卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐

Discord ID: 307551173794070529

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Nice posters

^^^ this

I saw people grilling in the Lee park at the multicultural fest

Or at least next to it

A few moments later...

I like it. I saw somewhere someone said that we let our Pepe meme out for a little while to gather up some Normie's but now it's time to take it back

@Hand Banana I think we should prepare as if we expect 300 feral nogs to come fight us tbh

@everyone: lets show Dr Duke our love and support and get this trending: https://twitter.com/heimdulf/status/881041542709886976

Diseases are fueled by the food you ingest [transfats,pesticides, factory farming]. When the body stops eating, you stop fueling the cancer. You stop fueling the degenerative processes....fasting allows the body to produce stem cells that heal and strengthen the body." - Dr. David Duke

"Everyone has a doctor in him; we just have to help him in his work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ...to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness." -Hippocrates

Fat around your midsection is a sickness and a precursor to diabetes, liver, kidney, and heart disease

Fuck those people. They don't matter. At all. I agree, we should be spending our energy focusing not on our enemies but our own minds bodies and spirits. People will be attracted to the aesthetic of our power, strength, and self discipline.

I wonder how long it's going to take for someone at work to recognize my bloodandsoil.org wristband

I think we're going to need extra lighter fluid... https://twitter.com/westernidentity/status/881631349261684736

I have a suspicion that we will encounter a welcome party of feral niggers and antifa. Unfortunately cops there will be instructed to arrest our guys first.

Well when I was down there with the proudboys a pack of niggers were talking shit to us and when a 300 lb gorilla rushed me and @Stormer DC I was the one that got physically snatched by the cops and threatened with arrest (for putting my hands up in self defense)

Just cut a piece of 1/4" plywood into a circle and attach straps. Even better hammer about 200 rusty nails through the back for extra defence.

No it's a felony to cover you face to conceal your identity in VA

Snowboard goggles and helmet will give good coverage and protection too

Jack Posobiec is such fat a lier. Nowhere does that NJ DOJ page mention IE or VA as a "Domestic Terrorist Organization"

Happy Independence Day!

Some interesting Rockwell history I stumbled upon:
"On June 22, 1960 Rockwell presented his argument before a New York judge to obtain a Fourth of July rally permit at Union Square. After the hearing, Rockwell gave a press conference and answered a few questions. In response to a reporter, Rockwell said that 80 percent of the Jewish population in America were Communist sympathizers and were therefore traitors who should be gassed. The Jews in the crowd lost all composure and began to assault Rockwell in the presence of the media. He was given a protected escort out of New York City and never received the permit to hold the rally. Rockwell was later indicted for incitement to riot on a warrant which remained open for years."

The Jew cries out in pain as as he strikes you.

😡 Wtf is that nigger replacing it with?

Glad I took a photo of the original.

@MadDimension are you going to tweet that?

"charged with felonies people covering their faces to escape the fumes." 😂

"charged with felonies people covering their faces to escape the fumes." 😂

"charged with felonies people covering their faces to escape the fumes." 😂

mr bond is nigger music tbh

I like how Azov deals with Communists Jews https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d6d_1429923585

Great presser @MadDimension! The press sure won't talk about how antifa, surj, and antifa run around screaming fuck the police.

Can't wait to meet them.

Make racial terror lynchings great again!

Just look at all those normal happy white people

Taking the soap is fine. It's included in your rate. Stealing towels and bed linens on the other hand is what niggers do.

"keep pickin boy!" [whip cracks] 😂

Hitler started with only a small number and faced huge antifa communist opposition. Anyone saying that the swastika has too much baggage is only giving in to the Jewish lies that Hitler actually did anything wrong.

It's not about holding on to some past the swastika is a powerful symbol of our people and cucking on it ibecause of what normies might think is holding back our progress.

Who cares what the world is ready for. The world never wants to see radical change take place. faggots and trans freaks got accepted in the mainstream by parading their radical agenda and symbols in the streets

@wyatt What's your opinion on Rockwell?

"By being a Nazi, with the Swastika, I would also gather the only kind of people I wanted around me: the tough, dedicated idealists ready to fight for those ideals and give their lives, if necessary. And even more important, I would automatically scare off the millions of blabber-mouths, cowards, fools and crackpots which infest the rest of the 'movement'. The Swastika would probably not bring me many supporters, but those who came would be men." -George Lincoln Rockwell

No he was murdered

The quote is still true.

Plus Rockwell was shot by a crypto jew which I believe there are a lot more of in this movement than was in his

Maybe if we actually had 1000 strong fit fighting men with swastika armbands and flags we would instill some fear and they would take us seriously instead of a bunch of marshmallow gut faggots

Come on, why chop off the best part of the flyer?

delete that kike bullshit and get back in the kitchen

haha, it was just a bantz

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