
Discord ID: 254623652744527873

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2019-03-23 23:09:49 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

I didn't know Russians were so short

2019-03-24 19:21:05 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@shabdiz because almost all people can be placed into stereotypes
And it depends on where you live, it's not as monotonous here for example.

@MatejRamzesJukiฤ‡ Croatian girls add Matej on Facebook please

Boomers replenish their numbers just enough for now

Pure biology will not make the problem go away

@AP-1138 because they are schismatics and outside of salvation by nature of schism. It's not hard to understand.

We don't share most saints because most saints were proclaimed in the past few centuries.

And most of that in the past 50 years

And we'd call a few major theological differences heresy in a number of issues, for example many deny divine simplicity

And as thee Church has defined a number of dogmas since, they at least partially deny those.

Do they accept papal infallibility for example? Because that's a dogma and it's far from cultural.

Or take the council of trent, see how they feel about many of those.

For example that the Catholic Church can punnish heretics and schismatics by death.

Orthodoxy invented a lot of post hoc anti thomist theology to justify schism

Which is the filioque

Reconciliation is only one, which is submission to the Catholic Church. Anything else is a farce.

Probably not on the whole, especially before Catholicism retakes politics power. Orthodoxy is easy to control with politics, be it Poland, the Sultan or Stalin.

Most Eastern rite Catholics are Ukrainian, descending from those who converted during Polish rule.

Mystery focused is a fun way of saying bad at high level theology ๐Ÿ˜‚

He was an occultist

And an adulter

Killed because of his political power

In no way is he a martyr

Considering how well Rasputin was in good relations with many of the royal family I see no reason to find it implausible

He was also a terrible ruler

Ctzarist Russia was in fact a terrible place to live in

A wife can't invite and keep an occultist at the court for years without implicit approval of her husband

Not soon enough

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