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socialism could only ever work in an extremely small nation anyways, so this argument is kind of pointless


it failed


also, thats communism

it ended pretty quickly ol

@Deleted User im talking about a stable nation where the majority of people arent starving lol

sure it might have been good for a few, but for the entire population it wasnt very good at al


youre only focusing on one event. are you even listening to what im saying

youre also disregarding the fact that the USSR nearly lost to the Nazis...


Im not really familiar with the event. Ill read up on it

ive only heard about it a few times

chopin, you do recognize that millions and millions of people died because of genocide and starvation, right?

that isnt a good thing

yeah, the cold war was mostly based on image overall tbh


im lost

mass starvation and government controlled media

i like the good of all; im not selfish


as much as I am a nationalist, I still worry for the citizens in NK

sorry Isolationist*

idk why i said nationalist lolol

I dont worry too much about war with NK

what exactly is the propaganda that were talking about that isnt true...

probably for the better...

Gorbachev was their best leader imo

bc im not a commie


what did I miss

theres no time you cant grow from it

did felt just join and then leave?

oh it doesnt say your name on the list for some reason

probably needs to be refreshed


drama isnt good for the soul

i dont think there are many left wing people here


why not

i only joined because i saw pol in the title

im willing to listen to any political ideals

felt, there are many different viewpoints from the left and right, so just because you might disagree on one thing the leftist say doesnt mean you are right wing

thats why i classify as Independent


but oh well\

yeah, immigration is a major problem there currently

some good ol ethos

or pathos...

i dont remember

its pathos

yeah, i think with the mass flooding of people causes some people to convert to extremest right

i would blame them to be honest, im not going to say its the immigrants fault that people are become nazis. I do think the immigration is a problem, but i dont think people should be joining fascist groups because of it

im not sure if thats the issue

i could that becoming popular though


true polly

Felt, the National Action group was banned?

lol chopin that would lead into another econimic crisis like in 2008


Felt, only some people think that way tbh

Like chopin said, the main reason they are allowing immigrants is for financial opportunities

they think at least

Felt, I suppose it depends on where you live and who you interact with

i could believe that


Well, actually that is a strong argument though

For example, in places like Finland (I thnk Finland), they are having major issues with the bithrate being so low.

and I mean like MAJOR issues

what exactly does that picture represent

American too

^thats why i think people should have valid reasons for blocking each other online

choping werent we talking about starving people in NK earlier ๐Ÿ˜†


i get your point tho


well, i think its more of a personal problem for me

@Robin thats what im saying

i have a wild cat idk what it is lolol


ive heard wojtek before

what is it?

ohhh ok

i think it was the bear

yeah it was the baer


what was its purpose

just as a rescue?

i thought it was gonna be like a killing bear that would kill hundreds of people during the war lol

lol "in order to provide for his rations and transportation, he was eventually enlisted officially as a soldier"


im confused on why this is called a leftypol tbh

why cant it just be a pol server


not a real good reason tbh

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