Discord ID: 468136097206239243
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some random trippy thing I just threw up because it looked cool
I recognize, respect and agree with yours however
if I could I'd vote for him
CA, far right, wordpress
I just want to find out who I should vote for in midterms
and when/where
fullchan election general
and MAGA
cali ofc
wait so did our midterm already occur or what's going on
I see
how can I find it?
nvm, found it
wait so what is the next election I can participate in
november 6th?
reading up on Duncan Hunter
(gonna have to hold my nose to read anything a politically viable "right winger" believes)
yeah I'll vote for him, just at a glance he seems okay
he's solidly center left
which is a far cry better than extreme fringe left like the normal GOP
I don't honestly care if he shaved off some campaign money for himself, as long as he shifts the overton window rightward he's got my vote. I'll mark nov 6 and make sure I'm all registered up and ready. Thanks all
usually I recommend people online use timestamped eye color pics
CA/altright/20s/the wordpress, linked on 8pol/if and only if there's a candidate worth a shit
hey all I'm CA-50 can somebody tell me who's /ourguy/?
ok. Sorry just since I'm retarded, when is it?
noted. And what's the election called exactly?
Okay so: note to self, nov 6th, vote for Duncan Hunter, midterm election
so straight ticket it?
I'll do it, shame he isn't pro minority abortion though
need to shift the overton window a few clicks before something like that will be tolerated though
yeah I know
hey there are two really important ideas to shift the overton window that I've been following
first is meshnet. I think altright ought to adopt it way early, colonize it, and get out from under corporate SJW censorship
uncensoreable plaintext html over Gotenna is probably better than incremental shifting to the right on mainstream websites within whatever parameters Google will allow, although both should be done in parallel, and after enough people adopt meshnet the bandwidth would scale rapidly especially with things like skycoin incentivized mesh. Then we'd all have an internet that not only is not censored, but cannot be censored - a whole internet of /pol/, gab etc. I don't think I have to tell you what a boon that would be.
secondly, I heard on rumor that there is a right wing social networking app in operation in southeastern Europe. Apparently it's some decentralized blockchain thing that allows people to get on, discuss their candidate options and the issues, direct vote on issues, and pool btc. Then, once they decide their platform, they decide which candidate they like, and then have some way where that candidate gets a steady trickle of those btc donations paid out to them. Then the app transforms into a streamlined "how to vote for /ourguy/" guide tailored for each individual's parameters, and after they vote the dude in, the second they fuck up they get their funding withdrawn. For smaller scale issues on the order of "contact your congressman," they have the community direct vote on it and then once they've decided the app turns into something like "Tap here to email your congressman" and just streamlines the whole right wing activism process. An American version of that would allow bypassing of the normie overton window entirely. Enough altrighters doing it would get shit done /fast/, because it literally makes it "do our agenda to the letter or you're fired."
just throwing that idea out there since you folks have made yourself into a political hub, those are honestly ideas that need to get out. Please consider them carefully.
thirdworldperspective what race are you
so what is that, like, mediterannean euro mixed with arabic/north african?
sorry it's just very important for me to know the racial background of people I'm listening to, it helps put all of it in perspective
what color skin, eyes and hair do you have
so you are light brown then
yeah light brown
and chub fingers
that's sexist
gender is a social construct
it's very problematic of you to promote false notions like """"gender""""
did you get your gender politics from fox news or what
everyone is a little bit gay
that's what all the social science says
you are probably in denial, yeah
I mean, since homophobia is correlated with suppressed homosexuality
what was your original chat with hagel about
abrahamic religion is also polygamist
which is sexist
and oppressive
abraham had many wives and concubines, and islam actively practices that, which oppresses women
how are you going to handle your sexism
you clearly have an extraordinary amount of white male privilege to think abrahamic religion is not even problematic. You're dog whistling hard
@tao lin let's talk about your privilege
according to this you are in the top 44.8% of the world for being able to afford a computer
yeah I could understand how a fox news fan like you would be resistant to science and facts
here you are in a supposed "leftist" server pushing abrahamic sexist female oppression religion using your white male privilege
this is appalling
@here please be aware of @tao lin pushing oppression of women, false notions of gender, and white male privilege. I think he may be a right wing troll, he said he is a fox news fan
@here @tao lin has now begun using racism to continue enforcing his white male privilege and abrahamic, religious right oppression of women. He is a definite right wing troll
national anarchism <jk>
yes he is unwilling to discuss the other factors because he doesn't want to discuss his white privilege or his male privilege
he only wants to discuss the parts of leftism that benefit him
there is a racist here @DA GOMMIE JOO
this guy literally says he likes fox news and uses racial slurs and promotes oppressing women
I came here hoping for civilized, educated discussion of only what a moral and informed person would believe, only to find Faux News fanboys preaching literal nazism
@DA GOMMIE JOO why would a fed bother this place? we're on the right side of history
@tao lin you have not sufficiently distanced yourself from it
you have insufficiently proved your dedication to good, moral behavior
@Hagel this uneducated flyover bumpkin thinks socialism is only economics
he has no idea about intersectionality in the slightest
I bet he hasn't even read Staying With The Trouble
your politics are so shallow you may as well have been
@tao lin sorry for offending your fragile masculinity
that doesn't remove your male privilege you know
you still literally were born a biomale
you must have strong shoulders from carrying that knapsack of privilege
yeah it's not like the religious right ever burned anyone alive or r*ped them or anything
you know, @tao lin 's people
your ignorance and hatred are the shitshow, friend
literal genocide
what the fuck is this
he just said a whole people deserve to be bombed and slaughtered
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