Message from @baconandroid
Discord ID: 557350379449352192
Has science gone too far?
This is a neat kit
It's neat!
70 watts hybrid combo with one 12" speaker
Second-hand, I payed less than 100$ for it
marlin xt-22 bolt action rifle
shoot midgets with it
I will
jk don't arrest me
*slaps gun
this fucker can shoot so many midgets
you should burn 1776 into the stock
this baby was the product of having to take a gun course for $160CAD, then having to pay the goberment $160, then actually buying the gun for $330
Don't ruin the finish, get a dremel and then touch it up
You had to take a course for a .22
Just to have them take it away from you after the NZ case gets finished.
don't worry
I think if they banned guns they wouldn't physically take everyone's guns
they would just stop shipping them to canada
because banning guns is a civil war maybe
it's a lot harder to take someone's guns than to make sure they don't have a gun to start off with
Not in Canada it isn't.
Maybe the US
But we could very well be Australia'd.
1776 brother
Never happened in Canada.