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Maybe if you weren't so open about sex your son wouldn't be a violent pedophile rapist ree
Well his dad's fine with his daughter having sex on birth control pills at 18 he probably told his son it's fine to watch porn and masturbate all day
And his son got into weird fetishes
Yeah but she had her first boyfriend at 15 and they gave her condoms and pills
The climax of the story is the autist bursting into his sister's room while she's having sex
You're supposed to wait until marriage for sex, women don't have high sex drives so they can wait until marriage if you command them. You're just letting some bucko fuck you're daughter for fun
-waiting until marriage before having sex is common in most cultures for women
-women don't have high sex drives that's a meme
-I said that you can command your daughter to wait until marriage, not to have sex
women have low sex drives, that's why it's hard for men to get laid
if women had high sex drives it would be incredibly easy
heterosexuals would have orgies as gay men do
this is from webmd
"Men are more likely to seek sex even when it's frowned upon or even outlawed:
About two-thirds say they masturbate, even though about half also say they feel guilty about it, Laumann says. By contrast, about 40% of women say they masturbate, and the frequency of masturbation is smaller among women.
Prostitution is still mostly a phenomenon of men seeking sex with women, rather than the other way around.
Nuns do a better job of fulfilling their vows of chastity than priests. Baumeister cites a survey of several hundred clergy in which 62% of priests admitted to sexual activity, compared to 49% of nuns. The men reported more partners on average than the women."
well ok
well how about the fact that most prostitutes are women and most clients are men
ok hmm
here's some quotes from the councillor:
“Muslims, unless they are mixed families, they don’t have Christmas trees in their homes. Jewish people, like me, don’t have Christmas trees in their homes,” Isitt said.
"'I don’t want a poinsettia. It is a symbol of the Christian faith,' said Isitt, who also questioned the lighting of the giant sequoia in Centennial Square outside City Hall."(edited)
Coun. Sharmarke Dubow, who is a Muslim, said rather than offending many immigrants, Christmas lights can be an interesting aspect of a new culture.
did they make another ad with an Anglican praying with a rosary or no?
kind of odd flex praying to Allah while fighting against isis but ok
maybe that's true
syrian government you know
but I don't think those guys pray five times a day while fighting
reading up on alawites
However, since the early 2000s, Western scholarship on the Alawite religion has made significant advances.[18] At the core of Alawite belief is a divine triad, comprising three aspects of the one God. These aspects, or emanations, appear cyclically in human form throughout history.
dude they believe in a fidget spinner trinity
fidget spinner modalism trinity
just make these categories countries
sweden germany and turkey are the same country lol
analstan this is interesting
BB gun that kills
you had to pump it 1000 times, the back is an air canister. After you did so and attached it to the butt of your air rifle you would get about 20 good shots before it loses pressure. Guys used to pump three of these canisters for about two hours before they went into battle enabling them to get 60 good shots
plus the canister would literally get burning hot from the pumping and you had to handle it carefully
it was great though because they were using black powder at the time and you couldn't use a flint lock well in the rain, however you could use an air rifle. Also the gun had a very long range for the time effectively making it an early sniper rifle
that's bretty good
Got my first gun a week ago
marlin xt-22 bolt action rifle
I will
jk don't arrest me
*slaps gun
this fucker can shoot so many midgets
I should
this baby was the product of having to take a gun course for $160CAD, then having to pay the goberment $160, then actually buying the gun for $330
don't worry
I think if they banned guns they wouldn't physically take everyone's guns
they would just stop shipping them to canada
because banning guns is a civil war maybe
it's a lot harder to take someone's guns than to make sure they don't have a gun to start off with
1776 brother
uh uh red river rebellion brother
that was in manitoba normie
and he was metis
idk I'm trying to think about times that Canadians rebelled against the government
but I can't think of many
remember the FLQ brother oh here we go
1837 will commence again
>The Upper Canada Rebellion was largely defeated shortly after it began oops
1837 will not commence again
yeah we love sucking on the queens enormous sepulchre
actually though the queen's alright
I wish we had a king though
then the british empire would rise again
she wasn't even royalty
no but wait Prince Charles is next
and after that it's prince william
who married a wh*te lady
william will bring the british empire back, he was in the military
and he's like 30 so he's got lots of time
but he's got to wait until his equestrian dad is dead
ree but we used to own 1/3 of the world and now the third world owns us
the race mixer is seventh in line to succeed, so I think we're fine
was Harry's marriage even that bad though? Meghan Markle is half black, which will make Harry's children quarter black. Plus people always take the race of their father anyways so harry's children will be considered white
what was a lot worse about that marriage wasn't that she was black, but that she was american
are we killing quarter black people in the white ethnostate?
do we have to kill all non whites, why don't we all just have like 5 children and out breed everyone else?
Stop masturbating
wtf am I watching
why am I watching this
am I the cuck
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