Deleted Account 81241290a0u523

Discord ID: 406674077424680982

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@Alex the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist hello, maybe you would like to have a discussion about fascism here?

yes, but not in the traditional sense

what are you politically?

are you unironically homosexual?

how can you be a maoist?

communists countries have opressed homosexuals?

its some tiny company that this guy is sperging out over

Wanna know what country didnt oppress homosexuals?

Imperial Japan

I would argue that fascism is implicitly homosexual

of course you don't, you have the badabook as your avatar

>thinking that /pol/ fascism is real fascism

fascism is about the beauty of speed, violence, and death

it's not aobut the nuclear family meme and muh degeneracy

those are all lies created by /pol/ and hitler

That's why I don't so much call myself a fascist, futurist is a better term

when you troll a libtard epic style

facts **DONT** care about your'e feelings libtard @Mr. X

@Alex the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist I know you dumb retard, its called shitposting you illiterate kike

how is based ben shapiro so based?

@Mr. X tell me you dont want him to rape you, I dare you.

yeah, because you want to have consenual sex with him

so you DO want him to rape you?

but both would be even better?

you can't prove a negative, the burden of proof lies on the one making a claim

so you need to prove it did happen

@fannybandit the stock when down fucking .58%, how the fuck is it crashing?

its literally almost at an all time high

it just fell alot from the stock crash caused by bitcoin awhile ago

is he like actually autistic?

poles deserved it

"ur a sociopath because you don't share my political views"

@fannybandit if you were going to be a leader you wouldnt be in a fucking /leftypol/ discord you subhuman retard

also your fucking reading comprehension is borderline retarded

@fannybandit you would be dead because you should fucking kill yourself

okay so hitler can be fascist but pol pot can't be a communist?

@Deleted User not everyone is always talking to you

@Deleted User yeah but he wasn't talking to you

same with hitler

f you recall your history the Nazis came up with a "final solution" to the Jewish problem... kill them all. well incase you havent figured it out yet, I say, "K I L L M A N K I N D" no one should survive. we all live in lies. people are saying they want to live in a perfect society, well utopia doesnt exist. It is human to have flaws. you know what, Fuck it. why should I have to explain myself to you survivors when half of the shit I say you shitheads wont understand and if you can then woopie fucking do. that just means you have something to say as my reason for killing. and the majority of the audience wont even understand my motives either! they'll say "ah, hes crazy, hes insane, oh well, I wonder if the bulls won." you see! it's fucking worthless! all you fuckers should die! DIE! what the fuck is the point if onlu some people see what I am saying, there will always be ones who dont, ones that are to dumb or naive or ignorrant or just plain retarded. If I cant pound it into every single persons head then it is pointless. fuck mercy fuck justic fuck morals fuck civilized fuck rules fuck laws... DIE manmade words...people think they apply to everything when they dont/cant. theres no such thing as True Good or True Evil, its all relative to the observer. its just all nature, chemistry, and math. deal with it. but since dealing with it seems impossible for mankind, since we have to slap warning labels on nature, then... you die. burn, melt, evaporate, decay, just go the fuck away!!!! YAAAAAH!!!!


this commies are telling me gay shit

we should kill all commies

@Orwellian Hate Machine let me explain something to you okay you fat piece of shit. the reason that you shove your fat fucking face with food made from the suffering and death of animals is because you're too fat and fucking stupid to eat healthy. Seeing as you look today you will most likely die at 30 of a heart attack because you dont put down your fucking burger and pick up some berries. It's fucking pathetic how you justify killing animals just so you can be obese you dumb piece of shit. I hope you feel the same suffering and death you inflict on animals. Put your fucking chicken nuggets down and pick up some celerly and grape juice.

@Orwellian Hate Machine let me explain something to you okay you fat piece of shit. the reason that you shove your fat fucking face with food made from the suffering and death of animals is because you're too fat and fucking stupid to eat healthy. Seeing as you look today you will most likely die at 30 of a heart attack because you dont put down your fucking burger and pick up some berries. It's fucking pathetic how you justify killing animals just so you can be obese you dumb piece of shit. I hope you feel the same suffering and death you inflict on animals. Put your fucking chicken nuggets down and pick up some celerly and grape juice.

@Comrade Skeltal not gonna make your post, huh?

saw you typing, Hitler is against fascism

@The Crown#1959 epic post

Its basically jewish imperialism

idk, strasserism is pretty fascist

idk, strasserism is pretty fascist

nester mahkno was based @alines

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