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depends a lot of it was talked about in our old lefty pol thread here https://archive.fo/pRkxK

There was some reforms under Un but it remains mostly planned economy still and socialist.

Though also since their position in the world also keeps them within that way.

Their culture is very much tied to socialism. Like for example their don't hate the American people just the goverment.

And feel Americans are living under a horrible capitalist system ~~which i would say is true~~

on more from their lulz is that a lot of inof is "Saddam has WMDs tier"


where people supposedly executed magically come back to life.

Or the atrocity propaganda ranges on absured

such as saying that they execute people with Piranha filled tanks.

Piranha's don't actually eat people, that myth was started since IIRC some tribes person or someone wanted to show off to another and didn't feed them for several days making them ravenous more then usual

Un's actually been more "liberal" you could say. Trying to tone down the cult of personality.

The cult mostly exists on North Korean's free will. A lot of them were used to monarchs (Korean, Qing, Japanese) and thus were drawn to a "Strongman" similar to like Castro's, though the Kims have tried to tone them down.

One reason it exists is due to the Korean war.

Korea wants peace


Some sources in that doc and a LOT of them. There is a peace section in there.

But Korea would just like the U.S to fuck off personally.

There is a quote that is often mocked but it rings true "The days are over when our enemies could blackmail us with nuclear weapons." - Kim Jong Un

He knows that this nuke thing and their reputation is the only thing preventing out right annexation.

I think Un really has best intentions and is trying to reason with the U.S

to see if they can work something out to leave them alone.

Trump certainly is egotistical and dumb enough he could fall for something like that.

Yes that is the issue that is the elephant in the room.

The South is INCREDIBLY capitalistic.

On tinfoil hat levels some gone as far as to say its a USA corporate puppet, where rich and elites use it to study trends and test them

before moving onto other areas.

The North does want unification but it would be unlikely they would unite with a capitalist government.

need to get my link on South Korean salt mines.

Those hardly get talked about.

From presidential cult leaders, to arresting teen girls over gay animu porn, to salt mines.

Yes, they only show seoul mostly which is like an attempted copy of Tokyo

with all the glamour and animu and shit

but the government and society is highly repressive

anon just quoted the wiki article but it is true and why I don't recognize the South.

From the start a U.S junta was put in charge and its been closely watched via the USA.

I would go as far as to call it a colony.

The DPRK has legitimacy from this pre cursor government and organization that tried to set up a socialist state.

Several factors, one of them was the USA as their sugar daddy, others was economic snactions against North Korea, then the fall of the USSR.

North Korean used to be more open, though we have their idea of a hermit kingdom.

It was around late 80s early 90s they started to close off.

North Korea still sustains itself better then African nations that do get welfare as one /pol/lack pointed out.

You can sorta see this with like the Trump presidential debates

where he said "lmao lets give them nukes"

its the general policy of the USA to just throw money at their projects.

Its a similar story for unrelated nations like Israel.

Which a lot of people have pointed out how it survives so well to basically usa welfare.

South Korea was also under a right wing military dictatorship for a bit under Park. park chung hee

he was the dad or grandfather to the girl who got impeached

the one tied to the weird ass cult.

so even in worse korea there was this familia lineage.

Its something commented about a lot. North Korea also mentioned this on how Russia and Putin seem to be cozier to them which is strange.

Best way to describe it is "real politik"

China still wants a North Korea since they don't want to share a border with South Korea which is to them and rightfully show a U.S colony.

They still remember how MacArthur wanted to use nukes on them and overthrow the PRC and install Sheik back in

However they also want to be on good terms on the international stage.

So they have to keep this balancing act to condemn North Korea to seem good. It works sometimes too.

This was a bit ago and have since graduated but remember one class we were talking about current events and North Korea was doing more tests and nukes. And China stepped up to condemn them.

Lot of liberals started praising China as being the sensible nation who stood up and was able to at least tame the North to a degree.

I don't think China would ever YEET North Korea or their alliance. But they will shit talk it sometimes if they feel like it may net them some prestige and cookie points.

For trade they do like them, and in the cases of some people like the above it at least gives them some prestige.

I would be curious if Mao was in charge what his stance would be.

Since he seems like the type that would be a steadfast supporter of the DPRK.

I don't think its much slander when you shout out "goyim" like its just a new swear word you learned and its going out of style.


>Yeah, and North Korea is democratic because they have the word "democratic" in their name
I mean, North Korea has fair democratic elections all the time

Technically North Korea has more poltical parties in it then the U.S, which gives you a choice of two slightly different parties that agree on the same stuff 😎 👌

It's true,


That even South Korean parties won in the past. Which is funny since "democratic" USA you get a choice of what party will be bombing brown people for the next four years. 😎 👌

that is if you are not a western nation that does this.

popular example is a Belgian far right party I recall, was nearly winning.

In response Belgium made sure to enact this on them to cut them off.

Or the recent putsch in Austria

>white people bad

<missing the point this badly


>still missing the point this badly


Perhaps you could see the point that no nation in western hemisphere or with this "Western liberal democracy" would ever let a party that seriously challenges them in. Be that on the right or left. Even with the luaghably bad claims that Trump is a fascist.

No lib-dem would ever allow a fascist or a communist party to be in their system, at most.


Kek, Nazis didn't get a majority.

And it was over time that Hitler got into power, mostly due to Hidenburg, Hitler was given the position to sate the Nazis in hopes they would calm down. It was only when Hidenburg died that Hitler was "oh sweet this is pretty good."

nsdap had at most 36%

which leads to my point that Hidenburg got most of the power.

gave a poisiton to Hitler to make them happy

then when he died Hitler suddenly found himself in charge of the government

Yes no serious lib-dem nation would allow them to exist. This can be seen in the usa and with Trump. Most of his even more right leaning cabinet positions got the purge

Yes you rather cry about "muh white people" we got that mr e

probably not, white idents in america tend to fail badly.

too many civ nats in america for them to get proper pull

in Europe it works better

since that has historically well, been white.

but in America its harder and any gains that are made are just taken over by prager u types

that chant "libtards owned"

and libtards are the real racist

At first I thought it might rise, but then all the big names like Spencer and Jared started fall out of limelight.

and got overshadowed by trump being a major joke

offender seems to be thirdpos, which does try to be big brained centrist.

Jesus what a shit show.

is alt hypo related to the jewtuber alt hypo?

or are they different

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