Caedes (crYpto.mdk)

Discord ID: 431972423428997155

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Been there, my dude.

Any sperglords in here do pen and paper gaming (D&D, Pathfinder, WoD, Shadowrun, etc)?

I'm thinking of putting together a non-degenerate World of Darkness group. I run Vampire: the Masquerade and (once upon at time) Hunter: the Vigil. I want to run a mixed Vampire/Hunter game soon, but I don't want to dance around the lefty Innsmouth-types.

>inb4 "lol nondegenerate WoD"

Weebery, just like anything else, can be very harmful to people with an addictive personality. Not gonna lie, I occasionally indulge in a Cambodian puppet-show myself, but I've definitely seen people fall down a hole with it. In a similar vein, I can enjoy a good whiskey every now and then, but some people should never drink. Some people can't practice moderation, and should avoid anime at all costs.

People actively seek out stimulae which give them a bit of a dopamine release. Media is no different. Anything consumed for that squirt of dopamine, to the detriment of other things, is neurochemically no different than a drug.

TL;DR: I basically agree with @Daniil , but I'm not the tee-totaling type. Moderation in all things, and knowing what you can handle (that is, knowing the difference between harmless enjoyment and sin) is key. Don't watch a harem comedy if you have problems with lust, don't go for tragedies if you struggle with suicidal thoughts, etc.

Both, lol

I'm very selective about my weebery. Older Gundam, historical dramas, and the odd wholesome slice of life. There might be a series a year I can watch. An episode a week, and I'm good.. Used to be a mega-weeb, now I'm too casual to talk about it with my normie friends.

If I ever have to wait in line for three hours to confess again, I will literally ree at everyone who takes longer than five minutes, and probably have to confess mortal autism.

Like, I swear there had to have been a Soviet collaborator who confessed every Ukrainian he starved, individually.

I wish there was a trad parish anywhere near me. I was confirmed in the NO parish I go to, but, and my priest knows this, I would never darken their door again if there was a TLM anywhere near by.

Basically the only decent Christian black metal band. And by band, I mean one dude.

The guy's an Aussie, specifically Jayson Sherlock, formerly of the band Mortification. Phenomenal drummer.

Good shots of his footwork in this one.

It reminds me of the narco "art" the frijolitos in my town like.

It's the same logic as "Fuck your optics. I'm going in." guy.

Good stuff. Production quality is a good deal sharper than most of what I'm into, but in a way that still comes across as genuine.

I cut my teeth on Leviathan and Xasthur. Stuff like Dark Throne and Burzum came later for me, and by then I'd gotten into stuff like Abigor and Marduk. I didn't even know about unblack until last year or so. When I'm out of my funk enough to practice guitar, I might just give it a crack myself.

Right now I'm big on Satyricon and Anaal Nathrakh, but I put on Xasthur, Wolves in the Throne Room, and similar stuff when I'm writing. I'd say my all-time favorite (black metal) band is probably Deathspell Omega, though.

I need to re-diversify my music. All this black is starting to push out my '90s metalcore.

I need more Zao and Shai Hulud in my life.

I still remember buying Impending Doom's first proper album in high school. Every subsequent album they put out was garbage, but "Nailed. Dead. Risen." is still among my favorite albums.

Probably the only decent deathcore album ever made.

Do I hear a bit of Training for Utopia or (really) early AILD in there? Not bad, if I'm being totally honest. I also have to walk back my previous statement on deathcore. Despised Icon's first two albums are gold, and Job for a Cowboy has been consistently great over the years. Yeah, JFAC only had one album that could be called deathcore, but it was breddy gud.

Anywho, I've got to sleep. Night, niggas.

Anyone need lapis or redstone (dust)? I'm two hours in and have a spare stack of each.

I've also got a spare diamond pickaxe, if a fellow noob needs a good tool.

Oh, I'm not looking to trade. I've just got extra. I'm sitting on 4 stacks of redstone dust, and well over a stack of lapis, and a pretty vast and efficient mine. I'm giving stuff away. I suck with redstone, so I'm just looking for someone to take it off my hands.

