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2019-04-08 12:13:57 UTC

>Need to study up on AngularJS for tomorrow
>look up vids comparing angularJS with other versions cause other versions is what I know
>its all pajeets with 5 dollar mics

2019-04-08 12:14:16 UTC

Nuke fucking india already

2019-04-08 12:15:45 UTC

The funniest one was a pajeet using a female voice modulator

2019-04-08 13:19:50 UTC

Isn't angularJS deprecated in favor of angular?

2019-04-08 13:20:01 UTC

Found some american, he's doing additions as the first example.
Tries 1 + 1, then 2 + 1, etc, then suddenly

2019-04-08 13:20:28 UTC

Sorta kinda. But they keep supporting it cause a lot of older apps are written in AngularJS

2019-04-08 13:21:09 UTC

Rewriting a whole app takes a lot of resources

2019-04-08 13:21:22 UTC

Web development is hell overall

2019-04-08 13:22:02 UTC

Yup. But its the hell ive chosen

2019-04-08 13:22:11 UTC

Also its a well-paying hell

2019-04-08 13:22:24 UTC

From the things I have seen, Vue is my favorite framework

2019-04-08 13:22:27 UTC

Then AngularJS

2019-04-08 13:23:08 UTC

Ive yet to try Vue. Ive only tried React and Angular 2+ so far.

2019-04-08 13:24:28 UTC

The company that im being rented out to have their app written in AngularJS, so I have to spend the day looking at tutorials in order to get an idea of how AngularJS looks like. Its pretty primitive tbh

2019-04-08 13:24:39 UTC

Not that I mind

2019-04-08 13:24:59 UTC

It's not as much focused on components, and more on reactive bindings, I'd say

2019-04-08 13:25:34 UTC

Seems so, yeah

2019-04-08 13:26:45 UTC

Basically I was brought in cause I am basically the only guy in the company that knows PHP, and I dont even like PHP. But this means every time there's a client in need of a PHP dev, I'm the one that gets picked.

2019-04-08 13:27:19 UTC

Nobody likes php, specially now that there is such a separation between frontend and backend

2019-04-08 13:29:04 UTC

Really? Ive not used php for long enough to notice. Previously my work was mostly just editing stuff on Wordpress for whiny clients

2019-04-08 13:30:10 UTC

React, Vue, Angular, etc. all are focused on separating frontend and backend, so that the client only needs an API. Php kind of goes against this by mixing the backend and the generation of the html code in the same files

2019-04-08 13:30:31 UTC

Of course, it is still a quite relevant language,a nd can be used to simply offer an API

2019-04-08 13:49:09 UTC

I will find out what the project looks like tomorrow, but my guess is that php is used exclusively on the backend there. I just dont see the point of mixing two hybrid languages on both sides of the stack lol

2019-04-08 16:57:08 UTC

Few tutorials later, AnuglarJS is really dirty compared to Angular

2019-04-14 19:14:28 UTC

What do I hate more than women? Women in tech

2019-04-14 19:28:39 UTC

Kinda blurry, whats wrong with her coding?

2019-04-14 20:02:25 UTC

She's typed the same thing at least 3 times and each time has a "code not found" error.

2019-04-14 20:03:50 UTC


2019-04-14 20:34:05 UTC

Its a bunch of mostly incorrectly written console commands to change current directory and similar things

2019-04-14 20:34:51 UTC

It's like popping the hood and saying you're tweaking your car today

2019-04-14 20:36:08 UTC

She's trying to access the code folder but its saying no such directory, so she's going up and up trying to find that folder lol

2019-04-19 22:03:01 UTC

2019-04-23 18:05:46 UTC

tfw working in a Russian company

2019-04-23 18:08:51 UTC

I can't wait until companies develop a new type of input with >100000 choices with hundreds of continuous 4th dimensional parameters for gender selection

2019-04-23 19:36:31 UTC

Inb4 someone makes the input for gender a hex colour picker

2019-04-23 19:37:25 UTC

Tfw asshole client wants me to fix a list worth of stuff on their site, but im too lazy to make a dev environment

2019-04-23 19:52:00 UTC

>dev environment

Just use notepad and imagine colors or somethin lmao

2019-04-23 19:52:25 UTC

Lel, its a live webshop site

2019-04-23 19:52:33 UTC

If I screw this up I will lose all my shekels

2019-04-23 19:52:36 UTC

better roll d20

2019-04-23 19:52:55 UTC

no backups, we're going in raw

2019-04-23 20:35:11 UTC

Is it the same porting project to angular JS?

2019-04-23 20:55:46 UTC

Nah, its sidework

2019-04-23 20:56:09 UTC

I did some backups, clicked around, prepped stuff for tomorrow and logged 10 euros lol

2019-04-23 20:56:14 UTC

Then went home

2019-04-25 09:54:41 UTC

I'm really, really tired of seeing hindu doctors, PhDs and research staff saying generic, retarded stuff in answers to tech related questions

2019-04-25 09:54:58 UTC

Question: "What is the difference between a database and knowledge base?"

