Message from @(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ doom clit ♥

Discord ID: 604118083556081704

2019-07-26 01:02:49 UTC  

And feel Americans are living under a horrible capitalist system ~~which i would say is true~~

2019-07-26 01:03:25 UTC  

on more from their lulz is that a lot of inof is "Saddam has WMDs tier"

2019-07-26 01:03:43 UTC  

where people supposedly executed magically come back to life.

2019-07-26 01:04:11 UTC  

Or the atrocity propaganda ranges on absured

2019-07-26 01:04:32 UTC  

such as saying that they execute people with Piranha filled tanks.

2019-07-26 01:04:58 UTC  

yeah i've seen that pic before lol

2019-07-26 01:05:19 UTC  

Piranha's don't actually eat people, that myth was started since IIRC some tribes person or someone wanted to show off to another and didn't feed them for several days making them ravenous more then usual

2019-07-26 01:06:02 UTC  

Un's actually been more "liberal" you could say. Trying to tone down the cult of personality.

2019-07-26 01:06:45 UTC  

The cult mostly exists on North Korean's free will. A lot of them were used to monarchs (Korean, Qing, Japanese) and thus were drawn to a "Strongman" similar to like Castro's, though the Kims have tried to tone them down.

2019-07-26 01:06:52 UTC  

One reason it exists is due to the Korean war.

2019-07-26 01:07:03 UTC  

what is kim trying to accomplish with trump anyways

2019-07-26 01:07:35 UTC  

Korea wants peace

Some sources in that doc and a LOT of them. There is a peace section in there.

2019-07-26 01:07:48 UTC  

But Korea would just like the U.S to fuck off personally.

2019-07-26 01:08:16 UTC  

There is a quote that is often mocked but it rings true "The days are over when our enemies could blackmail us with nuclear weapons." - Kim Jong Un

2019-07-26 01:08:39 UTC  

He knows that this nuke thing and their reputation is the only thing preventing out right annexation.

2019-07-26 01:08:52 UTC  

I think Un really has best intentions and is trying to reason with the U.S

2019-07-26 01:09:02 UTC  

to see if they can work something out to leave them alone.

2019-07-26 01:09:16 UTC  

well, wouldn't that be better achieved by simply pursuing reunification with the south? granted, the two vastly different ideologies is another can of worms on its own

2019-07-26 01:09:16 UTC  

Trump certainly is egotistical and dumb enough he could fall for something like that.

2019-07-26 01:09:35 UTC  

Yes that is the issue that is the elephant in the room.

2019-07-26 01:09:36 UTC  

hasnt trump also backpedaled on talks with kim before

2019-07-26 01:09:50 UTC  

The South is INCREDIBLY capitalistic.

2019-07-26 01:10:13 UTC  

On tinfoil hat levels some gone as far as to say its a USA corporate puppet, where rich and elites use it to study trends and test them

2019-07-26 01:10:19 UTC  

before moving onto other areas.

2019-07-26 01:10:43 UTC  

The North does want unification but it would be unlikely they would unite with a capitalist government.

2019-07-26 01:11:29 UTC  

south is basically a dystopia at this point

2019-07-26 01:11:48 UTC  

moreso than the media's portrayal of the north

2019-07-26 01:13:07 UTC  

need to get my link on South Korean salt mines.

2019-07-26 01:13:14 UTC  

Those hardly get talked about.

2019-07-26 01:13:42 UTC  

From presidential cult leaders, to arresting teen girls over gay animu porn, to salt mines.

2019-07-26 01:13:52 UTC  

isn't south korea full of slums and 3rd world-tier ghettos and shanty towns outside of seoul and the major cities

2019-07-26 01:14:40 UTC  

Yes, they only show seoul mostly which is like an attempted copy of Tokyo

2019-07-26 01:14:46 UTC  

with all the glamour and animu and shit

2019-07-26 01:14:56 UTC  

but the government and society is highly repressive

2019-07-26 01:14:59 UTC

2019-07-26 01:15:15 UTC  

anon just quoted the wiki article but it is true and why I don't recognize the South.

2019-07-26 01:15:35 UTC  

From the start a U.S junta was put in charge and its been closely watched via the USA.

2019-07-26 01:15:43 UTC  

I would go as far as to call it a colony.

2019-07-26 01:16:11 UTC  

The DPRK has legitimacy from this pre cursor government and organization that tried to set up a socialist state.

2019-07-26 01:17:31 UTC  

how did the south manage to outclass the north economically? it was inferior to the north for a long time