Pray for me, my dudes. There's a stomach bug going around my house, and I've been torn up for three days.

So, my Prot stepmother wants to come with me to Mass on Sunday.

I won't. She's been to a few before (mostly funeral masses), so she mostly knows the drill.

Okay, so @Riley , you recognize that having a mental disconnect with physical reality is an issue, right?

Your mental picture of yourself is incongruous with the physical reality of what you are.

Holy crap. How did you wind up here? Like, if you're willing to be civil and actually discuss things, I won't suggest leaving, but oof.

@Riley PM me. I want to pick your brain, but not in public.

This is gonna be fun. Give me some time to talk to this one.

It's rare that I get to dig into a brain without having to interact face-to-face.

I feel like I'm getting somewhere, or will be. For the first time ever, my obsessive consumption of medical and psychological literature is coming in handy.

I know a few people like Addie IRL, some for years. I've learned that a little civility, some philosophy, and a wide range of niche academic interests come in handy.

The papers ran stories about her leaving the industry.

Apparently, her fellow ragheads didn't like her "work". There were bomb threats.

She got out way before that happened.

You mean they aren't property?

You clearly haven't read any Stirner. Anything I can successfully impose my will on is my property.

Unless it's a spook. Then it can't be property.

I kid. Egoist philosophy is good for memes, and nothing else.

@OrthoBro Not as much as I used to be. I just started getting back into it after a decade of "retirement".

I was a 3 dan player (amateur), but now I'm in the kyus.

After a while, some people adjust, and just stop having them.

There is a caveat to consider when talking about moral culpability for dreams, though. You need to avoid consciously thinking back on and relishing the content of such a dream. If you hold on to that memory and use it to fuel lust later, it then becomes a sin. Recalling a dream and fantasizing is morally equivalent to viewing porn, that is, a mortal sin.

I trick I found is to not "fight" mental images, that is, active try to push them from my mind, but to get up and do something. Literally anything works.

I wish I could forget dreams. I either don't have a dream, or I have one so vivid I wake up and freak out because I don't know what's going on or where I am.

I just wear shorts and a tee. Too much clothing creates pressure and friction, which provide a stimulus for the dreaming mind to play with.

It is kinda subjective, I guess.

Dreams suck. Mine are pretty rare, but they're either crazy lewd, or horrific. I get what I can only call "flashbacks" to wars I wasn't in. A few months ago, I was in a trench, and we got hit by gas shells. I got my mask on and looked back up to a German driving his bayonet into my gut. I woke up instantly, still looking for my rifle to try and fight back, and I could still feel where I was stabbed half an hour later.

I fall out of bed a few times a year.

it's the worst. The painful dreams are easily two-thirds of them. Lewd dreams are rarer. I mean, I certainly wouldn't prefer the opposite, but shit, man. I wish I could dream less. Beats the time I spent on sleep aids. Ambien gives me night-terrors.

And people wonder why I've got that thousand-yard stare 80% of the time. It'd be better if I wasn't prone to insomnia. Try being sleep-bayo'd after finally breaking a three-day no sleep streak. Actually, that might be the cause. I rarely dream if I've been sleeping well.

Bayo(nette)d. My bad. I forgot that not everyone speaks /k/.

I'll sleep well, tonight, though.We had flooding yesterday, and I tried and failed to mow my lawn today. Got about 1/2 done when the mower started to get bogged down. Pushing a mower through 1.5' high grass after two days of heavy downpour is a bitch.

Play constantly. Find a go club in your area. The American Go Association has a directory.

I gave up on ever mastering the game. Those Japanese, Korean, and Chinese players duking it out on the competitive circuit have all been playing since they were 4-5, no joke. The Chinese gov't pulls promising kids from school around that age and pays for everything they want/need, so they can focus 100% on the game. The Japanese still practice a master/student model, where a young kid goes off to live with a pro player. I didn't start playing until I was 12 or so.

