Message from @Panaffles

Discord ID: 330224824557371401

2017-06-30 05:41:56 UTC  

2017-06-30 05:49:35 UTC  

If private property did not create financial interests at odds with the state, then why would the state have to intervene ever? There is a clear contradiction here that is not resolved. Why? Because Fascism is the guard dog of the bourgeoisie and you are accepting its ideology.

2017-06-30 05:50:38 UTC  

Without Hitler there would be no Israel. You are not seeing this?

2017-06-30 05:51:06 UTC  

socialism could only ever work in an extremely small nation anyways, so this argument is kind of pointless

2017-06-30 05:51:14 UTC  


2017-06-30 05:51:33 UTC  

Was USSR a small nation?

2017-06-30 05:51:44 UTC  

it failed

2017-06-30 05:51:45 UTC  


2017-06-30 05:52:27 UTC  

also, thats communism

2017-06-30 05:53:03 UTC  

@Panaffles you don't know what perestroika is

2017-06-30 05:53:07 UTC  

>defeats 80% of Wehrmacht
OK boss.

2017-06-30 05:53:30 UTC  

it ended pretty quickly ol

2017-06-30 05:53:35 UTC  
2017-06-30 05:53:54 UTC  

I very much doubt that israel would still not exist without hitler, but anyways, it seems that humans will always clash with the state no matter what, the only way it would not is if the state was a magic utopia that made all happy under it's ideology, sadly no matter how many times you read the communist manifesto it will never turn out that way.

2017-06-30 05:54:00 UTC  

@Deleted User im talking about a stable nation where the majority of people arent starving lol

2017-06-30 05:54:21 UTC  

sure it might have been good for a few, but for the entire population it wasnt very good at al

2017-06-30 05:54:23 UTC  


2017-06-30 05:54:38 UTC  

>starving nation
>defeats 80% of Wehrmacht
Are Slavs superhuman?

2017-06-30 05:55:01 UTC  

youre only focusing on one event. are you even listening to what im saying

2017-06-30 05:55:22 UTC  


2017-06-30 05:55:33 UTC  

youre also disregarding the fact that the USSR nearly lost to the Nazis...

2017-06-30 05:55:56 UTC  

@Chopin#0138 >USSR
>Millions died from starvation in an attempt to industrialize
>Country is still masively outdated
>Manages to defeat hitler in the coming war
>Ends up in a competition with the US that in the end causes the country go fall apart and cause the disbanding of the union

2017-06-30 05:56:18 UTC  

It did.

2017-06-30 05:56:26 UTC  

>first man into space

2017-06-30 05:56:57 UTC  

There are reasons why it collapse. Most because they deStalinised

2017-06-30 05:57:09 UTC  


2017-06-30 05:57:50 UTC  

Stalinization was causing genocides and mass starvations, if they wanted to keep image they had to stop eventually.

2017-06-30 05:58:10 UTC  

@Panaffles you mister have to focus on another event.

2017-06-30 05:58:32 UTC  

Im not really familiar with the event. Ill read up on it

2017-06-30 05:58:43 UTC  

ive only heard about it a few times

2017-06-30 05:58:48 UTC  

Who care about image when you're a superpower

2017-06-30 05:59:30 UTC  

chopin, you do recognize that millions and millions of people died because of genocide and starvation, right?

2017-06-30 06:00:07 UTC  

Whatever the number is, it didn't seem to slow them down.

2017-06-30 06:00:16 UTC  

that isnt a good thing

2017-06-30 06:00:40 UTC  

You are going to have to care about image when there is another country that is ready to launch nuclear missiles at your country for any reason at any time.

2017-06-30 06:00:52 UTC  

Genocides and starvations would not help.

2017-06-30 06:01:03 UTC  

yeah, the cold war was mostly based on image overall tbh

2017-06-30 06:01:42 UTC  

@Panaffles billions been eaten by comrade Stalin right?

2017-06-30 06:01:51 UTC  


2017-06-30 06:02:00 UTC  


2017-06-30 06:02:09 UTC  

Why not trilluons