Sad Blueman

Discord ID: 186650585142001664

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Watch it

He makes a joke about it

you watch david lettermen?

You watch nothing don't you?

South park is nice.

I remember they almost killed off kenny, and he was gone for almost a year'

@booshibonton What about Family Guy?

You watch it?

Short answer is, if they continue what they are doing now, war's gonna break out, all countries involved and plus it was discussed it would be nuclear war.

@booshibonton Brink of war, "Brink."


MK ULTRA, This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. When the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all.

@Black Thanos III If the white people we're Christians, and wanted to kill the Muslims, Muslims would win. They won before, they will probably win again.

oh snoop

@ashy bravo Did I ever tell the time, me and keith tried to rob the New Orleans bank, it was crazy Keith got his head stuck in the safe, and the percentage of the take, went down -100% :(((((

@CICADA3301 Stop, I know what your doing, I bet you think your superior to @AltCapRight because you can speak english and hes from other country and speaks English in different language.

@CICADA3301 Don't say the N word.

@ashy bravo We need guns.

Fuck hitler.


@ashy bravo Can you not, I get it words, words after words.

@ashy bravo Do you believe Trump is the 3rd Antichrist?

@Black Thanos III Please don't talk about Mental Illness, like don't doubt it, some people take it seriously.

@ashy bravo This is fucked up, fuck british police.

@ashy bravo What happen was a muslim man in manchester went on a stabbing spree, on new years eve, and when the police found he was muslim, they treated it as terrorism act, just because hes a muslim, if he wasn't probably be third degree murder, even though it is, it would be the charge if he was probably different religion or race.

@Uath Slow the fuck down billy the kid, turn your tone down.

There's never too much chocolate cake.

We need more chocolate cake.

Chocolate cake is good.

Ey b0ss, we need more chocolate cake.

That guy in the "Tone Photo." is the guy who was mean't to play the new dog on family guy, you know vinny?

It's just memes, never spammed just getting my Intel across.

Thank you.

@S.I.G You know the beatles?

@S.I.G Watch this, just a run down on one of the band member was replaced by a double.

If it's too long, I can just send you the trailer.

@ashy bravo What happen with Paul Walker? I know he passed away sadly in a car crash, but what's it about? Is it the theory where he was killed by the Illuminati?

@ashy bravo You gonna tell me?

What I heard, he was working on a charity, and found out none of the money wasn't going to the people in need, it was going to the company orchestrating it, he was gonna go expose them, but nope he died.

@Epic You work for epic games?

@ashy bravo He tried to exit the car, but the Porsche had malfunctions, like the seat belt was jammed preventing him from getting out.

@Frosty Good day sir.

@Frosty No not a place, to snatch the dangerous beasts, very dangerous indeed.

Haha, at least one comedian here.

@Frosty This place has no decency, because man has become so touched with greed, he has forgotten himself.

@oblick (LF Supp) You have wondered up to the darkest place, you walked young being, do you suggest to continue on this suspicious path or turn back home.

Great choice, please wait. *Loading Game......*

*Loading Complete* You are in the village of Ultra Villy, explore, find the power ups near the hut, also make sure you replenish your health, without any food you can pass out, have fun.

@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids Even when the British Police, do it. Fucking pricks.

@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids I just want money, we need a lot of money, so men and women also their children, can be happy and not worry for their futures, son we need more money, more indeed.


I once knew a person named keith, keith would be crazy, he'd rob goat farms just to suck on the goat's nipples, to see how they tasted. He even ran into a bull's area, near the run in Spain, so he could touch the udders, crazy keith.

No, "no" a strong word, a word that cats like to use, magnificent. Smashing word, also I'm a liar, a liar whose also a loud mouth, but when met in person, he shivers like a stick, in the struggling wind, I present my escape, bye now.

@booshibonton The thing about the clocks, is fucked up, the teacher can go fuck themselves for that, he made a experiment, but nope just because it looks like a bomb, and if it was a white person making it, there wouldn't be cops getting involved.

Did somebody say okay signs?

@The89thOptimist I remember a person, he was the 89th member of the optimist committee, but he got kicked out, for being convicted for arson and was sentenced to 25 years, for endangering other individuals. RIP

No, I heard that was a rumor, but the committee leader, was actually a homosexual, and he told his husband to dress like a woman, because he thought he was turning bisexual. Sad story indeed.

@The89thOptimist This was the face, of the 89th member when he found out the woman was actually a man, while this was happening, he slipped the you know, the thing, sad indeed.

Yes yes.

@S.I.G You mean Round Table, the pizza place? We getting Pizza, can we get Domino's instead?

Too be honest, I don't like pizza, can we go get fried chicken.

Or burgers, anything else besides pizza?

I guess we're going to Round Table's Pizza place, your paying right?

I'm pretty sure, Nelson Mandela invented the internet.

Know your knowledge.

Did you know White people are white?

I lied, their pink.

I'm Brown, so I don't get it.

No black magic.

Black Magic is strong son, man has become so invested with his demons, he decides to release it.


Fellow comrade.

come here, we go for drink

People who are shameless, who also support poperies, should be a crime.

If I see a white kid, acting tough, I'll beat him.

Especially where I'm from, white "tough" kids go "I'll shank you bruv, I swear down." shut the fuck up, and lay in the dirt, fucking kids.

@Uath Just stab them.

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