petit bourgeois
Discord ID: 181185032818262016
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yeah if you like burnt bodies
read the headline
plug them up with your dick
dicks are a spook
become emotionally detached to everyone
its like that for a lot of countries too
look at france
that's pretty true
i want to buy Squad but i don't want to talk to people
multi personality disorder is very interesting
i think its the brain trying to project like different scenarios and social constructions
and applying it in practice
need to read if ya gonna be a commie
ya not tryin to be a good goy then
you think its fragments of unstructured consciousness?
i have a partisan hammer and sickle pin on mine
because irony hahahahh
my wallet has all my dick pics
i think its a sort of unconscious social scenario playing out by force
that's interesting what's it called
probably not
its associated with a punishment
i think the majority of bdsm lovers weren't really physically abused or had a history of it
idk fetishes are weird and fluid
you ever see that girl who wants to fuck a ferris wheel
i care its interesting >:v
theres a chick who likes to sit on picket fences
and she gets off to that
wow if that doesn't get you wet idk what does
true sportsmanship
aw hell yeah
i like to fuck pictures of stalin
with a hammer and sickle
what part of germany are you at
what is going on lol
tradition is subjective, societies and cultures change everyday
people act like its such a fundumental process of everyday life, but actually tradition is vastly different through out the courses of years
antifa is a liberal agent now
and a rightist propaganda press
i was always confused on how the zielgerat worked
it just looked like a giant lamp
lol it looks so bulky and awkward
late nazi weapons are really cool
they made that automatic one that looked fucking awesome
it was a gewher variation i think
the gustloff vg1-5
is the one im thinking of
StG is awesome too though
the gustloff varients are so cool
so you said the StG didnt inspire the AK?
yeah thats true
the AK is like a PPSH and a StG having a baby
that's a necessity
sounds pretty *reactionary*
have you read state and revolution
you realize that most of lenin's work in that is just quoting and explaining marx and hegels quotes
and then applying it to political theory
ask marx lol
you need a transitionary method between captialism
workers still own means
the state just distributes it
democracy will die in communism
but in like full communism democracy would be a state apparatus
i mean
not entirely
worker controlled sectors should be democratically owned by the proliteriat
and the state should distribute the goods
and run the markets
are you a tito man
market socialism is ok in my book
it was never put into practice though
do both
thats not true
i like that pic
isn't fyre basically a rich concentration camp
promise caviar
i got a good name for it
should attract some cancerous people
my friend converted from ancap to egoist
because i shattered his idealogy
call it GOP conservative rally
wait thats white trash
@danman1950 i love your channel c:
hey you like supporting judeo-boleshevism too
lets hear it for that jewish agenda
judeo-boleshevism is basically "anything i dont really like or support"
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