2019-04-25 09:55:15 UTC

My answer: "knowledge base" is an ambiguous term, usually used to refer to databases or collections of data that, in one way or another, contain "information about things", which is used by some program or whatever.
For example, we can store wikipedia and use it as a knowledge base. Or we can store a set of facts as triples <subject, predicate, object> as a knowledge base. A program could use those knowledge bases, for example, to infer how related two concepts are. For example, we could query wikipedia articles with each concept and then analyse how similar the retrieved pages are.

2019-04-25 09:55:38 UTC

The answer next to it, by "Hind Lamharhar": "Hi
The difference is knowledge. How?
A datab such relational can't be processed by machine it composes of a set of data without knowledge so human only can use it so if we add knowledge to it it can be processed by machine so like that we move from syntactic level to a level with semantic so we can can add automatic processes to use it
Hope that help you"

2019-04-25 09:55:57 UTC

Its always the typical buzzword ridden, useless answers from people who clearly don't do any actual work

2019-04-25 09:57:31 UTC

Well, if you want to sound convincing, don't use words like: "Some programs or whatever"

2019-04-25 09:59:42 UTC

It is just talking simply instead of adding unnecessary, meaningless fancy words

2019-04-25 10:03:48 UTC

There is informal and then there's simple.

2019-04-25 10:04:02 UTC

But yeah, his reply was pretty trash

2019-04-25 10:08:15 UTC

I also like some informality, if only to distance myself from retarded hindus that live off marketing buzzwords used to fetch funding. The typical ones with a pretty profile picture with a jacket and a blurred background who like to talk about "big data", "deep learning", etc etc

2019-04-25 10:18:36 UTC

They also link their linkedin lmao

2019-04-25 10:24:17 UTC

They're all status hounds.

2019-04-25 10:25:15 UTC

Its the only way you make it in that overpopulated shithole

2019-04-25 10:25:31 UTC

Yeah in India, sure.

2019-04-25 10:25:41 UTC

But they're just the same as soon as they get out.

2019-04-25 10:25:49 UTC

They don't have enough IQ to be multidimensional

2019-04-25 10:26:10 UTC

They're obsessed with this middle-upper class lifestyle.

2019-04-25 10:27:28 UTC

And the women are incredibly snobbish.

2019-04-25 10:28:19 UTC

I say that having known one for a large portion of my life who is, to check all the tickboxes, studying medicine. <:eksdee:558283291292336138>

2019-04-25 10:28:48 UTC

Well, thats where the snobbish hoes go

2019-04-25 10:29:07 UTC

The snobbish cunt from my class is studying medicine as well '

2019-04-25 10:29:19 UTC

She aint hindu dindu tho

2019-04-25 10:33:24 UTC

What class?

2019-04-25 10:36:38 UTC

School I mean

2019-04-25 13:09:14 UTC

I wish there was a way to filter results containing pajeets

2019-04-25 13:48:09 UTC

Someone could make a neural network that detects the pajeets in the pic and filters them

2019-04-25 13:50:45 UTC

No need. Im fairly certain you can program an algorithm to detect pajeet voice in a video

2019-04-25 13:50:53 UTC

Thatd be way easier

2019-04-25 13:51:22 UTC

All you got to do is get something similar to what YT uses to detect music and feed it a bunch of pajeet videos

2019-04-26 10:04:32 UTC

>tfw the practical classes I have to teach reach this amazing style level

2019-04-26 10:04:56 UTC

2019-04-26 10:05:32 UTC

I plan to expand the class to show students how to achieve some decent aesthetics

2019-04-26 10:05:35 UTC

2019-04-26 10:06:48 UTC

Getting better although the button should be changed to match the style as well

2019-04-26 10:07:45 UTC

Yep, only thing I didn't have time to change

2019-04-26 10:08:42 UTC

Also pagination usually goes to the bottom of the list

2019-04-26 10:09:23 UTC

No time? Oh well

2019-04-26 10:14:10 UTC

There, changed

2019-04-26 10:14:22 UTC

Generic dark button with inversed colors on hover

2019-04-26 10:15:37 UTC

It gets the job done

2019-04-29 11:35:50 UTC

I sure love opening >300MB text files to take a screenshot of some lines

2019-04-29 11:42:02 UTC

Why would you take a screenshot of text?

2019-04-29 11:47:28 UTC

For a ppt presentation for a conference

2019-04-29 11:47:43 UTC

Showing the output of a tool

2019-04-29 11:55:41 UTC

Presentations are truly the epytome of didactic art

2019-05-03 08:49:44 UTC

2019-05-03 08:58:41 UTC

SQL is not a software lmao

2019-05-03 08:58:58 UTC

Oh, it gets even dumber after that

2019-05-03 08:59:44 UTC

But surprisingly wholesome

2019-05-03 09:08:14 UTC

Truly a surrealistic hindu experience

2019-05-10 01:29:03 UTC

How do i get push notifications for discord again on s8plus android

2019-05-10 01:35:00 UTC

Reinstall app

2019-05-10 01:35:10 UTC

Or edit the notification settings

2019-05-10 01:35:16 UTC

Or unmute the server

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