In Japan, in the pre-Meiji era, if a male teacher didn't adequately instruct a female student, he could be forced to marry her when she came of age. This was because the girl had wasted the years she could have been using learning how to be a good wife, and so her instructor was basically her only marriage prospect.

>TFW you'll never intentionally teach someone something so badly that they have to marry you.

The only real shot at a decent relationship I ever had was a Khazar qt I dated while I was in the Air Force. The only Jewess I've ever met who wasn't a degenerate and really appreciated NatSoc aesthetics.

Let's try this.

.chan out

.chan mu

WTB Ender pearl. 3 gold/diamond/emeralds, your choice. Willing to negotiate +/-.

Alternatively, I've got building mats.

I got a new revolver today!

@Khanate.Hank I'm only really looking to get one pearl.

@LuxCo , poor bastard. I live in North Carolina. I just have to prove I'm not a felon. That said, I got this gun for free from my stepmom, who got it from her father. Little 1981 H&R double-action. A bit anemic, but there are a few good defensive loads available.

Not *my* gun, but the same make and model.

Honestly, from my talks with an orca-dog I know (not in /cult/), most of the differences between us and them are semantic and cultural. They're just autistic and insist that their big Greek words are better and more true than our big Latin words. My EO friend agrees, as does his priest.

That's a bit more complicated. They don't like most of the popes themselves, or how much power the pope has. That said, my buddy at least thinks Orthodoxy would benefit from a similar system.

The Orthodox don't like the filioque because they think it creates a subordinate role for the Holy Spirit, which in their view breaks the unity of the Trinity. I've been trying to come up with a good argument to counter that claim, but the EO are more mystery focused, making it difficult to formulate a convincing rational argument.

I've never seen evidence of those first two.

No no no, I'm saying I've never seen evidence of him being an occultist or adulterer. He was definitely murdered by kikes.

The czarina being a degenerate would make sense. She was raised a German prot.

As for being a poor ruler, he was a simple man, not well suited to the intrigues of politics. Most of what went on during his reign was actually the work of the aristocrats.

Those who knew him well described him as a very pious man, and very nearly as devoted to his family. He apparently liked to spend as much time as he could with his children, and delegated much of his power to aristocrats who would lie to his face about the state of the empire. Many of those men had served under his father, so he trusted them.

He only tolerated Rasputin because his son seemed to improve under the mystic's care, but he hated the man. He just feared losing his son more than he disliked this madman from BFE.

All Jews are leftists. No need to qualify.

They're called Karaites.

I'm into a history of philosophy podcast right now, and it just wrapped up Jewish and Muslim philosophy in the Middle Ages. The Karaites come from the same philosophical strain as the Islamic Ash'arites, who currently dominate theology in Islam.

The big difference between the Karaites and the Ash'arites is that while the Karaites rejected the rabbis, the Ash'arites rejected everything non-Islamic. Ash'arite theologians banned philosophy, which in the 9th century consisted of everything from metaphysics to geometry. It's why Islam is crazier now than ever.

And by non-Islamic, I mean everything but the Qur'an and the hadith. Even traditional Islamic theology got trashed for being too Aristotelian. Ibn Ash'ari was the primary inspiration for ibn Taimiyya, who would later found Salafism.

The filioque wasn't in the original Greek version of the Credo. It was added when it was translated into Latin, possibly deriving from a tradition in the west of expressly and emphatically emphasizing the union of Father and Son as a safeguard against Arianism.

From the time of Nicea until the 9th century, East and West regarded the difference purely of culture. In 810, the patriarch of Constantinople made it an issue for the first time.

It really is just a semantic split.

Photius of Constantinople, in 810, decided that the addition of the filioque constituted the creation of an alternate creed, and thus, a different religion. No one cared before then. Many a small local council (and a few big ones) had determined that it was just a cultural thing.


>not powdered ephedra stalks in heavy cream, flavored with pomegranate and honey

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