth Flat" meme

that is not an offical statement

it is one enginner most likley speaking off the cuff at best

No it isn't?

For all I know that guy is a flat earther

@IXI are you getting it or no

@Dizaster I want sources

Ok so, let me explain the issue to you since you don't get it

```do ur research``` You assume I havn't I suggest you do research promoting our positions as well.

The Apollo Space craft requires infrastructure to launch, IBM computers from that era, and all the right materials in the right order will billions of dollars to build this infrastructure let alone the rocket itself. NASA right now is basically the lead of the ISS When it comes to sustaining that platform, we also have a ton of infrastructure and mission probes which also cost millios of dollars. In 1970-1980 we replaced the Apollo Hardware with the updated space shuttle hardware, the space shuttle was mean't to go to LEO only so not the moon. Going back to apollo would not be worth it because we can do everything cheaper with new materials now? Why are we not doing this you ask? We are, but slowly, NASA is preparing for the first launch of the SLS within a year or two I think so. We are going back. However we don't have the 50 billion dollars (adj) we had in 1969. We have about 19 Billion today. So we are doing more than we did in those eras internationally and in deep space and still trying to go to the moon with less money. We did not "destroy" that technology we removed the ability to use it because we replaced it. In the same way you replace your phone, you don't destroy your phone you replace it. That does not mean that your phone has backward compatailty. It does not mean that you should get an older phone when you can just wait and get a better phone.

@Flat Earth PhD because germs spread it is like saying how is not eraticating the plauge on one person putting others are risk. Now I am not pro-force vaxxination but it does put others at risk

it says don't debate it there

in the descirption

^ yes

@IXI barges, planes factories enginners laborers, machine labor, etc etc

@floridaswamptrash I doubt it if your refering to the Constellation progam

because they are a government agency

what ledgic said

@Sassy Undeniably show me evidence else bye

and we have

@IXI I explained what happened

evidence can be debunked

I am sorry that your illiterate

various other nations have photographed the apollo sites

@IXI how stupid do you think NASA is?

@floridaswamptrash I just explained that

@floridaswamptrash The Apollo Space craft requires infrastructure to launch, IBM computers from that era, and all the right materials in the right order will billions of dollars to build this infrastructure let alone the rocket itself. NASA right now is basically the lead of the ISS When it comes to sustaining that platform, we also have a ton of infrastructure and mission probes which also cost millios of dollars. In 1970-1980 we replaced the Apollo Hardware with the updated space shuttle hardware, the space shuttle was mean't to go to LEO only so not the moon. Going back to apollo would not be worth it because we can do everything cheaper with new materials now? Why are we not doing this you ask? We are, but slowly, NASA is preparing for the first launch of the SLS within a year or two I think so. We are going back. However we don't have the 50 billion dollars (adj) we had in 1969. We have about 19 Billion today. So we are doing more than we did in those eras internationally and in deep space and still trying to go to the moon with less money. We did not "destroy" that technology we removed the ability to use it because we replaced it. In the same way you replace your phone, you don't destroy your phone you replace it. That does not mean that your phone has backward compatailty. It does not mean that you should get an older phone when you can just wait and get a better phone.

This has to do with the missing video tapes not telementary data

@floridaswamptrash basically but that is how technical innovation works

@floridaswamptrash going to the moon was not that scientifically useful at that time compared to the cost. LEO research was more efficencnt and probes were getting better

@Sassy Undeniably they are not showing the actual footage of them faking anything at all. Just a narrated hit peice, I would want the raw footage uncut unnarrated

```speed differential, Van Allen Belt, Fuel creation, Vacuum implosion``` They did not go throught the Van Allen belts directly they went through the outer edges of them idk what is hard to think with the fuel creation Kerosene and LOX are easy to make. Vacuum implosion im sorry what, and Speed Differential what does that even mean

@floridaswamptrash Not with that good camera quality

looks pretty sh-t to me

it wouldn't have

but ok

Rockets are not fake you dumb idiot

They are the same thing

@Sassy Undeniably do you have ANY raw footage?

not if you have something like cancer where your immune system can't take the vaccination and your already weakened @Wretch

@Sassy Undeniably Nothing you have said has come from my side

@IXI what math

What is the derivative of y = x^2

@Wretch which is why I am against mandatory vaccinations like I said rfrom the onset, none the less, you are a risk

@IXI what is the derivative of y = x^3

your not listening

I am just saying your a risk

which you are

by your own admission

what is the issue here

What does that even mean

@IXI what are you even asking

@Wretch I dare you to cite a source that does not agree with you

0.08 meters in 1 Km but why is this relevant?

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